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Posts posted by Jibbajabba

  1. I never understood why autosnipers were banned and the AWP wasn't. The AWP is still the better sniper gun. Is it banned because that is how the server has always been? Why not limit it like the AWP instead of banning it?

  2. I normally don't have too many problems with lag but I have noticed the server seems unusually laggy lately when we have near max people in it and I know others have noticed it being worse than usual too. I don't know if it is a recent update issue, something with the server, etc. For individuals issues they may want to play with their interp, interpratio, and smooth to see if they get better results.

  3. Okay, okay history and economics are my two favorite areas of interest and this conversation has some of both in it!


    We cannot support long-term tax rates this low from an economic perspective, at least at this rate of spending. You can talk all you want about cutting spending but unless you cut a combination of Social Security, Medicare and defense spending it won't significantly matter. The increase in expenditures for these three are growing far faster than any other government spending. It will soon get much worse as the Baby Boomer generation fully retires because Social Security and Medicare costs will increase even more and there will be less tax income to support them. Those three categories alone amount for almost 66% of federal spending. We are hostages of the big three programs and there is absolutely no way that they can be cut because the older generations, which due to the Baby Boom, make up the largest voter base will not stand for those programs being touched. Those of us who are younger will be saddled with the problem of how to support demographically broken systems (Social Security and Medicare). Two choices, cut spending......which will not happen or increase taxes. I agree that increasing taxes suck, I hate have to make out my quarterlies at this tax rate let alone a possible increased one. However from a realist and economist view, I understand why they will have to go up.


    Tax cuts in general do not drastically help bolster the economy because a large amount of the nation's wealth is controlled by a much smaller percentage of population. The high income earners are shown to, the majority of the time, to take the tax savings and save it which doesn't help the economy. On a personal finance side, saving is a good thing :smillie_smilling:, but from an economic perspective - if that is the reason for the tax cut, then it doesn't work.


    I support a two year extension for the tax cuts and an increase for higher incomes down the road. I also support a simplified tax system that keeps the graduated tax system. :luxhello:


    Btw Reagan may have been a great president but certainly not for his economics. He cut taxes and increased government spending to such a proportion that we tripled our national debt in 8 years and became the world's largest borrower, a title we still hold to this day.

  4. I'm here, just havent played CS:S in a while cuz I'm more on a L4D2/other games kick. Plus I'm always working 2nd shift so game time is limited to middle of the night time.


    EDIT* BTW i just tried out CS:S for the first time in how long, and saw they changed the crosshairscale command. Hate it, cant mike it the right size i like with the new command, and the registry still feels like crap, you'll be lucky to see me ever play this game again lol.


    Too bad Nightling, I still hope you drop in every once in a while. There is a command to change crosshairscale back to the old way. I believe it is cl_legacy_crosshair 1. This will allow you to use the old cl_crosshairscale command. The retro server has seemed very laggy over the past two weeks, don't know if it is the server or not. I have heard the same complaint from a number of players recently.

  5. The following CSS players may have been abducted from the Retro server. Should anyone have contact with these missing persons....please direct them to the Retro server immediately. At this time, there are multiple suspects in these cases including: the new CSS updates, other time consuming games, and of course that thing called life.... Here is a list of missing players, please be on the lookout for these lost CSS gamers:


    1.) Lousiest

    2.) Voodoo

    3.) Shaftiel (may be in the area according to recent sightings)

    4.) Woden's 5th Column

    5.) Sedah

    6.) Dragonfire

    7.) San

    8.) gl (although many people's k:d ratios have improved since his absence)

    9.) Goofus Maximus

    10.) Clueless

    11.) Vali

    12.) Thrux

    13.) Norgman

    14.) Samurai Nightling (currently recovering and not playing counterstrike?)

    15.) Vovik


    If any of these players are not missing, make your presence known. Keep an eye out and be vigilant because there are certainly others who have been missing far too long as well! :peace:

  6. Good to see some other zombie fans on gc! I loved the premiere and can't wait for the next episode. I am glad they didn't try to reinvent the wheel like some zombie movies have tried to do. I suppose it helps that it is based off a known quantity, that being the graphic novels. I thought I read somewhere where the initial TV season is only going to be six episodes? If that is true that is a bummer. Maybe that was the number of graphic novels instead and I misunderstood?

  7. Same here, had all 4 removed before I had bracers put on. Was put under GA, so didn't remember a thing. Took painkillers and that helped a lot. In fact, only thing bad about the whole affair was eating, which was a nuisance.


