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Posts posted by ConGregation

  1. It does that, eh? That is one thing I despise... shots not registering. I wonder if that other server I play on has it activated... I just thought they were all newbs!

  2. Fat was supposed to repost the application for all clans seeking entrance into the MCC. I know you need to be referred by three clans and answer a bunch of questions.

  3. WOW thats really awesome. Unless someone can SOMEHOW beat that AMAZINGLY great, funny, informative AWESOME PIECE OF AMERICAN LITERATURE then CONGREGATION is going to be the winner. And he has enough fame already! Somebody, amaze me with your shockingly L337 guide to the g0t b4nn3d forum!


    I'll even sweeten the pot... im now adding in a SUPER SECRET PRIZE so GET CRACKING

    Wow! Great American piece of literature?! :rolleyes:


    <wonders what super secret prize could be?>


    Hey if you want you can just leave my name out of it. Since you run the banned forums it would be cool just to have your name on it. Plus you can edit all my spelling errors :unsure:

  4. A Guide For Requesting an Un-banning


    We here at Mmmm feel strongly about how we run our server. We try and promote an atmosphere where guys can connect and experience friendly gameplay. In an age when most online gamers show no respect for rules, others or even socially expectable behaviour; we try to achieve just the opposite. Because of the amount of little punks that we have to deal with, sometimes we can make bad judgement calls. If you feel you are a victim of one of those, this is where you can bring that to our attention. In this post you will find some suggestions on how to go about it.


    1. Give us as much information as possible.


    By this I mean your in-game name, your wonid, the time of the banning, the names and wonids of any other parties involved, and the noose size to use in case we dont like your post.


    2. State precisely what happened.


    The less adjectives you use the better. If you dont know what an adjective is than may I suggest applying yourself more toward your schoolwork and less toward CS.


    3. Take responsibility for you own actions.


    This is where 90% of requests fail. We dont need to hear about how your friend, brother, girlfreind, mom, uncle, aunt, grandpa, teacher, bookie, stuffed bear, aliens, Peewee Herman, hamster, pet roosterroach, neighbor, parole officer, or alter personality grabbed your mouse and gunned down five of your teamates. You may state (only mention... do not blame) any circumstances that may have provoked you to break our rules. But you will gain a little respect (by this I mean it will jump up ten points from -2000) when you admit without condoning what you did wrong.


    4. Apologize.


    Again, do not qualify your apology. For example "I am sorry I kept swearing BUT YOUR FRICKEN SWEAR FILTER IS STUPID!!!" A sincerely stated apology is your best bet.


    5. Flatter us.


    Its amazing how many forget this simple step and yet it will help you soooo much B) . On that note, insults will get you nowhere. And if Barto banned you, just mentioning his leet paintball gun will pretty much remove any ban. Some have even taken to writing poetry extolling an Mmmm member, our server, the community or website. This never hurts ;)


    6. Assure us that your behaviour will change for the better.


    Again, do not qualify it. Just tell us that your are going to find another way to vent other than breaking our rules. I mean just because your mom makes you take ballet is no reason to be a jerk.


    This is a basic guideline. A respectful request is what we are looking for. Just remember that our server is provided by us for your enjoyment. You have no right to break, change or abuse our rules. We strive to create a friendly environment for mature players to have fun in. If you like this than you will understand the effort it takes. And keep that in mind as you beg on your knees for clemency.

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