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Posts posted by mohawk

  1. fatguy, clue, blitz and I have been logging some hours in a vanilla server that was whipped ~ 5 days ago. Most of us just started playing, so its a little more enjoyable then spawning with an m4..


    We have 2 decent forts built up and a big armory of m4s and BARs - however no C4 (not much on the server yet). We were raided last night - fortunately while Clue, Fatguy and I were on - we managed to hold them off but they identified some vulnerabilities in our main base. We'll be building a new one in the next few days if you want to join. Hit one of us up on steam and we'll acclimate you to the server.

  2. You are getting a lot of good suggestions - don't listen to sj - we kicked him out.


    Coming from someone who lives downtown and has to occasionally commute to the 'burbs for work - don't do it. That rules out lincoln park. Assuming you can get from the Rosemont blue line stop to your place of work (via bus), anywhere along the blue line (that's been mentioned) would be a good move. I'd also consider the west side of Bucktown and Wicker Park. If you really want to live downtown - River North or West loop would be your best option - and only a quick walk to a metra which could put you in Franklin Park.


    Depending on your life style - I would actually agree with SJ though - live close to where you work and suck it up to commute downtown when you want to enjoy the city.

    • Like 1
  3. Hey

    So this happened yesterday. After carrying my team in a competitive matchmaking game going 26 and 8, my team lost. Guess what happened next. I got deranked to silver elite master just because my team didn't win...

    So basically I'm looking for a group to play competitive matchmaking around my rank (Silver Elite-Gold Nova 2), feel free to add me. Oh and also my new name is "Horace" after a bunch of people thought I was some guy from youtube... Unless, of course, you guys are too pr0 to be that rank.

    I'm just sick of deranking for the incompetence of my team.



    How did you only die 8 times, when your team would have had to lose 16 rounds? If you can post a screenshot of that, I'll gift you an m4 skin

  4. Any Friday over the next 4-6 weeks works for me - let's throw a night on the calendar..


    I've got early class on Saturdays so I won't be shutting any place down - but first round is on me.

  5. I'm looking to pick up some sort of home audit player, ideally something that can stream wireless from pandora or mp3s off an iphone and ipad.. or from a desktop computer. Any thoughts? Anybody have a Sonos system?

  6. I've never done an auction-style draft before, I imagine that format is much less forgiving of general ignorance. I'd prefer to just do a standard draft.


    not really biggs.. similar to a standard, you just bid relatively close to the perceived value listed on the site, and go above or below that amount based on your value of the player.

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