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Posts posted by EbilDustBunny

  1. Heh what about HAND CUFFS (heh kinky... I know) like you get some cash if you capture a T or CT ! And you get also some money for freeing a teammate! Like... if you hand cuff you can still runn around but most likely if you don't listen to the guy that tied ya you'd be a dead man. (bunny too) blind folds might be another thing to consider... because we can't be like "Ahhh they have me hostage in <location>! Two guards!"


    And if you succeed in keeping them hostage until the end of the round maybe a bigger bonus would follow. LOL... much pwnage if you can capture an entire team.


    Tear gas and gas maskes... no explantion needed.


    I wonder what situtation would make a capture the flag type game...

  2. what i always thought would be awesome and prolly woundt be too hard to do was, when the bomb is on the ground, and you're a ct, if someone on your team sees it, then it will appear on ct's radar. or maybe if, a ct "steps" over the bomb then it will appear in the ct's radar.


    yeah that would be nifty... like maybe if they try to defuse it shows on radar!


    Another thing even though I'm pretty much always a CT... but yeah I agree with BigBones... Ts should be able to move hosties. Or even better give them some type of AI! Like if they hear i gun shot they all get down on the floor! There should be like special command menu for hosties... Like "back up!" "get down!"... "open that door and peek out to see if it's clear :biglaugha:"


    And what about teargas... that would be crazy you vision get crazy and slowly lose hp if you stay in the cloud of gas. Then of course we should have gas masks.

  3. *Shrugs* I opened it open changed it saved... and booted tha game again nothing maybe it need a reboot... find out in a moment about to head out into the server.


    -----moments later------


    Oh yay i did just need a reboot :P

  4. Too bad there isn't a plugin or something that can just ban people who tk within the first 10 seconds of a round.  I know there is a variable that lets the server slay people who attack within 5 seconds or so, but the auto-kick/ban for tks in spawn would be nice.  The only time it might be an accident is on D2 where people snipe up the middle right away.




    Would be nifty like they had in halo2 they'd give you an option to kick the player out of the game.


    And shodan yeah... There was 3 total! You banned one. lol kinda funny you bounced d0c on accident instead of doc holiday. I'll always have screenshots at my website just incase.

  5. Yeah that's hurricanes for you... scarey and mean.


    Heh... stop by florida near the end of the summer. The hurricane might not be in my area but the sky is all wack and the band storms, and mini tornados from the hurricanes is nuts. It like the sky has gone bipolar. Plus it's always raining the the front yard and not the back with our weather.

  6. You know what would suck... if you got shot in the hand you drop your weapon! LOL! Another thing that would be cool is your guys did hand signals. The whole Stop, go, and guy on the left or right... that'd be kick donkey. Radio is awsome and all but not everyone pays attention to that we like to stare at our leaders.

  7. I think if we could people people with our guns would be awsome! Like beat them with the butt of your gun and their vision gets blurred... Or it can be like a really light flash. I bet if you get knocked in the face you'l hear ringing and lights. :P

  8. I have that too... sucks though. if you forget the boxes are there and you trying to kill a guy and wonder why the heck they didn't keel over yet. Then suddenly a box pops out of no where. Or you walk into them... heck of a time in office! when they knock over the cabinets at the doorways you think it's all clear but DENIED! LOL. Lucky me I'm a Nubb...


    And how do you do demos?

  9. Yeah... just wanted to play some CS with you guys. *Sigh* But it was totally impossible when a few guys started TKing at the begining of every game. Wu was just TKing others after Tking me thrice! Doc Holiday did me in a few times too but he's already banned. Thanks shodan. This other guy Dizzle just got kicked and didn't come back but I wanna make sure he won't ruin the game for anyone else in the future.


    Kinda tinklees my off because recently (last night) I was being TKed by this guy for "being a girl" there for I suck and stuff and was verbally abused. He left before any of us could grab his steam. Also learned how to use console last night.


    Well here's my evidence. My theory is it's the doing of Elmer Fudd.





    Eh I'm done playing for the night... I'll just be chillin. Sorry about the full size I'm too lazy. If you have dial up i'm very sorry... lol.

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