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Posts posted by Cinkadeus

  1. My parents had so much trouble getting me to sleep after they allowed me to watch that show with them. Had to install night time lights in my room and I still wouldnt sleep. Till this they, they tease me for it :/

    Now I really need to watch Shawshank and Hot Fuzz (heard of the former, but never the latter)


    My first horror film was Poltergeist. I still can't look at a TV screen of static and not think of that film.


    Hot Fuzz is a Simon Pegg film that is comedic GOLD.

  2. I have one for every genre.


    Comedy: Hot Fuzz

    Horror: 1408

    Adventure: BTTF (All 3 since they are actually one long film)

    Drama: Shawshank Redemption


    and others... I'll have to get back to you on this :)

    • Like 1
  3. Hey, Jackie, you forgot: "I can't keep the server from crashing all the time!"




    I keed, I keed. I love you, man. :)

    I was a guild officer in WoW, so I feel ur painz.

  4. That sounds like there's a missing update between Steam and the server. I've got that before when I've missed a client update and tried to connect to an updated server.



    This must be resolved... I've started suffering withdrawals. :freak:

  5. I'm getting "You do not have this 3rd party mod installed." But that's from clicking CONNECT on the Sourceban page. I use it to see who's in before I join. I'll try by direct IP later.





    Help us, Jackie-Chan, you're our only hope!

  6. I've said this in game once, it made since then and it makes sense now. Regarding the bots use of profanity:




    They don't have a choice.

    • Like 1
  7. I just cancelled my account again due to completing all the content.... again...


    I quit back in June to pay for my MLB.TV account. I came back after the season ended to do the 4.3 content (i.e. kill the guy on the box). To clarify for non WoWers: the guy on the box doesn't appear in the actual game until about a year after the game initially hits store shelves. After I got the "Destroyer's End" title, I didn't see the point in playing anymore. I like the LFR tool, but it allows you to just blow through conent at an alarming rate, much faster than Blizzard can deliver it. Its really beneficial when you have 3 kids and can't make a full raid schedule with your guild anymore. And I've never been a fan of "Mode" instances. I don't see the point of beating a boss, then changing it to "Hard Mode" and beating it again only with more health and a slightly modified mechanic. I thought it was stupid when it came out in Argent Tournament and I still think its dumb. Ulduar had the right idea about hard modes and I loved that, but not this "Heroic" junk. I used to run Alts, but Bliz had homogenized classes so much that there's no difference between them. Almost all classes have a pet, battle resurrection, and interrupt now.


    I've saved the world 4 times now over 6 years and I think its time to retire for good.

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