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Posts posted by Allanon

  1. Strange times indeed. If Fragfest '13 is indeed in the works I really hope to make it, haven't been since 08 when I Gaines fifty achievements for hogging a months worth of pizza from anyone would actually need it. However as of now my summer plans are still in the air, as long as I'm somewhere in the mod west I'll almost definitely be there. Also any GCers in Chicago these days? Moved here last January to finish up undergrad at DePaul after taking some time off and still getting to know this ol' town.

  2. This weekend we'll activate the increased Magic Find and increased XP from kills bonuses.


    Thanks Shaft :)


    And send me a guild invite as well? :D

  3. Just my biased opinion but try out Mesmer for size and see how you like it. IMO one of the best classes in GW2. The illusion mechanic is really cool and makes combat very different.

  4. Topic title is a little confusing, 90's to late 2000's is pretty much until a few years a go which is definitely what a lot of people would consider "classic" age of video games. But man for me there's too many to count, platformers were and still are one of my favorite types of games. Battle Toads (hardest game ever made), Castlevania, Contra, Metal Slug, Super Mario 3 and Super Mario World.


    Also just a quick list of good oldies

    - Homeworld

    - Half Life

    - Warcraft 2

    - Starcraft

    - Zelda A Link To The Past

    - Fallout 1 and 2 (Way better than 3)

    - Baulders Gate 1 and 2

    - Doom 2


    All I can think of for right now, also why the heck did I use bullet points. Am I creating a shopping list? :blink2:

  5. From what I understand, WvW is basically AB on steroids right? I tried it a few times but that was during the beta when I had no idea what was going on. Well, I still don't but I know a little more. I still really want to check it out, but it drags my computer down just a litle too much.

  6. So I guess this is officially in the works now? Awesome I haven't been to one since '08 I believe. It'll be good to see some old and new faces again. Also any of those dates should work for me as of now. If I get an internship I should be able to take a weekend off and come down from Chicago (either carpool or MegaBus it up), but if I do a study abroad, it won't really matter what the dates are as I will be out of the country.

  7. I heard 4 horsemen. With a chaser 3 wisemen.


    What's all this now? Be a real gentleman and buy him an old fashioned. Also I pre-purchased this way back when they had the first beta. Gonna have to dig up my info as I have no idea what it is.

    • Like 1
  8. Silly question, but did ArenaNet provide enough end-game content for PvE? I'm just afraid that if they don't, then I'm stuck with having to PvP during end-game just to keep the game interesting


    1) They did and 2) What's wrong with playing PvP after you get bored of PvE? You guys both play CSS, it's the same exact thing.

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