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Everything posted by SwOOp

  1. I'm kinda stuck playing the games I got right now and just demos until Christmas, my wife don't want me to buy all her gift giving oppurtunities. But I definitly plan on getting R6:V, and I can't wait until Lost Planet comes out, the demo is a blast. Multiplayer goodness.
  2. Thx for the kind words all, like I said, can't justify paying money with their service and support, and unfortunatey there are no other high speed providers for my area. I will be back, you can bank on that, most likely when we move (which will be next year sometime) or if another high speed provider comes to the area.
  3. I know I haven't been around the boards in awhile, but I have still been active in the server so I figured some of you would like to read. Well guys, I don't know what to say other than my reasons for doing so. For quite awhile now my connection to the net has been unstable at best, and despite my ips's efforts (though how little they have actually done) no signifigant changes have been corrected. So I am cancelling my internet package from them, I have been saying for awhile now to those in game that I am frustrated with paying for a service that I am not getting, so unless I do something about it I am just witching. Well, I am doing something about it. There are other reasons as well for this decision though. I have been into video games for my entire life, and that is no joke. My brother can verify this, we had the first video game console made (the Telstar Ranger) and since then have owned every console system ever made with the exception of a few that I can count on one hand. So I guess you could say video games has very much been a part of my life, even to the point in which I spend a ridiculous amount of hours playing on an almost daily basis. As I have gotten older married, fathered, and slowed down a bit, I find it easier to just pop a game in and play, rather than get out and excercise, get out and play sports, or spend a little more time with my family. I'd play the computer until I get bored, then get up and go straight in and play one of my game consoles. I don't regret playing games nor none of the great friends I have made online, but am ashamed at times (when it happens) of my un-awareness of time or whats going on when I am playing. I figure the price I am paying, for the service and support I am not getting, the money saved will go to better use elsewhere. And this will free up more free time for me to actually get out more (since I've turned into a hermit now more or less) and be more social, excercise and sport it up. I'm gonna be getting another motorcycle so that will get some of my time. And I know my wife will enjoy actually to be able to talk to me without my eyes fixed on the monitor when gaming and my half-listening conversation style. I will most suredly miss gaming with all of you. To all my brothers, you always have a spot in my heart (and yes the light is always on), your friendship and the times we've been able to hang out or do stuff together I would not trade for any amount of money. To most everyone else, I will miss fragging it up with ya and makin cracks until they are so funny because they make absolutely no sense. I will still have access to the messageboard from my work though, so i will still be able to check in and continue to own people in fantasy football. And I'm sure when I get the itch bad enough I'll take my comp in town to Tyranus's house or my father-in-laws work to hop in some games with ya. Until then i will be stuck resorting to single player games and console games, which is why I know I will be playing video games less, because I am not playing with any of you. Gamer for life, just not hard-core anymore. [VI]Swoop -aka- Shawn Edmonds VI4L
  4. SwOOp


    If you're still needing me to do some wiring I need to see what exactly you need, how many computers are we talking about and what kind of measurements from the panel to where they are seated.
  5. He needs to be shot in the jugular with the tranq gun from old school. But I did like how he was searching for the escape key to put back on, that was the only part of his german or whatever it that I understood.
  6. SwOOp


    Alrigth guys I guess when you come you come in force, had bout 10-12 people shout out to me about getting in touch with the Fat one, but Mag's was first, and the negotiations have begun.
  7. SwOOp


    Hey I like spider solitaire! It's a good time passer. So when you see it up, I am actually playing it. But when I am away from the comp I'll start bringing soltaire up to idle.
  8. SwOOp

    funny stuff

    Mag, you doofus, that wasn't a burp, it was a bleat call!!
  9. SwOOp

    Sup all?!?!

    I've been off and on lately, just popping in when I have time for about a map or so. Trying to hit all the servers so i can play with everyone. I got to tease Mag and Lunk a couple days back, so it's all good.
  10. SwOOp

    Sup all?!?!

    AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! My boomhaur, tis gone!
  11. SwOOp

    Sup all?!?!

    Hey y'all, just dropping in to say hi and see how ya's been doing.
  12. The ones I frequent that I can recall off the top of my head are DZ, CCC- computer chair commandoes, La Cantina, and a couple others that escape me right now.
  13. The filter is not as useless as you say, for those looking for certain servers type the name in the server box on the top left, make sure filter is on an click on update servers. I don't have any problem finding the same servers because I use the ping filter box and set it to 60 so I the update list only shows servers I ping 60 or less in, which is normally the same servers each time. And if my certain fav's are full, there's others on the list right there that I can try with a low ping.
  14. lol, I like how you added that into the pictures, almost like a ransom note.
  15. MY SCREWDRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I made it home fine yesterday at noon, sorry for not being able to say bye to some of you, but I wasn't that tired after we broke down the comps. So I just hit the road. I was looking forward to seeing my wife and daughter. As per FF tradition, it was a great time, I really enjoyed seeing my friends from Fragfest's past and getting to see the first timers that I see around the board and server.
  17. I'll be leaving work and heading that way in 10 minutes. Mapquest says it's a 5 and a half hour drive. I'm shooting for at least 4 and a half. See everyone in a few!
  18. SwOOp

    A Cry For Help

    Make certain to re-affirm on any debt that you are wanting to keep i.e. car, house, etc... That way you will still have a roof over your head and a way to get around. I have heard of people getting cars as soon as 6 months after bankruptcy, but they get raked over the coals in interest, so the best bet would be to keep the car you're driving now. Also, is her name on any of the cards, co-signed, or have a card on your account issued in her account or otherwise?
  19. Be sure to have all your games you plan on playing updated to current version. Source, BF1942, DC etc.... I'll prolly have some updates on cd if some don't have time to install.
  21. hehe. after lvl 50 controls are reversed
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