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Posts posted by ZeroDamage

  1. ...Wat? Please, PLEASE tell me how Iraq is equitable to Syria or Libya.



    I didn't say it was. Apparently my sarcasm wasn't obvious enough.



    And while you're at it, give me your best justification for the war in Iraq.


    So you didn't think going into Iraq was justified after 9/11 and the intelligence from numerous sources (including other countries) that Saddam had WMD?


    Why is Obama justified for doing exactly what you criticized Bush for supposedly doing?


    Why do you trust an administration that has done nothing but lie to you from day one?

  2. Maybe we should give ZD an award for most tenuous political comparisons. Please, tell me more about how Obama has started a "bunch" of wars under false pretenses - you know, like the war in Iraq.


    Been over this a million times here. If you still do not understand why we went into Iraq, then you will never understand or you refuse to understand. But hey, it's okay for Obama to do the same thing in Syria, Libya, drone strike none stop; he is a lefty democrat after all. AND he got the Nobel Piece prize for just existing. But that evil monkey bush.

  3. ssh server as a gateway into your homenetwork, a torrent box or a TOR access point was some ideas I had.


    I am using mine as an SSH tunnel for work at the moment. Have double web monitoring in place at work but it is fairly simple to get around. I would do a TOR except my bandwidth with Comcast is capped so I do not want to play around with that. I stay away from Torrents with regards to movies, etc because it is so easily spied on.


    Perhaps a Usenet / streaming box. That could work...

  4. I haven't decided what to do with mine yet. Been thinking of an at-home Email server because Google has basically stated that I shouldn't expect privacy when using their service. All I have on it at the moment is SSH and that is about it.


    I have the original B-model with only 256MB of RAM so it is quite limited compared to the newest B-model.

  5. Mine should be arriving today. My problem is that I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with it... I have a lot of experience with linux and programming in C/C++. I've developed on PC-104 stacks running custom linux kernals and interfacing with A/D and DIO cards. The past two years I've been working in automation software development. Give me some ideas guys. A torrent box, emulator or HTPC is too simple. I'm pretty sure I could build anything with this.


    Automate your house: lights, a/c, etc.

  6. ZD resurrecting a nine month dead thread about four deaths as if this coverup is the worst thing a president has ever done. Move along folks, nothing you want to get involved with here.


    Nope. I just got shat on by many in this community because I put 2 + 2 together and thought this was a cover-up. It didn't make sense.


    Just thought I would point out I was right.

  7. Just dropping in to put this right here. Remember when I said this was a coverup?





    Up to 35 CIA operatives were working in the city during the attack last September on the US consulate that resulted in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, according toCNN.


    The circumstances of the attack are a subject of deep division in the US with some Congressional leaders pressing for a wide-ranging investigation into suspicions that the government has withheld details of its activities in the Libyan city.

    The television network said that a CIA team was working in an annex near the consulate on a project to supply missiles from Libyan armouries to Syrian rebels.

  8. You cannot help yourself to single me out abuse your position.



    Stop playing the martyr and stop trying to act like I'm abusing a position.


    I don't agree with your political ideology and I don't agree with the condescending way you "defend" what's obviously right (to you, based on your beliefs, not facts). You don't like that I call you out for your desire to call people who don't agree trolls, you don't like that I don't swallow your extremist opinions, and you don't like that I call you out for acting like you emerge yourself into both sides of the debate. Take an objective look at your posts to Premier or NOFX's. Worlds apart.


    Keep in mind, I intervened when things were clearly getting personal between you and Shaftiel. I was defending you. I also fought for you the couple times membership became an issue.


    So please, remind me, how am I abusing my situation?


    Of course. you do no wrong. You are just the nice guy trying to fix things.


    I am not going to repeat here how you trolled me in other threads; if anyone has any interest they can go read for themselves. I have better things to do than play this ridiculous game with you.

  9. example: All of my ideas are so because I've been brainwashed by liberal communist professors. Instead of discussing why my ideas are bad, you give me a label and for you, that label is enough to justify why my ideas are bad. I don't try to change your mind and I don't throw out insults at you. I know it may seem like my mind will never change, but it's far from the case. I love for my idea to be challenged, I'm always looking for a better way to do things. Before I take a stance on anything I try to prove why it is wrong, not right.


    They are not buzzwords. They are one-word descriptions of someone's personal political ideological beliefs.


    I am also not going to ignore why it is that you or anyone else may have those political beliefs. I believe it was crasx who said that he learned what he learned about politics in college. He's also an addmitted Communist if I recall and this isn't an insult but what was said. If I have to ignore the underlying cause of why you believe what you believe because you are offended by it then I may as well not have any kind of participation here.


    Go ahead and call me a right-winger or a Conservative; I am not offended by that. Why are those of you on the left so offended by being called a liberal? It's an accurate desctription based on your own words and views here.

