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Posts posted by Mercman

  1. i want to have left shift, keypad 1 for suicide ,how would i do that?

    This should work:


    // Alias for suicide
    alias gc_suicide "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 2; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10"
    // What you want keypad 1 to do with and without shift
    alias keypad_1 "say #yolo"
    alias shift_keypad_1 "gc_suicide"
    // An alias that rebinds KP_END whenever you press or release the shift key.
    // (The +/-speed; bit is what shift was probably bound to before)
    alias +mod "+speed; bind KP_END keypad_1"
    alias -mod "-speed; bind KP_END shift_keypad_1"
    // Bind shift to your new improved alias
    bind shift +mod


    Before you type this you should type

    bind shift

    to see what shift is currently set to (mine was +speed). Replace the +speed/-speed parts of what I pasted with whatever your shift was bound to. Also replace say #yolo with whatever you want keypad 1 to do when you're not holding shift


    thanks I will try this

  2. does anybody know how to bind multiple keys? so like shift+f11


    The general idea is to use +/- aliases (which trigger when a key is pressed and released respectively.)

    Very simply you can do this:


    alias +mod "bind f11 say shift"
    alias -mod "bind f11 say normal"
    bind shift +mod


    although in advanced configs you might want to use a few intermediary aliases like

    alias f11_normal "say normal" // Bind for when you're not holding shift
    alias f11_shift "say shift" // Bind for when you're holding shift
    alias f11_modded f11_normal // Default if shift never pressed
    alias +mod "alias f11_modded f11_shift" // Shift key down
    alias -mod "alias f11_modded f11_normal" // Shift key up
    bind shift +mod	 // You can bind other things to +mod if you want to have like ctrl+f11
    bind f11 f11_modded // f11 will now do whatever f11_modded is aliased to by +/-mod


    Thanks for this but im sooooo confused

    i want to have left shift, keypad 1 for suicide ,how would i do that?

    I keep pressing the suicide key by accident

    Thanks ctrlfrk for your help

  3. I have not played for a while but did for 15 years.

    I have use a lot of guns . From a splatmaster , tippman full auto 62 cal. to an angel with full auto.

    Get A Budd Orr Sniper (old pump) or Budd Orr auto cocker. Lot maintenance ,accurate .

    Also a syder (basic 150$) is relatively cheap and a very good gun. It was competing with guns of 1000$

    If you are just starting get a good face-mask with a fan. Nothing sucks more then fogging up in the heat of the battle.(imagine being boomed the entire game)

    Get compressed air instead of Co2 tanks. No freezing




    feel free to pm with any questions

    Paintball is the most fun you can have with your clothes on

    • Like 1
  4. Do these work for other people? I always have to put `wait 120; slot10` after my binds to make the window close.


    Another one I found useful was:



    alias +rocketspawn "+reload;+attack"
    alias -rocketspawn "-attack;-reload"
    bind mouse5 +rocketspawn


    And for sneaky points/ready I use



    bind enter "sm_points;sm_r"


    Thanks for this

    This works great for me.

  5. Mercman, do you have a list of how source names other keys (like kp_plus, etc.)? I don't have that info and clearly it's very useful.



    bind "KP_END" "laser"

    bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "pipe"

    bind "KP_PGDN" "molatov"


    bind "KP_HOME" "survivorperks"

    bind "KP_UPARROW" "ammo"

    bind "KP_PGUP" "pills"

    bind "KP_MINUS" "defib"

    bind "KP_PLUS" "healthkit"

    bind "KP_ENTER" "fullhealth"

    bind "KP_DEL" "sm_csm"

    These commands are from the config file in L4D2



    I couldnt figure out how to use the keyboard numbers

    hope that is helpful

    • Like 1


    Woah woah woah, that was possible? Would it be possible to then make a key that buys an M60 w/ explosive ammo? It's like the ultimate tank slayer, and can be a pain to buy them manually while running from a tank or three.


    I dont think so but i could be wrong

    You can buy an m60 with expolsive ammo with 2 keypresses.

  7. I think he's saying that it's redundant.


    If you did:


    bind kp_plus "say !buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; menuselect 1"


    It would do the same thing.



    I see that now how that can be done.

    When I was learned how to bind keys thats how he learned me. Before I had to type every command and usally died while trying to

  8. alias "healthkit" "say !buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; menuselect 1;"

    bind "kp_plus" "healthkit"


    buys a heatlh kit with a keypress of the + on the number pad and


    alias "fullhealth" "say !buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 5; menuselect 1;"

    bind "kp_enter" "fullhealth"


    eww, you put the whole alias thing in? why not direct bind with the menuselects?




    I have had these binds for 2 years now. I dont know if the other method exsisted back then and

    they work just fine for me

  9. alias "healthkit" "say !buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; menuselect 1;"

    bind "kp_plus" "healthkit"


    buys a heatlh kit with a keypress of the + on the number pad and


    alias "fullhealth" "say !buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 5; menuselect 1;"

    bind "kp_enter" "fullhealth"


    buys a full heal with a press of the number pad "enter"



    bind "ins" "sm_buy"

    opens the buy menu with the press of the ins key


    Make a txt file and name it autoexec

    and place it in your L4D2 config folder

    and you should be good to go

    Hope this helps

  10. Hello again


    I found this on sorcemods about ping masking.



    Ping masking is done by using an exploit known with the cl_cmdrate CVAR. Adding a character to the rate value causes the rate to be seen improperly to the server and causes the calculation of the players latency to be corrupted.




    With that i wont mention this again and thanks

  11. Hello


    I was playing on your L4D2 server today and I noticed a fellow with a ping of 1 (one). I had thought that was hacking.


    On "our" servers a Ping of 1 will get you banned as a hacker. Thanks for a good server to .It was fun playing on it

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