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Everything posted by PuppySurprise

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/West/11/12/brea...y.ap/index.html
  2. PuppySurprise


    fatty's house? fatty's car?
  3. yo gunman, ive sent letters to all those already. its no lie when i say ive emailed about 200 sponsors, cuz i seriously have...if you think of anymore sponsors, email me first or something so we don't bombard potential sponsors with more emails. thanx pup
  4. PuppySurprise


    so is it in a music video?
  5. PuppySurprise


    classroom library Hot for Teacher video
  6. ya, still a lot of people yet to respond, hopefully this LAN will be the best ever (it should be since i'll be there!!) ^^new sponsor^^
  7. PuppySurprise


    that 5 chalk chalkholder thing that helps write punishments faster
  8. Also, talking with Corsair memory about possible sponsorship, I was contacted today and sent in the paperwork for sponsorship. Thanks to Anna Kunkel, she replied today and told me she would try to get some Corsair products to me, but definitely said she can donate t-shirts, mousepads, etc.
  9. suggest to fatty that these maps be available to choose in voting in trop. FC was made to be a competitive match server and therefore only has the basic maps. FC is match/CAL/MCC based and thats why the same maps are played there. If you want custom maps or something that is not played all that often, thats what trop is 4
  10. possible good news from BAWLS. I am in the process of signing up with them and hope they can sponsor our party this year.
  11. in my large list of possible sponsors i have contacted ATI and AMD if they email me re: attendance, I would kinda like to know how many we are having attend (hence the attendee list thread) how many can fit into the event? fatty is werking on gettin pics posted
  12. Where you live Gunman? Im coming up from Kentucky, if its on my way, ill swing through and pick ya up if you have problems with transportation
  13. PuppySurprise


    Clue #3 They never fall
  14. he fell through a sinkhole that had been covered with leaves. He fell almost 20 feet and broke his ankle as he fell. He began to scream for help, until a light made stop screaming. The light was coming from...
  15. LOL fatty, little touchy are we...mmmmkay, you can be #1... for now
  16. ONLY 3 SPOTS LEFT Fatty PAID yerm0ther PAID MrX PAID Magruter PAID BigShaw PAID crowbar PAID LostOften PAID MiniMe PAID Lunk PAID Gunman PAID chuckleslove PAID Stealth PAID Watchtower PAID Trouble PAID Sacrificial Lamb PAID [VI] Rooster PAID [VI] PuppySurprise PAID [VI] Swoop PAID [VI] Slaphappy PAID [VI] SheepNutz PAID [VI] Dweezil PAID [VI] LanceCorporal PAID [VI] Tyranus PAID [VI] Lazarus PAID [VI] Preacher PAID Playaa PAID Chamber PAID 339 PAID redeyez PAID Bubblegum Bandit PAID BuzzN Frog PAID Rhah PAID DOH Facehole PAID DOH Longhair PAID THX PAID Abyss PAID BOZO PAID Jaksiel PAID Gadzooks PAID soul PAID Colonel Kurtz PAID NaturalBornKilla PAID Word PAID zad PAID Green Goblin PAID Bullet-401 PAID Knathrak PAID All Kill3r PAID Vengeance PAID fish PAID ShadowSeraph PAID Rashad PAID Buffoon PAID YoMamma PAID Renegade PAID Mr. Mustard PAID Cranky Bullfrog PAID Nyx Erinyes PAID pbk|Timmay!!! PAID Wantedin17States PAID Appalachain Fox PAID Wingnut PAID
  17. SemperFi is now in Village Idiots. He is now part of the coolest clan in teh world!!! w00t!!
  18. Lucas burst through the door bleeding. John was so upset he ran to get towels to stop Lucas' bleeding. When he came back in with the towels, John was awestruck when Lucas was staring at him and pointing a....
  19. A grandpa A father (grandpa's son) a boy (the fathers son, grandfathers grandson) 2 fathers, 2 sons, 3 people
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