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Posts posted by stutters

  1. bane-


    i've been guilty of having a bad day at work, get yelled at by the girlfriend, the dog ate my yoda action figure, and then go play on gc only to get tk'ed. fact is, the game can be as frustrating at times as it is enjoyable.


    however, like you've mentioned, gc is a unique gaming community. it's fun, it's clean, and it's usually well admin'ed (and if it's not, the forums never sleep). on top of that, the people that populate the server almost always facilitate that positive experience.


    some days are bad days. most days aren't. look forward to seeing you around.



  2. if you're willing/planning to relocate, craigslist is a GREAT resource. the default area is san francisco bay area, but notice to the right the list of cities--there are tons of em. find one that you like, then click either Jobs or a particular section (admin/office, internet engineer'g, etc). i've found it better to scan the entire jobs section as most people don't categorize on any standard.




    good luck.


    ps - the gigs section of craigslist (lower right) is always a good resource, too. temporary, but i've had permanent work come out of it. they also have a specific gigs->computer section...

  3. coulda sworn the sony version of the ipod featured radio reception. there website doesn't really market that feature, though (link).


    i haven't been able to collect enough soda cans to buy an ipod, so i dunno about that either. but when that glorious day finally arrives, i'd like to know the answer to your question also.

  4. had a client with similair problems. resolved it easily by:


    1. updating wNIC to latest drivers

    2. disabling WEP.

    3. disable SSID broadcast.

    4. create unique SSID.

    the problem died after this. but, if it continues/resurfaces:


    5. update router to latest firmware.


    might have been dumb luck, but worked for this scenario.

  5. for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. simply - wait it out and it will balance. it does, though, hurt on the stats (and *cough* pride). i most definetly wouldn't go as far as accusing admins or regulars of stacking...although a few definetly have their comfort zone as ct's.


    there's another (offensive) server i regularly play on that has a map rotation every 30 minutes, 20 rounds, or first team to 12 (generated by 'timeleft'). it's the best means of keeping the game fresh that i've seen. if i find out what plugin that is, i'll pass it along, unless you're in love with mani.

  6. i for one like the current options....so far as they don't get abused. some people are so rationale when tk'ed and pounce all over the slay. good ol' admining is a great thing, but this works as a great supplement.


    and hey, at least we don't have the burn the tk'er option. it's funny the first time, but then just annoying.


    and i know it's not related, but i'm not a huge fan of the timeleft/nextmap echoing to only one player.



  7. mygOt distributes step by step instructions the average aol user could follow on how to ruin an otherwise enjoyable game. it requires no understanding of the exploit, little thought, and clearly no judgement. if you have the ambition to discover (and responsibily report) these bugs, by all means, do--just do it on a private lan server, that you administer, with willing particpants.


    this information stems from the same group giving howto's for being a jerk on forums, poker games, and in everyday life. if you really find a strong attraction, perhaps you could see how welcoming mygOt is, either through recruiting or their forums.


    at any rate, there seems to be little potential for positive conversation on this topic from here out.



  8. big big fan of temerarious. i can deal with occassional choke....although it is a bummer when admins are gone for the night, the server is still running full, and hacks/tk's/cussing/offensive nicks start showing up. personally, i've been defaulting to temerarious, then going to the others if teams aren't up to par.


    if it's a matter of finance, then yeh, drop back to mayhem/recrud. if you can't afford #3, how about the 28 player suggestion....on both? it'll be interesting too see if there is room on 2 servers with the current config if tem does close down. that'd be a good way to inspire more reserve purchases, but with an avg ping = 100, well, we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.


    or, how about considering more admins? maybe those that stay up late...*cough* or live on the west coast *cough*

  9. temerarious seems to be the script kiddies new after school hang out spot.


    to the gc admins who keep making quick work of throwing out the trash, thanks.


    active admins really do make it a fun server (even if you can't swear ;p)

  10. When I try to use the search feature on any of the stats pages (Mayhem, Temerarious, or Recrudescence), I get the following message:


    "No input file specified" with a url of


    The subdirectory seems to be missing... (e.g. should be .


    I'm not sure why this is happening, I would guess it has something to do with the form action. Maybe hardcoding the entire url would help (and I would think it would be going to player.php instead of index.php)

    <form action="/temerstats/index.php" method="GET" style="margin: 0px">


    <form action="" ...>


    <form action="" ...>


    [end randomThought/]

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