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Posts posted by LoveForPriscillaChan

  1. If people would listen to the rest of what he said, he went on to say that he thought bigotry based on such things was wrong. They booted him because he appears regularly on Fox News. Doesn't matter that he takes an opinion slanted left.


    and that's what the republicans/tea parties want the world to think. NPR fired Juan Williams because he appears on Fox News. If one actually reads the news, one will find that statement to be completely false. NPR fired him for airing an personal opinion on a public controversial topic, which as a news analyst, he may not. NPR values fact-based objective reporting while FOX, as we all know, values crazy-based deceptive "reporting".

  2. truly.


    If someone is conservative and Christian the left tends to identify them with the rebel flag, slave ownership and discount anything I say as unintelligent blather, because it doesn't follow their opinions. Rather than debate intelligently they resort to insults, name calling and slander. A great example is the tea party gatherings. I mentioned it before but the left has consistently spouted that the tea party is a racist group. Why is that do you think?


    I refused to vote for Obama, not because he was black, but because he had corrupt people that have surrounded him for years, he had no moral stances that I could agree with, and almost every view he had is socialist. If Condoleezza Rice had run I would have voted for her over McCain all day long because she is an excellent person of good character and views I can stand behind. Is there racism in America, yeah. There's also rampant stupidity on other issues as well. But, because of Obama, the racist corruption of the mass populace is a ridiculous idea that should just stop. It was the left that said that the only black people at the Republican Convention was serving food. That was during the campaign Bush/Kerry in 04. That is a racist statement.



    well, when they say obama is a nazi/fascist/socialist/muslim/born in kenya, discounts "socialist" healthcare systems in the world despite overwhelming evidence that it works, discounts evolution despite overwhelming evidence, encourages the violation of the separation of church and state, spreads the rumour of death panels in the healthcare bill despite the facts stating otherwise, more or less refuses to look up evidence when debating, yeah, i kinda think they are morons


    part of me really wants to vote palin/o'donnell 2012 or palin/beck 2012 JUST to see what it would be like, life under the crazies

  3. Now, on to the quoted selection above:


    First, I would consider the source. Every other "civilized" country has government controlled single-payer system - who do you think the WHO is going to favor in their "rankings"? What are their criteria? Quantity or quality? I'm guessing the former. I would rather 90% of the population (and that's even using the phony "30 million uninsured" stat) get "good" care, instead of 100% getting crappy care. There is a reason so many world leaders who extol the virtues of the single payer system in their countries fly to the US to get treatment when they get really sick.


    "Do as I say, not as I do."



    you guess, i google search:




    The pattern that really needs to be rid in this country is:


    USA! USA! USA! We are #1 in everything!


    No, you are not. Just like Alcoholics Anonymous, the first step is to admit you have a problem. The facts are right in front of you. US spends way more than any other civilized country per GDP on its health care and yet is still way below other countries. Politicians keep blaming frivolous lawsuits and claim tort reform would be enough to control costs, except all estimates by experts say that tort reform would only control 1-4% of the costs. But then again, when was the last time Republicans (and ex Republicans turned Tea Partiers who are even worse) listened to experts? How long did it take for GW to admit there were no WMD? I guess it was not so funny now, making fun of the French for not supporting the US to go to war? They listened to experts (IAEA) and believed them when they said there were no WMD. But I digress.


    The numbers are in front of the US: a government controlled health insurance system works in all most of the first-world countries that have it implemented. Does it mean it will work for the US? No it does not. Just like disclaimers you see everywhere, past performance does not guarantee future results. But hey, if I was to pick a winner, I would pick one with a good track record than pick the current US system + tort reform. Does it mean that the single-payer system has no flaws? No, it does not. Every system on the table has its flaws. The question is, which ones are the ones we can live with? Which ones are just show-stoppers? In my opinion, forcing people who cannot afford health insurance to suffer and then take a trip to the ER when it is way too late is a show-stopper. Are you allowed to disagree with me? Sure. Will you disagree with me? Most likely, given what I have read on these forums.


    Hm, there was a reason I only lurked on the political forums for a while or else I would start ranting...