  10. I believe I did say that, but because it's true... it is the cellar for a reason, no one wants to moderate it, it's easier to make it "enter at your own risk", but I don't think that means we shouldn't moderate ourselves, it gets a bit out of line down here.


    What I do know is that if I treated Shaft or Stutters the way they've treated me, I would have been banned already. I've accepted my poor behavior in this forum's past but I will not take the blame for the actions of others. If they want to take political disagreement as some kind of personal insult, that is their problem. I will however not allow myself to be abused by another admin and a board member.


    I have also said in the past they we should just hit the delete button on the whole thing



    I've said the same thing a number of times.

  11. While I don't agree with ZD in many ways, and feel that he is stuck in his own ways and finds any other way of thinking wrong.... which is not all that uncommon these days with people, no matter what the subject matter, I do feel that the comments in here are getting too personal, I mean hell..Shaft called him a tool and not a word was spoken against it, if that isn't a personal insult, I don't know what is.


    I'm just calling it like I see it, I actually like stutters and shaft very much, so it's nothing personal, but we need to get a handle on the attitudes down here, or lock the door as far as I'm concerned.


    People are passionate about their views, and they defend them with that passion, but it can be done in a way that isn't attacking someone else. And that's what happens here, people attack the person who has the view, not the view itself. When I read ZD's posts... and sometimes shake my head in disbelief, I still get where he's coming from. And while most people seem to read a slight or an insult to anyone who doesn't agree with him, it just seems to me that he has strong beliefs and is extremely frustrated with the way the country is going, and what is this place if not a good, safe place to vent a little?


    People's political views turn into an alpha male dick measuring contest, where everyone feels the need to prove their superior intellect at the cost of someone else.


    Make your points, share your views, discuss.... move on.


    To be fair, when I complained about this a few months back, I believe it was you that said this forum isn't being moderated and it didn't matter what was going on. That it was in the basement for a reason. I am paraphrasing of course but that is pretty much what you said or maybe it was someone else.


    Either way, probably best I go on my way. It's been made clear that a board member is going to target me everywhere on the GC forums and I am not going to subject myself to that.

  12. Let me tell you what, you three should just not post here.

    I don't normally chime in on these threads, but what the heck is the point of statements such as these? Telling someone specifically to not post here is just inflammatory, and really adds nothing to the topic.


    Of course, my reply doesn't really add anything to the topic either... but since it seemed off-topic enough already, couldn't really hurt.


    Go read some of the other threads from the past 8 months or so to see why I posted what I did. Stutters can pretend innocence if he wants but he knows he's guilty of trolling me hard. As a board member, he should probably stay out of these forums.


    As for me, read his response. Doesn't matter what I do or say, his and everyone else's opinion of me has been made up.


    ZD, how many times have you been tossed out in your history with GC? Please don't take a lame jab at me on what's becoming of a community member.


    This right here is what makes me second guess my decision every year to re-up my membership. I've been a solid member and contributor for 6 solid years but you've been allowed to insult and troll me in these forums for months. You've been allowed to get away with it because you are a board member yet you have the audacity to throw my history in face when your behavior is questioned. What a shame


    Going forward, my only contributions to this forum threads you start are or the majority posted in* will be rewrites to your op-eds to remove the passive aggressive attacks and superfluous wording. I'll post it as a reply and will not directly edit your posts. I'll aim to be as objective as possible, but "what does it matter" if I say that?


    Of course you will. You cannot help yourself to single me out abuse your position. You should just have FK refund me my $35 admin membership in full and I will just go on my merry way. I will not participate in a community that allows a member of its leadership to abuse me or anyone else for that matter and act the way you do in these forums.

  13. Let me tell you what, you three should just not post here. There are actually a few guys here who are really interested in discussing things without throwing insults and crapping up every thread.


    I know I will never change NOFX's mind and have no desire to do so. I know where he stands and he knows where I stand and I am happy with that. We have a couple of new participants in crasx and Allanon who may or may not change their minds on anything. I do not care if they do to be honest; I only want the opposing view contributions WITHOUT THE INSULTS AND TROLLING. You three are incapable of doing that and that's pretty damn clear to me and everyone else here.


    The other conservatives rarely participate and it's probably because they do not want to deal with your insults and personal attacks. I just don't care on a personal level. I've come to expect that from guys like you. But it would be nice if you guys would just not poop all every political thread here. It's unbecoming of a board member and a senior admin.

  14. Honestly, this doesn't even make any sense. Wait, did we grow up together and you intimately know my upbringing, education, and world perspective? Ah, right, you don't.


    I can make a pretty good guess on your political leanings based on your "contributions" to these forums. If you do not want anyone to use your opinions as a basis for your ideology, then don't post here. You guys sure don't have any problem doing it.


    You troll harder than anyone else here, kid.


