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Everything posted by Cannon_Fodder

  1. A fine game of vehicle deathmatch Mr. "X-Razor." Did you ever even start or charge a node or did you spend 100% of the time Manta whoring??? Hardly anyone (either team) even bothered to try and start the primary in Artic once it was lost as the Mantas were lined up waiting to make a run and hardly anyone was defending. It was nice seeing the server fill up past the bot level. I took down lots of nodes in arctic, and I actually didnt get the manta often. I got it lots in the first round (when we had all the nodes) and the rest of the map I spent either defending the prime with avrils or with twin beams when it got built. Someone has to defend... If you dont believe me ask bush how many times his manta got hit with an avril I hope you were still having fun... I was. I DID manta whore when we had all but the prime in the first round though, and DID hit the core whenever it was vulnerable. I shouldn't be whining especially at you, sorry. It just got discouraging for that last Artic round I played when the other team seemed to be much more interested in just keeping our primary down versus trying to build it and get on to the next game. I'd work my way to our open primary and have 3 Mantas competing to squash me first over and over and over. That's the nature of that map I guess. Some good players on last night for sure.
  2. A fine game of vehicle deathmatch Mr. "X-Razor." Did you ever even start or charge a node or did you spend 100% of the time Manta whoring??? Hardly anyone (either team) even bothered to try and start the primary in Artic once it was lost as the Mantas were lined up waiting to make a run and hardly anyone was defending. It was nice seeing the server fill up past the bot level.
  3. I can make it. Thanks for taking the time to message us!
  4. Heck, Elburn is much closer to Chicago than Rockford. I'm even driving into Chicago this evening. The pizza really has to be fresh to be best though!
  5. Hmmm... As of 9:30 Central on Thursday evening only 10 servers had pings for me under 100 and only 2 of those had people playing and just a few people on each of those servers. I think you are in the minority Ruff.
  6. The best chance against Flitter is when playing non-standard maps. He's got his spots and strats all worked out for standard maps and they are very effective when most of your team isn't used to his style.
  7. You know, I wouldn't call it whining so much as concern, but since you seem to have the ever so holy, pointy the finger at me syndrome going on: a) I work a job that requires me to do approximately 50% of my work at home, off the clock, after/before hours (That would be the 45-50 hours I spend AT work.)...and no, unless you're a public school teacher in spec. ed and low income, you won't really get the import of that. I have a relatively new wife and we're trying for kids. c) I POSTED that Tues and Thurs were good for me....I played 1 hour on Tues. d) I have bronchitis. e) My grandmother died 4 days ago, and I've been a bit busy with that, plus out of town of and on. So...I'm sorry I showed concern with the disappearing UT community, but I try to play a couple nights a week, which I actually did between my initial posts and today (just got home). I was upset (rightly so) because, besides MP, it seemed that no one was really trying to rally the troops...so that we LOST our entire GC UT server. My bad, Cannon. Take care bro. What you are saying in short is that you have little time to play. So why are you adament about a GC server???
  8. OK this is now 3 nights in a row that there has been a good GC turn out on the GC server that you whined about not having. OK, Friday night was "date nite". Saturday night was try COD4 night even though you said you'd be around. Tonight, Sunday is on your preferred list. Let's see... Flitter played, Wentz played, Primus played, Dingy was in, even Ebits showed as "Monkey", I played... but no Tek....
  9. Laff whilst thou can, you long-haired, single hessian with little obligation but to thyself. Laff indeed. Well, my bandwidth is chugging along at about 2.4 mbits tonight and I'm getting some double digit p/l to chicago...but I will still try to play a few rounds... S.O.S...different day. Just wait till he starts complaining abou "lag" I played last evening from 7PM to 9:30 central on the GC server that Mr. Tek practically demanded and guess what, no Tek Then I see that he posted around the same time in the COD4 forum on how to get started there.
  10. I had a lot of fun last evening! Thanks everyone! It's a much different game playing with people that have a clue and no bots when things filled up. The highlight of my evening was nailing Dark on his Manta with an Avril 3 times in a row at the base entrance on Crossfire. Now that I've said that I'll probably become the new "Dark's Target" but it was worth it!
  11. Come on Wentz!!! You had to KNOW the temptation would be too great. It was just a question of who.
  12. Thanks Flitter for putting up the server. It will be interesting to see if it was worth the effort. For myself part of what kept my interest up was different maps as seen on carcass factory so I hope some new can be mixed in with the old. I can see why Pat might be upset. I realized early on that Flitter can be a bit frank and I cringe a bit thinking of what it must me like to be one of his students but I've always appreciated the effort he's put into maintaining everything for us. It would be great if we could decide on an evening or two a week to play as a group as in everyone (which I know is almost never possible).
