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Posts posted by mohawk

  1. sigh... i can't hear or read the word docking without either laughing out loud, or getting sick to my stomach... not appropriate for these forums but go investigate if you're motivated... just remember, you were warned..



    to answer your question, they're sturdy.. but I haven't had your issues with external hd's..

  2. Considering what Ron Paul says about Foreign Policy, I would say "crockpot" fits nicely. Domestically he is right on but everything else about him makes me want to puke. He hasn't admitted it per say but he is a 9/11 truther. He thinks that America is the big evil of the world and that is why Iran wants and should have a nuke. It's like someone took the most extreme of both sides of the ideological spectrum and smashed them together and here we got Ron Paul.


    I doubt he will win the nomination though. I can see him pulling a 3rd party run which would result in the re-election of the worst president in my life time.





    its just a distraction to keep us from talking about the more important issues... I'm sure there will be more crockpot accusations from mainstream media as people continue to actually read his books, examine his voting record as a congressman and career as a physician, and like what they hear. It's a shame he'd never win an election. He wouldn't be able to push everything on his agenda through in 4-8 years, but he would certainly take some parts of the government in the right direction.


    (my first and last political post)

  3. So I find myself where I land every 2 years or so.... I need a new video card to feed my FPS habit and I'm wondering whether to go AMD (thats ATI) or nVidia again. I currently run a 9800GTX nVidia on a quad-core Intel chip. Luckily, PCI tech hasn't changed any since I bought this rig so I won't be replacing the entire mobo. So I dare to ask the community, in risking a debate worse than one based in religion, which should I get?


    I'm eyeing a 560 or so nVidia card. I have a $300 price range.


    oh and almost forgot, this will be for BF3, Batman:AC, and WoW mostly. Yeah, I know... WoW. Don't say it, just let it rest there.


    I'm dropping in a 470 next week, replacing a 280 gtx, so let me know if you (or anyone else) has the desire to purchase and wait for the next generation (it plays bf3 pretty well. )..


    else I'd get a 570

  4. i know its mainstream.. but I look forward to sam adam's octoberfest every year..


    also.. i read that this year yuengling released an octoberfest beer, but they only sell it by the *keg.. i'd be interested to hear some impressions if anyone has tried it as they don't typically do seasonals

  5. well at least all of the players that love to hold down the trigger on a p90 and run should be happy... :luxhello:


    I understand releasing updates to fix bugs, glitches, etc.. but calling the awp quick switch an exploit at this point considering the life of cs is shocking. This update considerably changed gameplay.. and from a team play perspective, now you just have awpers who sit back and only engage one enemy at a time.


    somebody drop me a PM if they rollback that "fix"

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