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Everything posted by ThChosenOne

  1. Quite frankly I don't play here often and I'm not playing a victim at all. I found his attitude and reactions over the mic acting as 'God' quite entertaining.. for the first 5 minutes. I'll just have to switch accounts when I do play here unless I get unbanned or if it was a temp ban. I doubt logs will tell you anything unless your logs record voice chat . 0:0:89323
  2. you see you missed the point, I was trying to play and being forced to listen to a witch fest by an ADMIN of your server, who in turn kicked me. So yeah, I slipped and I don't deny it but there was no need to ban me for one offense. If anything the 'mature' environment was compromised by your admin blabbing over and over about banning anybody he see's fit.
  3. Yeah, so apparently his panties were in a bunch because of what somebody else did, something about dating his sister and he doesn't have a sister and hes gonna ban somebody and he didn't think it was funny (everybody else did) so there was an arguement blah blah blah so I started making noises in the mic to get them to shut up and play, when surprise! kicked without warning. Ok rejoin, ask 'how old is the admin?' more people blabber on the mic and then I said well I just got kicked for nothing. Then somebody said something else and I responded with I didn't do $***. banned. maybe you shouldn't play with PMS you might not get all hurt about people dating your non-existant sister.
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