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About Roy

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Got a problem - everytime I've tried to connect to Immutable since about 2:35-ish yesterday, I've been getting to the select screen then being auto-redirected to Midwest #1. I mean, I don't have a problem with Midwest, I just don't know why I can't get into Immutable.
  2. I got him to agree to not play where I do, or at least when he does, he puts the mic at the other end of the desk. That's done!
  3. ^I've been trying. Honestly, the kid says to me, "I let you play where I do!" and I say, "Dude, I find the servers, you just play on them. Heck, the only server you found by yourself was one with superhero mod." He says, "So?" I say, "I don't play on that, and hero mod sucks."
  4. Earlier, my little brother wanted to play Source. I let him, but I asked him to not play on here, because he has a frequency to use the mic too much, yell a lot, and cuss. He said he wouldn't cuss, and he played on here anyway. Turns out, he cussed. Several times. So please, if you hear a little kid saying words that aren't allowed on the server, and he's under my name (OTG Roy), please disreguard him, as he is not me.
  5. Did a quick test to make sure of it's validity: Besides the points put forward, the address that the e-mail links to is a fake address, and if you were to click on a link, it would obviously most probably bring you to, as PayPal said, a fake website. I hate this type of thing.
  6. Roy

    Hey all.

    Hey all. I know a lot of you don't know me, as I only played last night on Immutable. But I liked the server a lot, so I wanted to drop in. My name in game is -[OTG]- Roy, but the OTG part is a tribute to a clan that is in it's dying age (the server just closed last week), so I've been trying to find a new clan. See you in game!
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