    Lousy, at first glance I thought you were describing Fragfest 2010. I don't think anyone removed your wisdom teeth that one night. Did your "dentists" look anything like Nightling or Dragonfire? :biglaugha: Don't be a stranger to Retro either :peace:

  8. This Sunday on AMC at 9PM CST the series premiere of the Walking Dead starts. If you are a fan of horror/zombie movies, this series looks amazing. If you aren't a fan of this genre....this series looks amazing and I hope you get devoured by zombies. It is based off the graphic novels with the same name. AMC is known for putting together quality TV shows and this one looks like no exception. I would hate to see the series fail because not enough people decided to tune in. Besides, you might learn a thing or two about zombie apocalypse survival and you never know when you will need that :o



    Regardless of the Deist faith, the founding fathers, the beginning members of the first congress, and the entirety of the first 6 or so presidents all supported the founding of Christian based education in our country. Whether you are talking about Harvard (originally a school of divinity) or the first English Bible printed by the congress for use as a text book for grade schools it's hard to argue that the origins of our country are not firmly entrenched in the Christian faith. With that in mind it is hard to justify the current definition of the separation of church and state.


    Agreed, no argument here on your first point. Our country certainly has roots in a Christian faith. My point is that many of the founders viewpoint of their Christian faith is very different than our views today. The Enlightenment helped shape their views especially with regards to the faith vs. science issue. Many of them considered themselves Christian AND had Deist (Deism allowed them to explain and accept the co-existence of science and God btw) views. As for justification of separation of church and state, it is quite clear. Their past experience was the Church of England which was a state sponsored religion and those who didn't conform to it were marginalized. The founding fathers wanted to make sure that never happened. That is the historical justification. The following is my opinion (worth maybe two cents :smiling2: , but I will take a penny).


    From a philosophical point of view (and the view I support), you can only have either complete separation of church and state OR you have state sponsored religion by default. It is a clear cut issue, there is no middle ground. If you don't have complete separation the majority will marginalize the minority. This is due to the nature of religion in general, the view that one's own religion is the only correct faith (a generalization I realize but true in the core beliefs of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). A state sponsored religion is the first step to tyranny.

  10. A large number of our founding fathers were actually Deists. They were products of the Enlightenment. Their primary beliefs were logic, reason and science. They were much closer to being agnostic than Christian in today's society. For those who are interested look into Deism, Enlightenment and Freemasons.

  11. Just wondering if anyone is currently in the open beta, or even planning to buy the game. I'm currently trying out the game. Won't lie, the open beta still needs work. But if you're already set on buying the game (which I think I will since I'm an FF fan), we should get together :)


    No I am not buying it, personally I am holding out for Final Fantasy XXXIII :wiggle2:

  12. zBlock didnt fix the around the corner registration, died the other night before i ever saw the guy. Right now I'm chalking it up to the internet at my house is just different then the internet i had at my parents house, even though its the same connection and the same company. Who knows, maybe i just get worse reg here than i did there, i still ping good.


    In order to help you Samurai I think there may be other things besides the update that could be affecting your CS play, maybe some of these would help :biglaugha: :


    1.) JackieChan is still remotely messing with your keyboard.

    2.) Perhaps you dug up your internet cable in the backyard unknowingly?

    3.) You are getting on to play when gl and discom are in the server...this negatively impacts many players K:D ratios.

    4.) Remember to turn your hax on.

    5.) http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20100818/us_time/08599201150900 (I think this is why LeBron left Cleveland too....I could see where it would really mess up your CS playing ability!)


    Hopefully some of these things may help you as I SERIOUSLY doubt your problems stem from the update :wiggle2:.

  13. This is not an exhaustive list and if your name doesn't show up on it don't feel left out as I would love to see you at fragfest as well but this is my personal call-out list to people I would enjoy getting to meet in person for the first time. Meeting UC, lousiest, nightling, voodoo, and a host of other people for the first time at FF2010 was great! Your order on the list does not indicate any significance....I also reserve the right to alter my list at any point :wiggle2:.


    1.) Shaftiel (bummed you couldn't make it for 2010 but understandable circumstances)

    2.) FirstMonk

    3.) Goofus Maximus

    4.) Woden's 5th Column

    5.) gl (mainly just to make sure he doesn't truly hack :biglaugha: )

    6.) Peklz (or any variation of his name that he chooses to use on a given day!)

    7.) Beowulf

    8.) Amertrash

    9.) Smeg

    10.) Dr. Doom


    Don't worry....if you didn't make the list I am sure you are on someone elses and I may end up kicking people off my list if they shoot me in the head a few hundred more times....gl. Look forward to having Clueless back next year too! Fragfesters, is there anyone else that you would really like to meet in person at FF 2011?

  14. Thanks for the clarification Voodoo. If the 66 tick limit is true, I wonder if that is some of the difference I am noticing since I use to be at cl_update 100 on the old server before the update and I know the old server was at 100 max.

  15. So with the new update I have heard that all server tickrates have been capped at 66, is that true? If that is the case then does that mean that cl_updaterate should be set to 66? If so what about cmdrate? I use to run 100 update/ 100 cmdrate but I have been experiencing several different lag issues with the new update so I want to make sure it isn't something with my settings. I have also noticed that my rate command is now fixed at 100000.... I use to run 25000-30000 but when I change it in console it now goes right back to 100000. I am sure I am not the only one with optimal settings questions. I don't know too much about optimal settings so any help would be appreciated.

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