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Everything posted by oh_ok_then

  1. HOLY MOLY not enough players I can be a backup I'll go join the 5v5 now if you need it I'll be on AIM from 9pm on let me know if you get enough players or not aim sn is MisterTagio
  2. It might be a good idea to take one or two of our guys and visit the potential challengees' server first, if its a public server, so we can talk to them in a game before we challenge them. If we talk to them, and they see how we play a little, they might be more likely to take the challenge. I know most clans don't have public servers, but if it's possible it will probably work better. Or we could invite people to do scrims on our server before we do a match, just getting to know a few clans and get a rep might help a lot.
  3. I'm in too! We should have a practice or two before this happens. I'm free every day/night this week, since it's thanksgiving break. I'm on AIM so we should really set stuff up. my screen name is MISTERTAGIO
  4. I'm down any day is great but Wed. is best
  5. WHEN is the next one? I really want to be in one of these.
  6. I'll be a backup and if you have a practice I'd like to come Good luck
  7. WHAT THE HIBBITY BIBBITY Why aren't people accepting? Do people on there actually want to have matches or what? Is there a way to challenge like 8 teams at once or something? Anyhow I am down for any future match.
  8. Looks like this match fell through, it's not on TWL anymore. We should really have a match soon though, I really want to see how we do. I'm free on Sunday, could we set up a match by then?
  9. MAN I am down for sure I've never been in a match before so if there's a practice or something that would help so I can make sure I'm doing everything right with taking a demo and other stuff like that
  10. YAY matches Sun and Wed are best for me but any weeknight after 6pm is cool.
  11. Kruten I'll try to AIM you for the pw, I'd love to do some pistol matches.
  12. HEY i'd like to SCRIM if that's cool AIM: MisterTagio Email: pes226@gmail.com Xfire: oh_ok_then (i don't log on very often) TWL: oh ok then
  13. Yeah, the layout is changed a good amount in mine, I was unaware of the other mod out there. I'm new to Source modding in general, in the past I made huge expansions for Morrowind and other games, but since this is my first map with Hammer I was just trying to learn everything. You can download the map here: http://homepages.nyu.edu/~pes226/cs_cbble.bsp and the nav file here: http://homepages.nyu.edu/~pes226/cs_cbble.nav When you run the map it will tell you the nav file is from a previous map. It definately works, but I thought I was done when a few problems popped up, and I have to hand tweak the nav so the hosties dont get lost easily, so it takes a while and I haven't gotten around to it yet. I also figured I might make changes based on your suggestions so an updated nav would be wasted effort. Let me know if this works or if I uploaded the wrong things or if somethings missing. Thanks!
  14. I made a modified version of de_cbble, and converted it to a hostage map. (inspired by the totally kickin' de_office) I added two new areas, removed the old t spawn, moved both the spawns to new loactions, blocked off old pathways and added some windows etc. I think it's pretty cool but I need people to help test it/ give advice. I've got some screencaps here: let me know what you think. Thanks!
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