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Posts posted by Jerkoff

  1. What if we have the Fireproof zombies spawn as a common in EVERY map? It make sense for them to be everywhere in the world, trying to cure the infected and such.

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  2. Much appreciation for all the admins working on this server. And thanks to the community for being awesome and I'm bad with these words, so everyone pat yourselves in the back.

  3. I really want to try it but with it being on Origin...I just don't want to deal with another headache.


    For those whose still interested, this looks like a pretty good deal on Neweggl; Xbox One with Titanfall Bundle for $500 (screw the .01 marketing)



  4. Was playing last night and at one point around midnight, I notice I was getting NEW stylish looking loot. My Paragon bar was suddenly gone and instead turn back into the normal exp bar. I didn't even logoff anything but it seems the patch just roll in seamlessly WHILE I was in the middle of it.

  5. During tense or under pressure sitatuons, myt yping suc,s relaly bad for,m some raeson. Sometiems i dont make such sens ein talking too, so im out definitely out.

  6. How about a 1 minute cooldown instead? Applies to molotov, crate, bile and pipe bomb. Come to think of it, are we all here underestimating how useful propane/air can be? Those are NEVER EVER bought before.

  7. Rather than buying, have the weather concept be implemented for the winning survivor team at the beginning of each map if the score difference is huge. I didn't find the weather to be that detrimental in Hard Rain, doubt it would do much as a buy option.


    Buying a fake tank message would announce who bought it just like buying a real tank. It shouldn't cost too much or too little because there are 10 opposing players trying to catch your bluff. 4/5 points is a good setback since it should mostly use as a method to buy time or cause paranoia. It's like those times where you just needed that 3 extra seconds to spawn correctly in position.

  8. Buying a heal while charge pounding someone can mean the difference between an incap and not. Remember that an infected heal is only 3 points and you can get that back from an incap, or 1 point every time to hit someone as a charger. You can pretty much permanently hit someone to death as a charger once they're in-capped if you time it correctly.


    Anyone know of a way to disable the quick buy prevention? Regularly trying to heal more than once every 3 seconds lately.

    I ask for the same thing back then but it should stay the way it is now. It's abuse-able enough in the hands of a good player and the 3 second curb is there to prevent it. It also make the player to carefully plan the attacks, instead of constant spamming.

  9. I should add to Clony that you need to jump over distance in order to gain damage. If you just jump up and straight down 2000 feet but moving only one inch ahead, you will still do one point of damage. Is just that climbing to great a height gives you more airtime to travel across the field and better pinpointing.

  10. I remember reading a post in here where someone said they didn't want anymore differentiating classes such as admin, members and such. Perhaps give members the "privilege" to votekick and any abuse will lead it to be taken away.

  11. With all the recent applications and hiring of admins in the server, can we get a updated list of them all? Or is there a topic with that list already? Just thought it be good to know and the very least, congratulate them!

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