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Allanon last won the day on March 22 2013

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About Allanon

  • Birthday 02/13/1990

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    Music, video games, backpacking.

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  1. Hey all! Man what a trip it feels like yesterday I was gaming on the CS source servers with yall. Anyone still hanging around and what do people play these days? Anyway, hope you all are doing well these days! Allanon
  2. Good luck mang. Remember even when you're exhausted, and it's hailing side ways it'll be worth it in the end.
  3. how many are you? Myself, GL, Shaft, Cujo, Discom, Mo, and maybe Black Ice Mo as in Anonymo? Because if so that means I'm required to for full time trolling.
  4. They are planning on adding more utility skills. Also you have to remember GW1 originally didn't have that many skills, they added a lot in the expansions. Also not sure what you mean by change the game engine to reflect how Guild Wars 1 ran.
  5. WvW has died on my server SBI (Stormbluff) after a bunch of guilds transferred, waiting for the next season to start before I start up with that again. sPvP has always been ignored. A.net's balance strat is to change the meta so something gets weaker and there's something else dominating everything instead of fixing the real issues. Hopefully we can get another game mode besides conquest soon so I don't have to keep playing my guard bunk all the time D:
  6. So there was a lot of interest and quite a few GC'ers playing Guild Wars 2 right after launch who sadly gave it up after a few months and have yet to return. The prevailing reason seamed to be lack of end game content after reaching the max level of 80 which doesn't take long. So here's my schtick. For over a year now they've implemented a "Living Story" filled with content updates every two weeks and now the PvE game is much better and much more worth sticking around. So all of you slackers who left, get yer butts back because you're missing out! Like for the instance the fact that the major hub city Lion's Arch/LA is currently being attacked and is on fire. So yeah!
  7. I'm leaning very hard towards committing for this year. If we can do a carpool from Chicago I'm almost 100% USDA Approved Fair Trade In.
  8. Fragfest 2014: Is It Low Latency You're Looking For?
  9. Don't move to the suburbs. You'll miss out on how great a city of a city Chicago is if you don't live in it and get to experience it every day.
  10. And then he will sacrifice himself so that Ben Affleck can do the dirty with Liv Tyler.
  11. The third one was a "spiritual successor" so of course it would be different. I never played Bioshock 2, but Infinite was wonderful. Such a great story.
  12. http://lineup.bonnaroo.com/ Looking pretty good. Would love to be able to make it this year, haven't been since '11. Anyone else?
  13. Meh go to Bonnaroo instead. Way better and you get the actual feel and atmosphere of a festival.
  14. I would have been offended if no one had spotted that error and had offered some sort of retort. Also I refuse to edit it now that I have noticed it.
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