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Posts posted by Shadowman

  1. So I recently reformated my computer due to problems a few days ago, and now after going installation crazy, I cant find my HL2 disks anywhere. Ive combed my entire house and no luck.



    So now I need to go out and buy a new HL2. Lame. See you all whenever i get the darn thing.

  2. Very nice effects and editing for first time around K-wix. But to restate what Norguard said, try messing more around with the framerates. Slower kills with a weapon like the shotgun, seeing the ragdoll effect, in slow motion would be a sight for all to enjoy.


    And as for the clan-specific ones, I think that'd somthing cool to do. Have each member of the clan use their favorite weapon or something. EX: Me with shottie, you with FAMAS. Things like that mebbe.

  3. Aye, good luck over there Kilz, you'll be in our prayers while your over there. Stay safe and come back and kick our asses some more eh?


    Just do everything you do in CS:S and you should be fine. Best of luck.

  4. Well today while surfing the information superhighway, my computer apperantly got annihalated by spyware and viruses. Now thanks to AdAware and Norton Ive gotten rid of most of the stuff, but Im still getting error messages about RunDLL, cant even open my task manager, and everytime I run any anti-spyware program it always finds more of the same file.


    Im dumb with computers, so any help would be nice. Should I give up and reformat? Or any other ways out there?

  5. Great manipulation - love the eye itself, I wonder how it'd look on a real person. Its been changed so much its hard to tell where it came from.


    Well after I did this piece, I'm thinking about trying to do it on my entire face or entire body shot.

  6. Im not to big of a fan of anime, granted there are a few gems out there. So much anime is exacltly like every other anime, and it kind of ruins it. And some fans of anime just take it too far and ruin it for everyone.


    But otherwise I like the Gundam series.

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