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About mechanical

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  1. Charlie plays really well with high ping. It's around 150 I think. It's just something you get used to. Not sure what 250 looks like. Attacking people is probably like rolling a dice. Someone else kicked you this time. I think it was redrum... It should show in the logs. I only vote kick people who have always on mics or for intentional greifing which I rarely see surprisingly. Is holding spitter while everyone is screaming at you to spit and die griefing? haha Not sure why 3/5 of our team voted to kick you. I also heard the Vodka and Rocky 4 comments today. Is that racism? I'm going to go with yes. I mean if associating watermelon and chicken with black people is racist... Or noodles and sushi with Asians. All that stuff is delicious. What are we talking about again? Why do I need javascript enabled to properly format this? ahhhhhhh
  2. Yeah, I remember you. All red letters maybe some black. I do remember seeing you in spectator mode on several occasions. Good players learn through observation, I respect that. You should have said you were from ETQW earlier. I thought you were a decent player because you stuck by me. Very few players are smart enough know that their best chances of survival/winning is to work with me. I mean within minutes of meeting me. I've only seen one other player do this and it impressed me. This is just raw fps teamwork knowledge. Situational awareness. The dude killing most of the bad guys is probably the guy you want to stick with and help. I've been playing FPS for around 12 years so at this point I just ignore everyone. I have fans/haters in every game, it's just noise for me. I don't even play seriously. I have music playing and I never use my mic. I play other games. I hate adding people and I'm reluctant to add you, hah. I add people I like and respect skill wise. The chances of me liking someone online these days is very low. Especially in l4d. The last person I added, not accepted, was about a year and a half ago. Skill is that rare. Hmm, I sound like a pompous douchebag. Well, that's just the way I am. I don't want my list to end up with hundreds of people that I never play with anymore or in the future. ESM never got to the level I wanted to get it. My RTCW clan was #1 stopwatch with a flawless record. I taught everyone how to play. You can imagine what happens when there are pretty much five to six of me. In ESM we only had 2-3 players who could play at a competitive level due to time constraints, i.e., lives. It annoys me a bit because we should have been at the top. I will probably play Tribes Ascend, maybe CS:GO at a competitive level. I dunno. FPS has gone downhill for quite a while. Maybe I need to venture into other multiplayer genres. It's usually people crying hacks and calling you names. People never ask, "how do I become a better player?" Can you teach me? What's up with that? Anyways, Charlie is a great guy to play with. HNY to all
  3. Charlie is a good guy. I don't know what happened, but he doesn't call vote kicks against Russians out of hate. I know this because there are quite a few of them that play on the servers. Why would he single out one person, especially one who understands English? I think he's played enough on the server that most of the regulars can vouch for him. I've known him for quite a while, about 3-4 years. He's always been a good team player. So there must have been a good reason for the kick. Also consider the fact that in order for you to get kicked, majority has to vote in favor. As for his comment, I'm pretty sure he's just joking. Wouldn't he say something more derogatory if he was serious? Like commie bastard. He's not even American... Also, what was your tag in ETQW? How did you know him/me from there? Did you play on ESM?
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