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About xpkoala

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  1. The reason I was kicked and eventually banned was for "team stacking". While playing on contra (i think) t's were stacked for 3 rounds, no one was kicked or banned, on t side and i was kicked for making a remark about t side being stacked. As for stats, I don't care about them, and I have never made a comment about my stats or anyone elses, so I'm not sure how thats a factor. And since you didn't refute that I joined T side after it was obvious they needed help (on inferno i think), I'm not sure why you keep coming back to me for the team stacking. From my point of view it seems like i'm being singled out. I guess in the future i'll try to join the correct team? I do acknowledge I should have mentioned there were other admins using commands against me, sorry if it sounded like i was singling you out there lunk. Maybe a way to make sure people don't care about stats are to take them away? Otherwise i don't know how you wont have people make stupid calls about them. I for one don't follow them and just today saw mine, having never been to the gc forums before. Thanks for the post ~xpkoala
  2. I got banned 10/11/08 around 7pm central. I'm not terribly sure what the definite reason behind this was. Earlier lunk and i had some banter about team stacking, then we played a map or two w/o any trouble, it switches to train, i join a team and get suicided. I'm not sure if it was a game glitch or what so i rejoin and select the same team, and i get kicked / banned. Any explanation would be nice, considering i like to think i have a pseudo good rapport with most of the members / regulars on GC. I deny any accusation of team stacking, as i generally will random team, however every once in a while on a map I've played one side a lot i will join the other, or if i have friends on one side it's fun to play with them, that is why I play CS:S, for fun. This is your server and i'm not paying for it, but at the same time, I've been experiencing a lot of admin commands administered to me, weather it be beaconing me / slapping me / killing me / switching my team, whatever, it's fun up to a point but sooner or later I have to ask if some admins are abusing their power. The teams do have auto functions and most people know I will switch teams if another needs me. Earlier in the day on inferno I was playing on CT and we were ahead by 5 or so, Lunk asked if we could even the teams at the beginning of the round. Not wanting to waste a round I rushed, died quickly, and switched to T. Where i was met with Lunk calling those of us who switched "idiots" for all switching, it's seems maybe lunk has a problem with me, i'm not sure. All things aside, no I don't pay for the server, yes I enjoy playing on the server, and would liked to be unbanned, but senseless admin abuse can become a little wearisome for some people. Cheers ~xpkoala after reading the big yellow thing that says read first last, the game was CS:S and my steam id is STEAM_0:1:95316
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