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Posts posted by swatfishy

  1. Another rule, (That is really obvious and self explanatory) is


    Don't grief.


    Examples include but are not limited to:

    • Killing yourself by jumping off a ledge

    • Throwing a molotov in a friendly area

    • Messing with the saferoom door

    • Standing next to your teammates as boomer




    Don't kill steal.



    - Grabbing hold of a victim a jockey/smoker is riding as hunter/charger.

    - Even more annoying, is when a jockey steals from a smoker.

    -Grabbing a victim that


    no griefing is already a rule and most of these are addressed already...


    kill steals are bad mannered but not remotely kickable. mostly because you shouldn't get worked up over that...

    • Like 2
  2. ^ no pls


    vanilla infected forver


    I want a new option for the infected where it announce a fake message about a player buying a tank.

    Should also make the tank music start ;P


    Another buy option could be to have disabled tank music, or disabled HUD messages (ie. remove the "Tank 1/1 alive" ones) so it's hard to tell if a tank is actually still alive or not.


    the tanks 1/2 alive thing is already a thing. its called tank limit unannounce i think but its not really any use unless you have 2 really good teams with a lot of tanks constantly coming in


    +1 on the weather thing, would make survs more fun. altho it would suck to play in when the majority of your team doesn't look around...

  3. The reason Spit and Die exist at all, is because Suicide exist. If Suicide didnt exist we wouldnt have this problem, heck if Valve released the game bug free, no one would even suggest an option. Just because the tool is there, doesnt give the right to enforce it.





    no its because we only have 2 spitter slots to start and there some places early on where rotating spits every 7 seconds (or however long it lasts) is much much better for the infected than waiting the 30 sec (whatever it is) recharge timer


    spit and die means just jump on top of the incap or guy being pinned


    barely anyone uses the suicide command as i said earlier

  4. ..and choose the suicide option if you dont want to give points to survivors! :happy:



    Is there a way to make suicide take 1/3rd of your points and making it if you have 0 points its free? As I recall suicide was added because Valve cant fix all their glitches *Players getting Ghost Charged*. I find it abusive to think "lol no points for you". Or alternatively make it so the last Survivor to hit you, when suicide, still gives points. <edit> If you somehow dont take damage, everyone on Survivors gets a point. Assuming youre able to make it so the it detects if youre a Ghost or Not. Ghost = No points or Message, Alive = Points and Message received.</edit>




    only a veryyyy few people have to foresight to even do this. if i spit from a roof and i can get back into cover before survs can even shoot me, why should they be rewarded for me spawning a few seconds earlier?

  5. The survivors have a chance at losing so I wouldn't doubt that a good majority of the survivors will vote yes to skip to avoid possibly losing.


    I mean this bit, i took it to mean people obsessing over winrates or something

  6. on a kinda unrelated note a lot of people love to just leave bots behind even in easily defensible areas. liike 2 days ago at the top of the slide in carny 3, a few people dropped and then the 1 bot we had got incapped and then like 2 people urgently started telling every to drop. i don't get why you would leave free points incapped in an easy to defend area...


    tldr "leave the bot" is only applicable in actual dangerous for the picker-upper situations

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    I can tell is that all I would see next on the forums is that Tanks don't appear as often anymore and that Survivors have it too easy, then to nerf the Survivors, then to nerf the Infected, etc. etc etc.



    Remember that thread we had about having too many tanks? I think one circumstance was that there were 14 tank-spawn kills in a round for just 1 team. I don't think we'll run into that problem any time soon if you nerf hunter points.



    killing 14 tanks sounds like fun. do you want every round to have 1 tank max?



    then rather than toning down hunters, how about toning up other class inf so they can get more achievements? cause right now hunters have the most with 3 achievements. the others have 1-2 class specific ones.


    broken down: hunter 3, charger 2, jock 2, smoker 2, spitter 1, boomer 1


    this is good


    idea for boomer:


    "are they even paying attention?" - scratch 7 times



    well I think the point of this is that its too easy to rack up tank points. It's rare that you get 15+ points on a single spawn from any other class.


    Points for pouncing an incap should definitely be reduced, it doesn't do much in terms of teamwork, and compared to the earlier stages of the server, many more ppl can now easily do it, that's why it needs to change with the times.



    half points on incap pounces sounds good. would not like this idea and the diminishing returns though

  8. hunters take more skill to use and should be rewarded as such. there are a lot of decent to excellent hunter users on the server but its not like even the best will hit 100% of pounces. if you play on a map like dead air - what i do personally is basically stare on roof corners/ edges for at least 50% of the time. in places where there are a lot of roofs i only look at head height when i hear someone getting attacked or to shove commons.


    and i constantly move. if you stop for more than 5 seconds i will have noticed by the 2nd or 3rd second and will decide whether to pounce at that point or not. even if you stop for less than that many hunters will attempt the pounce anyways because they lack patience.


    Hunt 3 times 25. Get 50 something points and become tank.


    that actually only gets ~46-48 points including sky diver unless you get an incap on one of the pounces



    This point imbalance has been made obvious since a few players on this server made invisible wall pouncing popular.

    what does point imbalance mean? more 25 dmg spots? there are still sooo many places to regular pounce that are 20+ dmg that are actually better to use than wall pouncing since they are more reliable.
    wall pounces are also 10x easier to kill because they are usually still pouncing to a good position when you spot them. most hunters come straight from a roof or cliff and give you 0 extra reaction time.
  9. !vote renew votekick


    bye vlad :(





    can crasx setup votekick to be enabled on certain members or automatically after say 3 - 6 months?

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