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Posts posted by MPG1770

  1. Probably doesn't feel like Christmas because we're all so fed up of the advertising and commercialisation  that seems to begin 6 months before it actually happens - my local shop is already selling Easter Eggs.


    Anyhow, hope you all have a peaceful and enjoyable holidays - lots of snow last year, but no sign of it at all - we got the hottest December on record for over 100 years - 10 degrees C

  2. Hi and welcome to the forums Soldier.


    Thanks for posting. 


    This  is  a  NO  SWEARING   server  -  you have been kicked a few times for your language   -   PLEASE    KEEP    IT    CLEAN


    However, as you have come here and apologised and promised not to do it again, I will unban you.   Be warned though, if you keep swearing, your ban length will increase and we will be hesitant to uplift it.

  3. That's the luck of the draw - some maps are bad, but in all honesty most maps are pretty decent for tanks - and don't forget, with late spawning scripted tanks, most members will have amassed points for a couple of heals.


    It's not rare that people buy tanks at beginning of certain maps e.g. Roof-top No Mercy :  charge, spit and boomer combos are lethal going down those stairs, same as Dead Centre at beginning - we've all seen it - 1 minute into game and there are tanks and the round is over - especially with early scripted tanks - Death Toll beginning - a few cars to choose from.

  4. It's really not that difficult to get 50pts, nor does it take that long for experienced players to do so,  heck, even I can do it,  hence it's not unusual to have half a dozen tanks spawning at critical choke points. 


    Bigger issue here than the  BILE  :  Maybe an increase in buying a tank (65pts with 40pts heal) would be more in order?  Then people would buy the tank and use it more wisely?

  5. All I saw was General ahead of his team - being on the bridge crossing to the gun shop - everyone else on street fighting tank - however did not see the charge, since Zinc and Architect  have stated what happened good call on the uban.  However,  you were indeed a little too far ahead as usual to help or be helped.

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