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Posts posted by MPG1770

  1. The main reason I burned you was that the teams were unbalanced : (Dark Carnival Fairground)


    1) You ignored votescramble request made by players as the score was 2,000 v 200


    2) The survivors had barely moved out of saferoom and there was a charger glitch (I would have slayed the player, but couldn't find who it was) and you ended up with 3 tanks.


    I burnt you (and this is the 1st time in burning a tank) just to help out the survivors a little - they surely needed some help.


    You were banned because you were rushing and it was only for 15 mins. When you are so far away from your teammates and not in a position to spawn block properly or help in anyway, I would call that rushing.


    Furthermore, adding more insults without any justification is likely to get you a perma-ban.

  2. I would like to start off by saying 'Eye-eye, Captain', but no and nor do I suspect the police will. The main reason being, is that here in the smaller rural communities, the policing is so inadequate and the CCTV which they rely on so much in the larger towns and cities are non-existent here.


    On a lighter side, I got a phone call from my optician asking to go in for an eye-test. I went for the test and said, 'If you want, you can fit me up with a monocle and I'll come back in a month so you can do the other eye then'.

  3. Some consiracy theories do have a tangible amount of evidence........?


    The US and the CIA have been planning to assist Israel in attacking Iran in Ocotber 2012 triggering THERMONUCLEAR WAR in the process.. but hey.. don't worry your pretty little heads about that, trust your government and carry on watching X Factor and all that other DISTRACTION provided by the state..


    REMEMBER..... you heard it here first, be warned......

  4. I used to play piano in an olde 17th Century pub in North London that was frequented by Dick Turpin and during the the height of Victorian period, became one of the most popular music hall venues. It was here that Charles Dickens apparently was inspired to write the murder scene of Nancy by Bill Sykes in Oliver and was used as a title song in the musical, 'The Olde Bull and Bush'.

    Dickens had a slight problem in that he didn't know how Sykes would be found out. The answer came to him when the landlord's dog began howling as he was caught under the wheel of a carriage and had it's tail torn off. A local doctor who was good friends with the landlord and was there merrily drinking, improvised some surgery and saved the dog's life who lived to the grand old age of 23. Dickens then got the idea that after Bill Sykes had murdered Nancy, his dog, Bull's Eye turned against Bill and stayed with Nancy's body.


    The landlord's dog, Timon, can be said to be heard howling at the same time each night and makes an appearance every year on the day of the accident. I was performing on one such occasion, when everyone heard the howling and the ghost of the dog manifested itself. What started out as a low growling, grew into an audible voice as it grew closer.

    "Where is my tale?" The dog barked repeatedly.

    A few of the patrons got so scared, they left screaming.

    Again, the dog barked with a devilish growl. "I want my tale."


    The landlord became so fed up of him scaring his clients away, shouted back, "Sorry, but we don't re-tail spirits after closing."

  5. Just to clarify from over the pond: Old English was sometimes written with a version of the Runic alphabet, brought to Britain by the Anglo-Saxons until about the 11th century.

    I've painstakingly gone through my character map and google and I desperately need to figure this out!





    Just to clarify, Old English was sometimes written with a version of the Runic alphabet, brought to Britain by the Anglo-Saxons until about the 11th century. The actual font used here is Celtic.

  6. Out of hospital - in at 7am, operation 9am (2hours) - just got home (almost 3pm). 1st part of surgery - around eye - removing damaged tissue - x-ray/scan showed no damage to blood vessels around eye - follow up operation in 2weeks. Asked surgeon about having a 'zyborg' eye; he laughed and said it would be easier to do a cyclops one.


    The best part was a decent sleep with anaesthetic; even better was the morphine after waking up lol.

  7. Happy to report.....


    Just got back from the inital consultation before operation this Wednesday. There is a glimmer of hope - retina not damaged and is responding to light - still can't see though, but surgeon said that is down to the massive bruising - will have to wear an eye patch though for at least 3-6 weeks after operation.


    Many thanks to you all for your kind words of comfort.

    • Like 1
  8. Police are on the hunt, but don't have much hope in actual arrest. Small town in country, hence it took almost 3 hours for police and ambulance to arrive - afterall, it is the weekend, busy time for the emergency services.


    As for you Cink, don't need any charger hugs, face feels pounded enough - lol.

  9. Morning after night before......


    Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your words of comfort and express that in times like this, there is still hope for humanity.


    Secondly, I try as a person not to wallow in self-pity - in the immortal words of the Monty Python team, Always look on the bright side of life.


    If anyone can make light of this situation, surely it has to be me - just got to get myself a wooden leg and a parrot.


    I will keep you updated after my hospital appointment tomorrow.


    I beg of you - please, do not speak of this in game, I do not want to put a downer on an activity that brings enjoyment into our lives.


    Thank you all for being understanding.


    Be at peace

  10. Life should always be about the creation of of beauty - you have to find that within yourself, then let that beauty permeate with everyine you come across in life, especially those who you regard as adversaries, for in that beauty that surrounds your life, they will eventually see and behold beauty.

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