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swatfishy last won the day on October 6 2016

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About swatfishy

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  1. balance via mechanics is better than a balance via numbers imo, ofc subject to plugin capability...
  2. balance jockey with HS stun or >x dmg stun midair
  3. im here peanut owo (actually just playing destiny 2) @clony you and jimn pretty much taught/ inspired the server to wall pounce - you guys deserve a lot of credit for keeping the game fresh for me also there is basically no situation where I would want you replaced if you were on my team 2. any old guard here remember jykri (sp?). first thing i remember about GC was her yelling at me for not know how to use points rofl. i'm 95% sure meng was in this game too and told her to go easy on me 3. met mechanicaL in an overwatch comp game (season 1, ~low diamond) thought that was amusing. he was the OG #1 when I started
  4. I play overwatch now i'm 18 on the /scoreboard link
  5. probably going to stream the division tomorrow :^)

  6. PLUS i forget to watch my ammo and i drop my m60 like 30% of the time I finish the mag which is like another 15+3-9 points wasted if I want to keep using the m60
  7. ak is still better, if people on the other team are buying m60s your team is more than likely already losing. i personally don't buy them unless i have 75+ points saved already since ammo is used so fast. formerly 18 points for 300 rounds vs 3 points for 400 ak rounds
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