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Everything posted by cobaltgrc

  1. Yeah, what the heck? I just started playing CSS again after a long hiatus -- so I started up my steam client and I thought I was going to play some GC scopeless, but guess what? It was empty!!! EMPTY??? How? scopeless used to be so popular back in the day... where'd all the love go? Anyway, I was playing on one the GC scoped servers and everyone was playing with an AWP -- it was not enjoyable. Scopeless is the WAY TO PLAY. Where is everyone?
  2. Save my money for a PS3? Heck no. I'm not really a console guy, as I love my PC, so the only console I might be sinking my money in is the Wii. Then I'll use the extra money I save on actually affording games.
  3. cobaltgrc


    Agreed J. Dunlavy. I'm already used to the name Wii. It's going to be a great console.. and it'll be the first one I'll be picking up in a long time. Last console I owned (and still own) was a Sega Genesis. I'm really looking forward to the Wii.
  4. cobaltgrc


    The more and more I think about it the more I realize that the name 'Wii' is genius. I hope they keep it.
  5. cobaltgrc


    I think the name is so mind blowingly bizarre that I'm starting to like it. I mean who names their product 'Wii'? It's just really wierd and bold of Nintendo.. plus the Wii is going to be a sweet system and at $200 (rumor) it's worth picking up.
  6. cobaltgrc


    I'm suprised nobody is talking about it here.
  7. The last round of that game that mookie has a picture for was amazing.. the bomb got planted pretty early so a lot of people on boths sides were still alive. One CT would run for the bomb, and then a T would defend it only to get mowed down by another CT. I died pretty early on in the last round so I was watching this domino effect happening as bodies started to pile up around the bombsite. Very intense, very thrilling, it was great! A fast paced map.
  8. wo0t! great news! I just played this map tonight and it was another close, close game which was awesome. The CT's (the team I was playing this time) made an awsome comeback to bring the game to 9-9, but at endgame the T's brought it. I really enjoy this map.
  9. This map was in the customs rotation last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The game play was intense, I didn't feel lost, and most of all this map felt fair for both sides. Rushing to either bombsite was tricky and entertaining and when the bomb was finally placed it felt as if the CT's could come at us at any direction! Which gave me an uneasy feeling but at the same time made our need to win all the more desperate. At first, the map confused me because it didn't feel like a tradtional CSS map, however, each round I was able to make my way to the bombsite without much delay, which means that this map has great flow. Finally, at the near end of the game both teams were neck and neck, with a score of 9-9 rounds, another good sign. A good balanced custom map seems so hard to find. I'd really like to see de_beroth in rotation on scopeless for at least a little bit. I really had a blast playing it. And thanks for a great customs map night! It's might favorite weekly CSS event. -cobaltgrc
  10. mine is, can anyone guess? that's right: cobaltgrc is there a list of friend names of the regulars who play on GC servers? I'd like to have Dr. Doom, Shazzz and others on my list. Oh yeah, and Norguard
  11. yeah the price is better then I thought it was gonna be.
  12. I second the 3.5/4 Stars. Good movie, fun ride.
  13. 4/4, perfect zombie movie. It beautifully blended my two favorite genres: zombie horror and post-apocalyptic humanity
  14. I'd like to see this map in rotation cause I don't think I've played it enough with good ping.
  15. cobaltgrc


    more jokes plz.
  16. cobaltgrc


    good joke, well played. *golf clap*
  17. yeah, I love this map. Hopefully they fix it.. It's a wonderful place to TMP.
  18. In truth I did this to spare the CTs. There was no way they could stop us while I was alive. Out of fairness for the game of Counter-Strike and the quality of the Gamers Coalition Scopeless server I committed the act of spawn attacking, knowing that it would kill me, and in turn prevent me from playing an active role in that round. Thus the CT's were able to pull one victory, received cash and morale, and create a challenge for the magnificent Terrorist team. I love challenges. Alright FINE, maybe that's a load of bull. I stand before you humbled.
  19. I love a bunch about scopeless. Firstly I love that it is scopeless, no stupid auto-sniper. I love killing norguard and outsmarting Dr. Doom. I love the team work and all the regular pubers and GC members. I love custom map night. and most of all I love the TMP and the ability of using it without being gundowned by Awpers.
  20. make sure the server has the updated version of this map. We don't want any sky walking skywalkers walking around in the sky now do we?
  21. Yes, Go College indeed. It is part of the reason I have fallen from my proper place as King of the TMP. There are currently three cunning warriors above me in the TMP ladder. Their reign will soon end.
  22. it's already up on some of the servers out in interspace. I played a few rounds and I had a good time. I was reading the steam forums and it looks like this map might have alot of exploits: http://img22.echo.cx/img22/1768/dedustpcg00009ex.jpg
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