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Posts posted by crasx

  1. I had the same problem as you two but verifying my game cache didn't. Sadly yesterday was update Tuesday so my pc restarted over night and steam didn't run on startup so I still have more game to download today.... *fingers crossed it works after*

    I did the same thing. It downloaded but I left it on to extract. I think windows updates hit us all. Also I deleted my ubuntu partition to make room for this game which also deleted my bootloader. Oops

  2. 1. I come into the server and see you insulting someone and swearing at them, what am I suppose to think?

    2. I did warn you, can pull the logs but I'd rather not waste my time. So glad you can teach me stuff with your 2 years of admining

    3. age limits don't matter. we own the server and we have seen that not allowing swearing really weeds out the people that make gaming not fun

    4. most of the bans on this server are unquestioned because 95% of them are trolls just looking to cause trouble

    • Like 2
  3. first you swore, I warned you. Then you were giving someone crap for being bad, I warned you. You continued to give people crap, I muted you then unmuted you to see if you had calmed down. You continued to talk crap about others and you swore more so I banned you for 60 minutes. 

    GC is a community where we try to keep trolls and mean people away. I remember distinctly I said "don't be a dick" because that's like rule #1. 

    As for if I'm a good admin, that's not my call to make. This community has its rules and I do my best to uphold them

    • Like 1
  4. Some interesting data on maps I've been tracking. Shows average score per team when there are over 12 players on the server (at the end of the map)



    select map, avg(terrorist) as "Average T Score", avg(counter_terrorist) as "Average CT Score", count(*)  as "Rounds played" from rounds
    where players >=12
    group by map
    ORDER BY count(*)  DESC
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