  4. Since there is a 5$ special for CS this weekend, we have had a lot of new people coming in. Last night, when I was playing, around half the players were new and we got the server maxed out at 20 players. If we are going to do events, we should do it soon so these new players will know that *this* is the server to play on.


    In order words, get them addicted while they're young and naive!

  5. Seriously? This is your source? Media Matters + Jon Stewart? Funny stuff .fx


    here we go again; instead of attacking the source, why do you not address the content itself? hannity's clip was obviously incorrect; there is no defending that; instead, you say "oh my, it is media matters + jon stewart, whatever they say must be wrong! curse you liberal-bias media + crazy left wing blogs!"



    that's just it. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING (or media matters, for that, uh, matter). it was obvious. how was that not caught in production? besides, think hannity would have apologized if some loony left wing comedian didn't call him out on it?


    i'm sure CNN would have called him on it if they weren't too busy reporting on britney spears hijacked twitter account (which was also on fox).


    mainstream news ftw!



    CNN did call out fox news before, about the time that fox said nobody except fox covered the tea party protest, and then proceeded to use a skycam shot FROM cnn's skycam


    i think fox news got "covering" the tea party protests mixed up with "promoting" the tea party protests

  6. Let's hope the Million American March that took place in DC and in other places around the country sends a message to the politicians. We've had enough!


    you mean the 60k-70k american march?



    No. I meant what I said. 70k is a ridiculous low-ball estimate.









    you know ZD, i thought you were up to date on this kind of stuff -- you're slipping; that link you provided claims that ABC reported 2 million. ABC reported 60k-70k; they then released another report saying conservative bloggers are misquoting them, claiming ABC reports 1-1.5 mil, and by the time it reached michelle malkin, it ballooned up to 2 mil






    "If there was 70,000 that showed up, that means there is another 210,000 people that probably said they would go and 420,000 people who believe the same but really aren't the go to a rally type (raises hand). That means if there was 500,000 (overly conservative) then there was probably more like 3,000,000 that sat at home thinking the same."


    what? you make no sense; talk about pulling numbers out of thin air

  7. Let's hope the Million American March that took place in DC and in other places around the country sends a message to the politicians. We've had enough!


    you mean the 60k-70k american march?

  8. noone has better health care than the U.S. People from every country, with the financial means, come here every year for everything from elective plastic surgery to major organ transplants. Even the doctors from other nations migrate here to practice because of the superior system and likelihood of giving themselves (and their families) a prosperous future.


    no one has better healthcare than the US, provided they can PAY for it. you forgot that part.

  9. let me just sum up a few of the problems with that video you posted:


    1. apparently, david gratzer is now an expert -- i assume this was before he was caught red-handed giving out false statistics on healthcare in great britain?


    2. offering anecdotal evidence -- how about trying this on for size: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Content/Publications/Fund-Reports/2007/May/Mirror--Mirror-on-the-Wall--An-International-Update-on-the-Comparative-Performance-of-American-Healt.aspx


    3. failure to address the fact that other countries are providing healthcare at a higher performant rate while at a lower cost


    4. false claims that only private industry will spawn innovation in medicine; http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?article=the_price_isnt_right


    "The JEC pointed to a 1997 National Bureau of Economic Research study showing that public research led to 15 of the 21 drugs considered to have the highest therapeutic value introduced between 1965 and 1992. The JEC also cited a 1990 study by Robert Maxwell and Shohreh Eckhardt, "Drug Discovery: A Casebook and Analysis." That study found that 60 percent of 32 innovative drugs would not have been discovered or would have taken much longer to discover without research contributions from government labs and noncommercial institutions. "




    btw, stossel is moving to fox; i guess he will feel right at home;


    EDIT: responding to clueless


    where do you get the assumption that having a government run system causes significant job loss in the healthcare industry?

    Again, only assuming that we are talking about a complete government run health care system...if all of our current insurance companies go out of business...what do you suppose happens to all the employees? And also again, if there are serious market implications, as there would be i'm sure, the economy would take a dive, therefor causing more unemployment.


    It's cause and effect...people only seem to zero in on "I want my free health care" and don't think about all of the other factors involved, we live in a country where our economy and businesses are part of an intricate, tightly woven web....you can't make that drastic of a change and expect there will be no negative impact.


