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Everything posted by MrDuke

  1. And the most important thing I have to ask tonight is... How in blazes do I get rid of the newbie avatars under my name??!!
  2. Well, To answer Cong, I am ultimately responsible for my salvation by my choice to believe that Christ is my savior and he died for my sins. I see the miracles every day in my children, in listening to my patients' stories, in the "little things" of the day. There is no doubt in my mind. I used to critize and mock the one brave soul who would walk through hundreds of Friday night party-goers with a large banner that said "Jesus saves". Now I just wish I had his courage to express my love like he did. What a Christian!! But that's what I mean. Because I'm hesitant to actively go out and bring people to Christ, does that make me less of a Christian? Is that the line in the sand that distinguishes lukewarms from the truly devoted? Does it not mention in the Bible about the lukewarms and their fate? I don't think it's enough to just accept Christ as your savior...to a point. On a timeline, if you accepted Christ right as you passed away, then yes, that would suffice. But what about AFTER you accept Christ. Don't you have the responsibility to spread God's word? And by not doing so, for whatever the reason, how can you honestly say you've devoted yourself to Christ. This is a really DEEP issue for me. I wish it was as simple as, do this, this and this, or just do what makes you feel good. I guess to sum it all up...something is missing for me. My faith is there...but there should be more to it. You have to work hard to make any relationship work...even a spiritual one. Where's the work?
  3. Sorry to jump in to this post, but I have a real dilemma. Assuming we all agree in the empirical teachings of Jesus, I want to take this another step further. I am troubled because I feel I am a "lukewarm" Christian. Yes, I am a sinner. Yes, I believe Jesus Christ is my savior and died for my sins. Yes, I ask for forgiveness. Yes, I go to church. Yes, I read my bible. But is that enough?? It is my understanding that being lukewarm equates to being left behind. Where is the line drawn between being lukewarm and being a devoted Christian? To compound my problem even further, I had a dream where I was on a plane ( I don't know why), and I was kneeling. Someone put a gun to my head and said "Are you a Christian?". I knew what was going on, knew what I SHOULD say, but I chickened out and said "no". I woke up and had the worst day of my life. Granted, it was just a dream. But in my mind, that was my "moment" and I choose not to accept Christ--that hurt and still hurts. The fear was incredible...but my faith was not there. I've been wrestling with it ever since. I think many people who think they're Christians are in for a rude awakening. Alas, this is a rhetorical question, but it's one we should all think about. Are you a lukewarm Christian? I'd really appreciate a little advice from you guys. I don't jump into the forums often enough, not with 2 little ones running around, but I do enjoy poking around and reading everything. Thanks, Mr Duke
  4. No, I haven't done any models. I'll try the new dir steam re-install. It sounds logical and I am willing to try it instead of learning lefty...Thanks!!
  5. Well, nothing has worked so far. Thanks to all for the tips. I guess I have to learn to be a southpaw. Yeah, it's weird looking...I don't remember looking funny while running as a righty! And throwing a grenade--It looks like I'm dislocating my elbow! Can lefty's walk and shoot at the same time??!! The reason I ask is that I went from awfully mediocre to just plain awful. I couldn't hit the outside of iceworld if I tried...
  6. I jumped on today and my weapons view was lefthanded. No big deal except I never changed the view. I checked the options screen and it was set at righthanded...my view is still lefthanded. I checked my config and it is set at cl_righthand "1". I checked for old configs and they don't even have it listed, let alone set at lefthanded. My config file is not flagged as read only. I'm baffled...and a little spooked. Any ideas? I tried entering cl_righthand 1 in the console--no luck I tried deleting my file. A new one is created, but it's still lefthanded. I noticed while viewing others that the first person view is lefthanded, but looking at another person while in first person shows them being righthanded. Once I jump to the firstperson view for that person--lefthanded
  7. MrDuke


    Something similar happened to me... I could play and then, WHAM, all of a sudden I couldn't play a thing. My problem was a recently installed firewall. Once I shut it down, it worked fine...I felt pretty stupid.
  8. This should be easy, but I can't figure it out... My config has "~" bound to toggleconsole but it doesn't work. I can't get my console to open no matter what. It makes me feel better to hit the key an extra 50 times just in case #50 works... Any ideas out there? Thanks, MrDuke
  9. I read it all and can REALLY relate so I felt I had to add to it. I was the standard asocial/asexual guy all the way through college. I met a wonderful girl who, I thought, was the one. It turns out she wasn't and that failed relationship drove me further into the "get the hell away from me" mindset. I focused soley on my job and making money. I remember feeling angry, jealous or leftout when someone would talk about "finding happiness" whether in a job, realationship or just life. That was 7 years ago. Today, I have a wife and 1.75 kids...and I'll leave it at that. Getting to the point, I survived my earlier turmoils because a close friend taught me a great lesson in dealing with life. I learned that you must ALWAYS have a goal. You must try to stay focused on that goal and you must be determined to accomplish the goal. The goal can be anything from graduating college, bench pressing 300lbs, rebuilding an engine, getting through the day, whatever. Along the way you will have good times and bad. You will meet people (good), they will hurt you (bad...or good if your into that), your boss yells at you, etc. When you are in a bad spell, focusing on your goal allows you to deal with the problems at hand a little easier. In my case, when I got through my bad spell, I was loaded!! Today, my goal seems simpler, yet harder. My goal is not to be a "lukewarm" Christian. It's a lot harder than I thought... I won't say "I've been where you are" because I don't know what you've been through. All I can offer is this: Stay focused on something you want. You'll be surprised how fast things turn as you work towards your goal.
  10. I've seen Bean work...trying to rationalize all that time spent in your chair are ya??
  11. I downloaded the file from the webpage you forwarded to me. I replaced the old woncomm.lst file with the new one but it still did not work. I still get the "need won auth.." message. This is frustrating because it was working fine last week. Now all of a sudden, I can't get on. Any other ideas? Thanks, RM
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