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Everything posted by ConGregation

  1. Jehoshaphat and I are seriously thinking about coming. Keep us in the loop.
  2. Yeah, I will sit down sometimes and watch him play some matches. He ain't too bad. If he ever acts like a jerk let me know.
  3. So who still plays? I wish I could play again. I make Jeho tell me what is going on but he won't even post on the forums, what is up with that? I was telling him about MCC and how much fun it was. With matchmaking now it would be pretty easy to do that again. Man I miss the old days (I know I sound really old right now). Had some great times. I really do expect this community to be around when I am 80 and I can tell everyone that I was around from the beginning.
  4. I was going to show my son (Jehoshaphat) the old nade gif that Fatty had made of me in inferno. But alas, it appears the link is broken. Is it gone forever? :'( He needs to know that his old man had some skills back in the day.
  5. Is it proper to reminisce about a thread that was purely reminiscent? reminsception!
  6. Thank you guys. And yes, I am old.
  7. My heart aches. Tyler looks so very much like my own son and just the thought of what you are going through scares me. I am very sorry for your loss. I hope and pray that you will find solace and comfort in memories, friends and family, and that God gives you the grace to receive it.
  8. I take a different tactic. Never buy in a down trend. You are not smart enough to find the bottom and are basically trying to fight what is actually happening. Now if you want to play risky go right ahead. Which leads to my second point... Always buy in a up trend. But it has to prove to me that it is not just a 'correction'. Think of it as forces. One force is pushing it down and prevailing but the up force is still there and at a certain point it will be at a point to overcome the downward trend. I play it safe and wait for conditions where the up swing is firmly established. This stuff works better in a market index or actual futures. And all my experience is based on observation not actual live trading.
  9. Prove it. http://quiz.wegame.com/oldschool_cs_quiz/ I think I fried too many brain cells playing CS because I only got a 52%
  10. I went to one of those things years ago. Probably 10 years ago, might not be the same company but it was surely the same tactics. I have a long history with stuff like that. As a kid my parents took us along to several 'timeshare' type pitches to get the 'prize'. My parents could be suckers but they never went for that one. Then on our honeymoon I actually rented a timeshare from someone and they made it sound like we had to attend this meeting. We are young and naive so we actually go. Boy did they lay it on think. We had no money but that didn't stop them. Being young we let them go on way to long. When our 'agent' couldn't make the sell they bring the big guy over. Boy did he look and act sharp. By now the place is empty and they can smell a sale. He laid it on thick. Talked about how his wife had just died recently of breast cancer and how he wished beyond anything that he had invested 12,000 dollars into a timeshare just like the one he was selling so he would've spent more time with his now dead wife. He was a snake! The story may have been true but I would be surprised. They even told us that in order to pay for it just to claim more deductions from my employer and we would have enough in pocket to make the payment. Absurd! We finally made it out of there. The one that almost got us was another travel thing where they sold surplus rooms, resorts, flights type thing. The numbers they threw at us was very impressive. My mom was with us (we were getting 50 bucks apiece) and she actually bought it. They kept coming down and kept coming down, I felt sorry for the 'bigger' suckers who bought it at the initial price. My mom bought it (it came with 2 extra free memberships so we would have got one). It was in Branson and we were at a family reunion. When we went to the reunion everybody started ragging on us for buying it and how it was a scam (I didn't tell everyone my mom had bought trying to make it more comfortable for her). It was a very unpleasant dinner. My mom decided to cancel so we go back over there. I ask her if she wants me to do the talking and she did. Sure enough, the first thing they did was offer a better price. We eventually got it all straightened out. Funny thing is, I left the $50 dollar check in my pants and it got washed. My wife was furious. All the headache and we ruined the check. I pieced it together and mailed it to the address oon the check and I actually got a replacement check in the mail. I would do it again. It really is kind of fun to pick up on all their tricks and point out where they are wrong. If the 'prize' was worth it of course. We though about doing it for our trip to FL. 90 minutes of saying no and you get a nice place to stay for 4 days.
  11. ConGregation


    Green star for sarcasm
  12. glong33 at yahoo dot com thx
  13. bah! I have to checkup on that league more.