  13. I think is as close as we are going to get to having the Fat Lady sing...
  14. I'm wide open to suggestions on time.
  15. So the three or four of us that are playing UT04 on a regular basis are SOL eh? I wonder why nobody chimes in, but I think our (albeit meager) yearly dues should go to something related to what we like to play. I think we need a server dedicated to UT04 again. I think we had a strong following before, and now that MANY of us have played and are dissatisfied with UT3, we should go back to what we know... Hell, it's not like it's wasting money or something... The T5K server is almost always sitting empty and I get a decent ping there. It's limited to 16 players so it doesn't get totally crazy and the map selection seems reasonable. If this server works for others I'm sure we could congregate there and maybe even attract some T5K people versus just noobs. How about Sunday evening 8PM eastern??? If we can't get a few people together with advance notice it doesn't seem worth the effort to start a GC dedicated 2K4 server. Anyone know how to invite the T5K people?
  16. My ping was fine but wasn't that a demo site endless doing Torlan?? My ping was fine but wasn't that a demo site endless doing Torlan??I saw Tek was playing some Freon while we were on.I checked UT3 a handful of tiumes last evening and no "friends" were playing there.
  17. Is this on UT 2004 or UT3? I got on 2004 to night and bumped into Tek on Freon and played a couple rounds. Same people playing on the )o( server and was full when I played. No real reason to stop playing UT 2004 I guess, just because UT3 is out. Seems many people here been playing CS for about as long with no end in site. TF2 is just something different, I have never played a class based game before so gameplay seems fresh and interesting to me. I was playing ut2004 Bushwack last night. I have been on omnipotents(when not full) but my ping is like insanely high. Wouldn't mind some freon. The carcass factory is nice. I am there primarily cause Cannon is lonely for GC tags to play with. Come on you gc helions, lets invade some server en mass and show what we can do. It would also be a nice reunion. Thanks for dropping in on A.S.S CF last evening Pat! I also about fainited when Bush showed up for a bit. And it was good to see X-Razer on the weekend too. I get decent pings on that server unless it fills up too much. Omnipotents always shows me with a decent ping but I'm probably getting packet loss there as it's impossible to lock on with an Avril. Every now and then a bunch of [TiT] clan people show up on A.S.S CF server and pretty much dominate and I find myself thinking Bush, Wentz, Dark, Lex or Flitter would mop the floor with them. Overall GC UT playing seems to be about dead as any kind of group for UT2K4 or UT3. I asked GC or not GC about the time UT3 came out as my GC dues were due. If my renewal had been due about a month later I would have choosen not GC.
  18. (A.S.S)*Carcass Factory* IP: seems to have a good following of people still wanting to play UT2K4. Very few original maps and when originals come up it's usually in modified configs. Since UT3 seems to be a bust that's where I've been playing. It would be nice to see a few GC tags there from time to time.
  19. I'd say so. I check about every evening and no one is on in my buddy list. Actually, there is very little UT3 warfare action going on at all. It's very sad...
  20. My two cents to add to the witching... I hate orbs!!!! I'm sure they would be more fun with some coordinated team play but of course that's not what you get with pubbing. Almost no one waits to give the orb carrier a tow to a node. The orb is either practically fought over or totally neglected. The map flips back and forth too much with them. Plus of course all the background chatting the game adds about where the orb is and what to do with it...
  21. I'm in when I can but this is the busy season for my business. For a while I need to spend my time working on games instead of playing them.
  22. Here's a strat that I cannot get anybody on public servers to do...with the exception of the clanned up people that we played with in UT2K4... Step 1: Take vehic with riders (hoverboarders) to primary, take vehic with rider carrying orb to secondary or a "tank node." So when primary is up, secondary is instantly up... Step 2: Primary team then goes back to newly spawned orb (base or wherever) and takes that to tertiary (third) node, enemy primary or to defend a secondary node... STep 3: Meanwhile, the original orb team (from secondary) pushes through to the enemy primary. So many times, I play on pub servers the orb is just sitting around and maybe like one guy keeps trying to get it to a node, but is camped and killed. Orb cannot travel alone well on most maps...it needs a strike team with it. Dang...I wish my vent worked, so we could have some pub sessions together and blast some fools. Where is everyone anyways. I got on last night and the night b4 and nobody was out. Anybody have set nights to play anymore? Played for a bit Friday evening with Wentz and Lex and last night for about an hour starting at 7 PM Central. I have Lex and Wentz in my friends list and didn't see them on. I didn't see the GC server com up either. I think We ned to expand our friends list.
  23. Trying using the stuff that's more familiar for a while versus getting lost in all of the new stuff. Play Torlan where the layout is basically the same and the vehicles are more what you'd expect. Mantas, Raptors, Hellbenders and Tanks feel a bit squirrelly but you know how to use them. What drives you nuts until you get used to it is how often the nodes flip with orbs. Just me 2 cents but it was always good to have Bushwack join in...
  24. Thanks Flitter and Primus. I get the idea now. So the next question is where is the best place to take the orb? Or course the primary first if it's not up but if it is head for the closest linkable node or does it depend on the map and if you expect the primary to hold? I can see this will depend on how well your side is playing as a team. I have noticed more people hanging around in faster vehicles offering to pull the orb carrier.
  25. My name was already taken too even though I got the game the first day but then again I know my name is not uncommon even though I thought of it by myself. Welcome to the insanity Bushie!
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