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Everything posted by Blue_eCLIPSe

  1. Alright. whats the reason for reserves? It keeps people from waiting inline for auto-rejoin. I would rather see the gc's just kick the guy that has the lowest time in when he wants to join, thatd suit me better, anny comments?
  2. They seem to have removed the top of the ladder and the garage door and invisible floor above the door at b on train, grrr.
  3. What type of model do you use? Ive tried left handed models, get dizzy, are there any benifets to this?
  4. I actually have respect for mayg0t, they do what they do best, they have fun, thats what this games all about.
  5. ALSO, if anyone has hammer figured out, adding more spawn points is a sinch.
  6. Whats up guys, i mean, i get banned, then unbanned, then banned, then unbanned, then banned again, are you admins just fighting or are you coming up with NEW complantes about me?
  7. Thought I was unbanned quote All I'm looking for is some honesty and your initial post did not reflect it. If you got banned for avoiding filters and mouthing off, then just say so. I appreciate your quote above. Fair enough. I'll remove it later tonight, unless another admin sees this first and removes it sooner. Keep it clean and if you see irresponsible behavior, chat 'em up or post up. /quote Im still banned
  8. All I can say is its now out of my hands. As you can see Clue said that Im not a horrible foul mouthed person, and you prolly dont notice me while your playing. Im sorry for what I did, It WONT happen again, I'll never do what happend again. If you unbann me you wont be sorry.
  9. Kitty has been on your servers once back in the day, and hatted it. He thought the rules were bull. His argument was that this is a M rated game, and there for every one is/should be over 17 years old, or who ever BOUGHT them the game made the desision that they are M. I agree and dissagree. The big deal? I like your servers in the fact that theres always people on there, they feel, at the risk of sounding ghey, hommy, I love the big game server, I like your admins, im truely sorry for what I have done, and I'll do anything that I can to get back in ---regards
  10. What about fluffy kitten? Hes pretty cool, other than that I know no one on your server.
  11. and heres a few of the text pluses I shot out with the t key (155): L0322038.log(77): L 03/22/2005 - 16:20:54: "Generic Blue Eclipse<2><STEAM_0:0:5115521><CT>" say "admin, kick him, hacking, ghost him, his screen is twicty" (147): L0322035.log(392): L 03/22/2005 - 16:18:24: "Generic Blue Eclipse<247><STEAM_0:0:5115521><TERRORIST>" say "ahah nice nade" (132): L0322035.log(309): L 03/22/2005 - 16:15:42: "Generic Blue Eclipse<247><STEAM_0:0:5115521><TERRORIST>" say "a+" (100): L0322033.log(631): L 03/22/2005 - 15:56:46: "Generic Blue Eclipse<247><STEAM_0:0:5115521><CT>" say "pks, get out of spawn, you have a objective (64): L0321026.log(618): L 03/21/2005 - 15:50:30: "Generic Blue Eclipse<54><STEAM_0:0:5115521><TERRORIST>" say "thats not hacking, he had his knife out" (calmed him down b/c he was screaming HAXOr!!) (54): L0321026.log(451): L 03/21/2005 - 15:42:48: "Generic Blue Eclipse<54><STEAM_0:0:5115521><TERRORIST>" say "working as a team"
  12. Time, well, I have no clue to this, I never got kicked with a message. I signed off withno complants, then I went to rejoin this morning, it said I was b4nn3d. Server? The stock on that starts with r's
  13. I remember playing with him, not only did he just camp, he hardly ever got ne kills, and was very inmature about getting killed.
  14. 0:0:5115521 Generic Blue Eclipse No clue why this happend, but says im banned.
  15. Okay, I seen a reg get into the rafters at ct spawn. Its a bad camping spot for ct's, but i love finding places to hide, for when im playing alone lol. Please tell me. He said there was a thread about it on the fourms, but I cant find it.
  16. What if one get hung up, and you rescue three, can you kill the fourth to get teh win?
  17. Speak up, let yourself and your gamer tag be know, and i'll keep a eye out for ya! Also, do all admins where the gc tag?
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