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Everything posted by MaDPaT

  1. I played some ONS last night on some demo server with my brother and had a blast. Forget how much fun 2k4 is. I checked before I got on but no one in my buddies list was on. X-Razor found me though! You did add GC][* to your buddy list right Madpat? Of course I did. Real hard time getting a server both me and Bush could play at same time. Like all the good ones had room for only 1. The rest were excessively pingy for one of us or populated by juveniles.
  2. Come on guys, where are you? Cannon and I are only ones really playing ut2004. Lets pick a server where the ping is decent for all of us. We will not know which one until we talk. Carcass a bit hi for me and alot for Bush but ok for Cannon. That one is a no go but I do like the sight but what choice do we have for "gc camaradarie". Like to hear from you guys. On a server where my ping was about 32 tonight and cannon showed up. Don't know about his ping but I liked the site.
  3. I was on A.S.S Carcass factory last night and had some fun. A little lag when full but got around 21 hellbender rear turret kills on the open maps. Nothing like finding a nice position and hitting multiply choke points from separate time zone distances. Definitely had the "one more time feel." X-Fire saw my tag and asked where the rest of the gc guys were? I reported we suffered a ut3 meltdown.
  4. Is ventrilo dead or will I need to install xfire. What are the benefits over ventrilo?
  5. Interesting post, I think I heard a little about this also I wouldn't mind a private/public freon/ons voteable server. We had some real decent maps to choose from and face it, there are thousands out there for ut2004. I don't mind chilling till the UT3 guys get their act together. Also, I like some of the mods on Carcass factory regarding map HUD. Any way to get that mod for us?
  6. Is this on UT 2004 or UT3? I got on 2004 to night and bumped into Tek on Freon and played a couple rounds. Same people playing on the )o( server and was full when I played. No real reason to stop playing UT 2004 I guess, just because UT3 is out. Seems many people here been playing CS for about as long with no end in site. TF2 is just something different, I have never played a class based game before so gameplay seems fresh and interesting to me. I was playing ut2004 Bushwack last night. I have been on omnipotents(when not full) but my ping is like insanely high. Wouldn't mind some freon. The carcass factory is nice. I am there primarily cause Cannon is lonely for GC tags to play with. Come on you gc helions, lets invade some server en mass and show what we can do. It would also be a nice reunion. Thanks for dropping in on A.S.S CF last evening Pat! I also about fainited when Bush showed up for a bit. And it was good to see X-Razer on the weekend too. I get decent pings on that server unless it fills up too much. Omnipotents always shows me with a decent ping but I'm probably getting packet loss there as it's impossible to lock on with an Avril. Every now and then a bunch of [TiT] clan people show up on A.S.S CF server and pretty much dominate and I find myself thinking Bush, Wentz, Dark, Lex or Flitter would mop the floor with them. Overall GC UT playing seems to be about dead as any kind of group for UT2K4 or UT3. I asked GC or not GC about the time UT3 came out as my GC dues were due. If my renewal had been due about a month later I would have choosen not GC. Pleasure to join you Cannon. I almost fainted too when Bushwack showed up. His Mohawk character always instills fear in me, that and Dark's little girly character. Carcass factory in ut2004 really nice. Modeled after the ut3 with detailing location of vehicles on your team in use except with numbers for nodes and generally way better than ut3. I did have some loss where I was firing rockets at you and they delayed visually by a second. Only happened a little bit. Was bad for bushwack cause he didn't stick around. I noticed cause I was hitting him a little more often than usual. Liked the map designs also. Alot of detail. One map had rubble terrain that made hellbender ride real rough and made you want to do roads for better speed. As for omnipotents, I have a real hard time avril locking on vehicles too. I think some maps they design they reduce Avril efficiency (if they can do that). Better to shock and lg the vehicles. Why not use your triple rocket lock that I have come to know and love (not)? I will definitely be back to Carcass factory. Probably tonight......
  7. Is this on UT 2004 or UT3? I got on 2004 to night and bumped into Tek on Freon and played a couple rounds. Same people playing on the )o( server and was full when I played. No real reason to stop playing UT 2004 I guess, just because UT3 is out. Seems many people here been playing CS for about as long with no end in site. TF2 is just something different, I have never played a class based game before so gameplay seems fresh and interesting to me. I was playing ut2004 Bushwack last night. I have been on omnipotents(when not full) but my ping is like insanely high. Wouldn't mind some freon. The carcass factory is nice. I am there primarily cause Cannon is lonely for GC tags to play with. Come on you gc helions, lets invade some server en mass and show what we can do. It would also be a nice reunion.