    You are also asking for concrete proof that things will be the way we speculate, well, there is no way to provide it, since we have not yet entered that situation, but that does not automatically make you right in thinking that we are all off our rockers and there is nothing to worry about. It is common sense if you think about how much a total gov't system would cost to run, that people in the field are likely to take pay cuts, there just isn't enough money to make it magically happen.


    And to Preacher...although I do not at all want us to become Socialist...it really isn't at all fair to call Socialism and Communism the same thing, they are not even close, and those are the kinds of things that make the people on this side of the argument look like extremists, which makes us be taken less seriously.



    assuming that there is complete government-run health-care industry -- i assume some of those people will be laid-off/fired/lose their jobs yes, but i will also assume that a significant amount of that people will be rehired under the government program. this is just logical. they will still need manpower; but IF this is better for the entire country, then this is just the process of getting leaner and meaner




    also, asking for concrete proof -- well, if we go towards a more socialistic program, i can point evidence to you that other countries with similar programs have higher quality of healthcare for more people than here; is it going to work for sure? i do not know, but i do know that a capitalistic style is definitely not working

  10. I'll use England as an example --




    almost half the doctors there earned 100,000 pounds+, and this was before the pound dropped in value; at that time, that was equivalent to $204,081.63.






    and now, using this article since it was the top results:





    it looks like general practitioners in England, under an (oh my!) socialistic policy, earn more than their counterparts in the US.


    now, does that mean that if the US adopts a govt-controlled health insurance (not healthcare) that their salaries will match that of the English? I don't know. But to say that their salaries will go down without offering any sort of facts makes your argument easily dismissed.





    as for GM, it is still too early to see. How you can make a judgement so early is beyond me. Perhaps you should go work for the Forbes. The US government has had success in fixing companies -- just look at Chrysler

  11. I dont see how this is "forced" upon you. It is an option.


    As for the cancer survival thing, what you say is the truth, but not the whole truth, which misleads readers.




    Yes, US leads survival rates in cancer (or at least the 4 main ones they tested). However, so does Japan + France. Both have nationalized healthcare



    Is capitalism good? Yes it is. Will pure capitalism work? No. Is capitalism the best solution for healthcare? From the looks of it, probably not. It is quite a shame that US, a self-purported #1 nation is just about everything, ranks so low in its healthcare for its citizens. Greed has driven innovation not so much in advances in medicine, but rather innovation in how to screw the consumers.


    As to your fears about market collapse and how you have absolutely zero faith in govt-run programs/institutions -- they are just your personal opinions and repetitions of scare tactics. Private health insurance companies can still exist. They will just have to compete with a government-run program. Are they going to lose because the government has (falsely claimed) infinite amount of money cause they can just raise taxes? Probably not. Why am I certain? Because in the past private companies have been competing well against government programs.






    By the way, it is quite a shame on how the right-wing is distorting this discussion with rumors of a death-panel, insuring illegal immigrants, and organized town-hall "rallies." Yes, there is freedom of speech. But it would be nice if you keep it civil. It is not a discussion if you ask a question out of turn, or deny facts given to you (in a very loud, rude way) that contradicts your (misleaded) viewpoints.

  12. Ok enough making rainbows with the reply boxes :P


    Ok added you PC...major brain fart on my behalf as I've always noticed the fact only 7 of 10 members of GC group are on my friends list but for some reason never made the connection...lol...wow I wonder what else I'm completely missing 8P)


    Oh yeah, free Royal b eta m edal c ode must be used ASAP as they expire in a few hours (just used one so they're good at the time of this post) this can only be used on your royal






    you havent added me to your friend's list? i am heartbroken -- i'ved had you in mine


    anyways, where do you go to enter the code?

  13. Did everyone get their free 7day XP code? Pretty generous gift from DICE considering it costs approximately $10 to buy normally.


    If anyone needs help with the game, tactics, ability tips etc just shoot me a PM I'll be glad to help.


    name: th3geEk


    OOOOO OOOOO Will you actually play with me!? (ok so I worded that wrong)...


    No one plays this...makes me sad...it's so much fun (when it works). Plus there's lots you need to learn to play effectively, but still a lot of noobs to take advantage of too...it's great!



    check out the group -- there are still people playing (namely me)

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