  14. I just checked and mine hasn't come through yet. I'm on the first wave so maybe tomorrow. As for what I am going to do with it... I'm going to pay bills. I have four more weeks of work before I get laid off. So I have to sock away as much as I can.
  15. If frank communication and reasonable discussion can't resolve issues like this, then I hate to say it but your better off without her. What you did stupid. Always treat your girl like a princess. If she doesn't treat you like a prince than it's not worth the trouble.
  16. Thanks for the replies. I guess I really don't think dealing with the problems will be that bad. I am probably naive. I have gone into nursing homes a lot. I have held church services in several different homes for over 15 years. Of course the nurses are always busy and there are very nasty parts of the job. I guess I look at what I just did for the last 14 years and feel that I could face anything. As far as doing something that I would really enjoy.... I have thought about that a lot. I really can't think of something that really applies. I guess I am too lazy of a person. Sure I wouldn't mind being a great musical artist (no talent) or a successful comedian or something with talent but at my age I look at the numbers. I know only how to work. I will pray about it, Dweezil.
  17. Um. I do care about people and I like to be a help to people. But I don't think it would be my forte or fulfill me in some great way. Now I may be wrong about that. My wife on the other hand is a natural nurterer. I think she will be an awesome nurse. I guess I am looking more at the money than anything. I put up with the absolute worst working conditions I know of (except for maybe a coal miner) all in the name to make money. I'm sure I could be a nurse to make money. I read a book by Max Lucado about how as a christian I need to find what I was made for. The thing that I have a natural talent for and that offers fulfillment to my life. And then do it to honor and glorify God. I agree but at this stage of my life I'm willing to settle for cash. There are other areas of my life that give me GREAT fulfillment and that is enough for me.
  18. Recently I was laid off. I worked in a 'trailer factory' building mobile homes. For 14 years it has be a good place to make a living. But obviously it came to an end. The entire industry is way down and I don't really expect it to ever really come back. Right now the RV industry is still going strong in this area. A guy can make a good living working there. These jobs are very physically demanding jobs and I am getting older (38). So I thought it might be a good time to look for a new career. After looking through what my local community college offers, I have some questions. They offer a "Computer Information System Certificate". It is a two year certificate. But from what I can gather this is a rather bogus thing. The lady at the Workforce office said that she has a guy in that program and that jobs available to him paid 10 to 12 dollars an hour to start. To me that is nothing close to acceptable. Of course I am not a total newb when it comes to computers so going in that direction isn't all bad. The other option I am looking at is becoming a Nurse. My wife is in that process right now. It is basically one year of pre- reqs and then one more year for an LPN and then another year for an RN. A RN supposedly makes 40,000 a year which is comparable to what I made or could make in a 'trailer factory'. Not that nursing appeals to me but it seems like a very viable option to only put three years in and have a decent wage. Plus the fact that there is a demand for nurses AND that I could get a job in this area which is important. Plus there are a lot of different avenues to take as a nurse. Any advice?
  19. Hah! I really like my schedule right now. Got up at 8:30. Went to the grocery store to get some bread. Now cruising on the internet. I have to make a couple of phone calls but that's it for the day. But it does suck to be unemployed
  20. An empty tomb. As a Christian I don't have a holy place to go to. Or a temple or even a shrine. I have only an empty tomb. It's not about a place but about a person. A person who WAS in the tomb. In today's society I could see Christ painting an "Christ was here". He inhabited something that was a symbol for sorrow and death. But after he left it, it became a symbol for life and victory. He changes everything he inhabits. Does he inhabit you?
  21. Interesting you should mention that. Actually I don't. Maybe I did more as a kid. 5 for some reason I see as blue and I attach a little emotion to the image. But I mostly don't. I have included utube links to that very interesting documentary about the autistic savant, Danial Tammet. He is able to describe exactly what you are talking about. [utube]hKk96kOAnLg[/utube] [utube]8Vs6R5YZQ3c[/utube] [utube]o7oEdE2XjXE[/utube] [utube]UqLzoiVzEY8[/utube] [utube]qMz3gjl9x-M[/utube]
  22. Did you see all the advertising at the bottom?
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