  8. It seems you have been around the ut2004 server world. Haven't had enough games to notice whether redeemer present or not. Hope to shoot Cannon soon. I have a 90 ping also, not as good as Nepenthe's 42 but better than 120 or more on ut3.
  9. Got on Cannon Fodder's A.S.S Carcass Factory server. Ping pretty good. Joy to play after uploading. You can feel the difference between ut3. Manta doesn't get hung up on everything. Raptor glides in every direction. Lg does damage worth waiting for during recharge and shocker fires real fast. This allows Shock combos in ut2004 to be faster than ut3. Double dodging nice to do again also. Feels faster to play overall and I didn't get a chance to get into a Hellbender. Hope to see you guys. BY the way Dark, I have played alot during the week and Thunder"turkey"Child gets little action. I cannot say during weekend due to attention to girlfriend and New England Patriots games.
  10. Ok guys, UT3 is not UT2004 but a new game. A relatively bad new game that needs alot of upgrades in user interface, weapon, player model variety, smooth vehicle dynamics, etc. They made a possibly great pc game and lowered is to console. Pubbing in UT3 is less enjoyable. Team balancing is weak and the orb makes the game end so fast that newbies working together have no chance to mount a defense until more experienced players join. I have seen Tek's meltdown on current new games including ut3 I have seen Cannon's call for GC playes to get together for games of ut2004 on the A.S.S server. Bushwack and Lex have gone the way of TeamFortress2 (which is deathmatch play that I personally do not like, a waste of 50 dollars by me). I can stand freon ut2004 games with friends Who knows where Dark is..... Dingy want to know when to play UT3 but I am not sure who will be getting down to play and when on ut3. I got into a game a week ago on ut2004 and other than my nostromo not conditioned for it, I had a blast (especially in Hellbender) Shocker felt like a machine gun. I miss you guys. How about we make a UT2004 forum and get back to playing UT2004 again. Face it our UT3 server is doing relatively nothing...............
  11. (A.S.S)*Carcass Factory* IP: seems to have a good following of people still wanting to play UT2K4. Very few original maps and when originals come up it's usually in modified configs. Since UT3 seems to be a bust that's where I've been playing. It would be nice to see a few GC tags there from time to time. I will look into it. Miss the gc tags also on ut3
  12. I saw another movie. Yours interesting though. TF2 is not a single player game. I finally loaded it and have got my nostromo programmed. I have moved around as heavy by myself but have a flicker/jitter effect as I move. I am using Nvidea not ati graphics and wonder if this is an effect. I have changed resolution and other video settings with no positive results. Any ideas guys?
  13. I am actually read up on the game. No vehicles but the classes are interesting. I find the scottish, one eyed, african demoman movie to be a howl. I like the engineer also. Nothing like having automated defenses at choke points as you sit back and enjoy a bear. Probably Wentz favorite character to play. Can you have two of the same class on the same team? I will be picking up the game tomorrow.
  14. Oh well, if Primus is playing this game I guess I will have join it. So lonely on UT3............
  15. Can you believe the scavanger "ball of doom" can jump into the tower? All you have to do is go ball form to run over person sniping on the other side (Dingy) and out the other end or deploy blades to puree everyone in the avalanche tower. I had to sneak up on Dingy in scavanger cause he kept on shooting me in the head on hoverboard.
  16. I have yet to see pipeswitching for center mouse button available in ut3. No center mouse button listed in in file so my normal flak and shocker button has to find a new home. Pain after 2 years playing one way you have to develop another.
  17. I have learned a few things about sniper rifle The sniper rifle is no lg. That said, there is some value to sniper rifle Sniper rifle vs turret. Headshot kills gunner leaves turret intact. Can apply to manta and viper drivers but hard to land headshot Sniper rifle can damage vehicles but need alot of ammo to do so. Avalanche has spare clips bottom of tower with sniper rifles at top of tower. Knocking a person off hoverboard easy but shooting again while lying on ground does not seem to work. Shoot as they stand up works.
  18. I went back to ut2004 last night and enjoyed myself. Game feels faster that what I felt on ut3. There were about 100 onslaught servers still going.