    :biggrinjester: Hahahahahaha! That's pretty good considering the trolling you do here. And then the "kid" insult to boot. If you guys put as much effort into researching and contributing on an intellectual level as you do on personal insults and trolling me, these forums would actually be a nice and fun place to discuss things.

  15. Balck and white do not exist ZD, the world is full of grey.


    You are free to think that if you want. Most things are as simple as a good or bad. Murder is bad. Sex with children is bad. There is no gray in these things. Socialism and Marxism is bad.


    Your Us vs Them mentality is the problem, its the most ignorant and base position to take. Its the view point of every fanatic, and you do it oh so well. When I disagree with you, its not because I <3 that dreamy Obama, its because you are crazy. You bring up valid issues a lot of times, but your position is always, not sometimes, not most times, but always the same. Regardles of the facts or situation. Your inflexibility is what is so damning. You are a picture perfect fanatic. Well done, you are a tool.


    And here comes the oh-so-typical insults from you. You cannot contribute in a meaningful and thoughtful way so you insult me on a personal level.


    You are either for or against a free market system. It is intellectually dishonest to call it anything else.



    Please, that is a gem. Intellectual dishonesty is thinking that you have any idea about what you are talking about. There is no such thing as a free market system.


    More insults. So typical coming from you.



    You have tried this before, and I will tell you once more, Laissez-faire economics does not exist. Your belief in something that does not exist is very adorable. Like I said, no black and white. There is no such thing as pure capitalism or socialism. Everything is shades of grey.


    I like your tactic on this. It gives me the chuckles. Run to the dictionary, grab the de facto definition and claim that as proof that I do not know what I am talking about. Of course Laissez-faire and a free market system doesn't exist in its pure definition; nothing does in politics and economics. That doesn't change the fact that our economic system is based on a free-market system and we are were a primarily Capitalist based system since our founding. That system is being changed in a drastic way right now to our detriment.

  16. f



    Anyone who is a "conservative" or "liberal" is simply someone just following the herd.


    This is the kind of response that is typical of someone who is a liberal and doesn't want to admit it. You can take that as an insult if you want but that is usually the case from my experience. There is a reason that liberals prefer to be called "progressives" rather than liberals. Liberal is a dirty word. Progressive is a good word and means moving forward and it means great things in politics. Liberals are good at defining words and setting the narrative. Once upon a time, there was Global Warming. Now it's called Climate Change when it became apparent that the original term wasn't accurate.



    Why on earth I would want to be a part of that and read "conservative" articles to open my eyes is beyond me. I have read that garbage, just like I used to read the left garbage and I still read both occasionally. Most of it attempts to push an idea on me, which I refuse buy into. All it does is promote division within us. Instead of focusing on problems and solutions, people choose a team and point fingers.


    Well, there is a right and a wrong. When you refuse to look at the options and pick a side, the problem will never get fixed. We are in the middle of a 5-year trial of unabashed liberalism and it is quite apparent to those who are willing to admit it that it doesn't work.


    They believe there is only two solutions to any problem and their favorite party has the right one. Is this the type of communist propaganda I was brainwashed with?


    You tell me. You've never once displayed an opinion here that wasn't far left liberal or could be considered a Conservative opinion. You use a lot of generalities.



    Also, I'm not against capitalism. Labeling someone a capitalist or anti-capitalist and leaving them no room to criticize either is extremely narrow minded.


    You are either for or against a free market system. It is intellectually dishonest to call it anything else.

  17. I'm not sure if I find it amusing, interesting, or condescending that you formed your argument like this.

    You'd have to be willing to dedicate 2-3 weeks with an open listening to Conservative talk radio, reading conservative blogs, and then comparing the information to the liberal counterparts. You would have to suspend the emotional responses to the liberal material and just use the logical part of your brain and compare.


    Conservative content = be open minded!

    Liberal content = just use the logical part of your brain.


    This is the exact kind of emotional response I am talking about. This honestly doesn't even make any sense. Telling someone who's only ever been exposed to leftist propaganda and opinions to actual read and listen to the conservative point of view with an open mind is apparently a bad thing in your world. Only liberals are open minded; if you of a conservative point of view, you are a closed minded biggot, homophobe, and a racist among other things.


    This is my point in case you did not get it: Go learn what Conservatism is yourself. Do not base your opinion on something you do not know anything about.


    At least you left the appropriate disclaimer.
    I think many people are hard wired to their ideology and cannot be convinced no matter what.


    All the points to NOFX for ending the thread.


    Like I said above, only liberals are open minded according to them. Except when it comes to someone with a different opinion than them.

  18. The one thing that I have learned for sure is that I want ZD's job....I barely have enough time to READ one of these posts, let alone actually construct one! :P


    Off today dealing with the local city and a busted sewer line running through my back yard.

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