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Everything posted by turnbullTeRRoR

  1. Wondering if we should we change the sub forum Sat. Night Customs to turnbull's workshop :)

  2. sorry san' I had to have the color radar! if you or Biggs would be so nice and replace de_stadium with this copy de_stadium_go I'll stop bothering you for heh 72 or so hours......maybe de_stadium_go.zip
  3. Just like we talked about last night the color version with the bombsites marked! and the actual T-spawn area should be about like this. You nailed the bombsites in the greyscale
  4. btw I've done three reports so far the first one was sketchy for the majority but two rounds really stood out(walls). The second one was wallhack city this guy is/was the scum of the earth. The third report the guy was just good. also I've not done one for stupidity griefing or whatever. You do not get to hear mic or see chat so I"m guessing if the reports were for trolling and what not you'd have to hear / see chat.
  5. if a hacker was involved in overwatch it would make no difference. Names are hidden and all bans are determined by group judgement. I' m pretty sure youhave to have more than a majority vote to ban as well. Also I'm sure valve is testing everyones results to begin with and there is an accuracy score so they about covered making it as legit as possible.
  6. good ones MaRvIn oh CRAP! where's my gun!?!?! Lazy bums always sleeping on the job Crossed AK's for the win!
  7. oh were' going final but it doesn't matter I can change the file(s) as needs be de_stadium
  8. 226 comp wins been ranked as high as global elite (shield) hardly been reported that I know of have a 5 or 6 dig steam id (can't remember exactly)
  9. Does everyone have a chance at overwatch or do you need to meet a certain criteria? I got to "judge" today some evidence. The way valve did it is really nice. They change the players name to "the suspect" and you spec everything through the "suspects" view. Also it fast forwards through the "suspects" dead time till the start of the next round. The one I just watched I was scratching my head over for the first 6-7 it was really hard to tell then the dude got sloppy and gave away a wall hack no doubt over the course of the last 4-6 rounds. Undoubtable.
  10. As in the title No scoreboard shots of you owning or of others failing just interesting SS's Funny dead bodies/ ect. A few to many bloody mary's ( taking from latest version of de_stadium) Would be awsome if the T body was below the CT Looks like the CT was trying to catch someone NONE SHALL PASS.... this window all I have on my work pc. I have more at the house
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