  19. I have a new way to describe what they did. They "consoled" this game. When I got into UT2004 it was out a while. The controls were easy on the eyes and very intuitive to use. Added to that was the ability to modify through pipe switching and other areas to improve your style of play. There were no limits to customize your play so the game adapted to you. You had a wide selection of characters, cross hairs, etc. UT3 which took forever to come out. Misses most of this. The interface sucks looking for items. The color red from education point of view is not relaxing and actually is a color to promote stress from a graphic design/educational point of view. You cannot use a name without logging in and your name gets registered. Feels like Big Brother Watching. I know a player called Bushwack and hate to see Bushie on the roster. I have a gaming mouse that is reduced to a generic mouse due to the fact it will not work in ut3 other than as a generic mouse. This must be the console mouse mentioned for console gaming of UT3and the only one Epic allows. No first person or third person view. They mention beautiful graphics. Well look at a nice photo on a wall cause my system I BUILT FOR THIS GAME was a stuttering effect as I hoverboard around. Weapons seem ok other than the shocker is slower to fire and flak cannon arc seems abnormally high compared to ut2004. New vehicles were no big deal cause Omnipotents had modified vehicles if you wanted that. Aggravated that Hellbender was ruined in twin beam fire rate, speed, and maneuverability. The orb makes the team with more teamwork win the game faster. Get an idiot with orb on your team and you are ruined. Instead of looking out for guy who tries to kill you getting on manta (which is not an option due to orbs needed to be towed) with flak ball they can ruin the whole game by playing with orb. Crysis or COD4 might have a hellbender type of sniping flavor I miss.
  20. A couple of nights ago I faced a nightshade that was used very well by an opponent. I had spiders drilling on my face, green force shield blocking travel areas, and emp that shut down my viper and hurled me off of it. This does not count the number of times I have been run over by one. I even had a Darkwalker killed by a night shade using it's secondary weapon (whip laser? thingy) butting against my Darkwalker legs. Darkwalkers cannot shoot directly down and I find the secondary gunner on Darkwalker to be real weak. My questions are these 1.How far does the secondary fire shoot on nightshade and what damage does it do? I feel it is too much of a giveaway to cloaked vehicles other than killing trap devices of another nightshade or attacking nodes. Uncloaked nightshade twice as fast as cloaked nightshade. 2.Do the traps die when the nightshade is destroyed or do they last after the demise of the nightshade? Think of doing a suicide at floodgate core. Cover whole area with emp traps to effectively rob them of their vehicles (nightshade, vipers, darkwarkers) for a long while. I expect to die in the process but need to know if devices will last after me. 3.Any listing for weapon damages? Ut2004 shocker did like 45 while lg did 90. Any listing for ut3 weapons so I know which weapons give the best bang for the circumstances.
  21. I am in. I want to know how Wentz did a kung fu jump to his feet after I knocked him off the hoverboard. Swear I was it in a Jet Li movie.
  22. I am interested in joining a team but I must warn you my aim is not up to my normal MadPat level and my helbender skills dont' translate to ut3. Still learning my new controls on nostromo. Can't wait for the patch. Played a little last night. Have a way to go.
  23. And where would this private server be exactly? I would switch teams to help if it weren't for the fact that when I do---Wentz switches to the other side just to hunt me down. I'm having a hard time getting the feel for this game. I find the vehicles very annoying. I'm not a DM'er, I guess if I'm gonna play this game I need some work with this stuff. Oh ya, WHATS WITH ALL THE BUNNY HOPPING GOIN ON!!! I am also having a hard time. I am a sniper at heart and there are few instant range weapon attacks with vehicles. I miss the days when I could drive my helbender and annoy wentz, dark, and bush. These axon vehicles are not as smooth and responsive as ut2004. With no pipeswitching I have gone from my normal 4-5 weapons on mouse to 2.
  24. Only way I've found is to feign death to drop the orb. Not the best solution b/c it leaves you vulnerable. Dont bother feigning death around me. Someone tricked me once (Dingy or Flitter) and from now on I shoot dead bodies with flak just to make sure. I kill bodies lying on ground also. I am paranoid. Funny thing is that the default machine pistol (single and 3 round burst) is pretty effective provided you have decent aim. Six shot and you are dead. Two three round bursts into a body laying on ground saves more valuable ammo like rockets and shocker.
  25. "Just don't hop on your board expecting to fly past 10 enemies because you are faster than them.. a noob could literally hold the button down with the minigun, spin his mouse around randomly, and it would knock you off your board from 100 yards away. " I agree with all you said Wentz. I had a hard time not reading and laughing. The lack of dodge jump helps me. I can mention numerous times I shot at Bushwack with flak and he just dodged out of the way and shot me in the head. Very annoying. No numbering of nodes is a definitely shortsighted on the part of midway. I would like to see ut3 versions of arcticstronghold, dawn, and the rest too. Just have to figure out pipeswitching for middle mouse button that is not listed (no middle mouse) in ini files. After 2 years of ut2004, I had my nostromo settings perfect. Limited weapons on mouse a weakness for me.
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