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Posts posted by BlackYoshi

  1. I have a 128GB SSD and I find that it does everything that I need it to.  I have my system set up so that only my OS is installed on my SSD and I have an additional terabyte drive that I use for my games and such.  My boot/system speeds have always very impressive, I actually have a hard time accessing my BIOS because it boots too quickly.  The drive is still fairly old as well, I bought it two years ago and it's still running just fine for me.  I'd suggest buying a newer model over my brand, the brand is Crucial btw.  It's mostly up to you on what you want to use it for, SSDs are pretty expensive for some of the 250GB+ ones.  

  2. They have been doing developer streams on twitch every now and again.  It seems like it will be even more expansive than DayZ mod or standalone which will be amazing if it has a solid player base.  The only issue I have with it is every single new game craze 
    I hear about today is in alpha stage.  Someone release a completed game for once!

  3. If there is one game from E3 that I have been hyping up its this game. I'm upset that it got delayed but I'm sure it will be beneficial in the long run. Plus I have yet to play a Tom Clancy game and be disappointing. I have some high hopes for this game.

  4. Thanks for taking the time to come to the forums. I have PMed the admin who issued your ban and hopefully he will be along shortly. In the future if you feel as though someone is griefing PM an admin, it is very much against the rules and should be dealt with. Also know that there are many strategies to the server that people have picked up on that may seem like griefing at first but are really meant to help the team as a whole.


    Be patient until Madvillian can get around to your post.


    In the meantime please read this. http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/43069-gc-l4d2-stuff-that-gets-you-kickedbanned/

  5. I don't think its such a bad idea to put in something to automatically teleport people back, if it would work only when admins are not on (like the votekick), and if it could differentiate the scenarios posed above.


    I did have someone mention the other day, why we don't just teleport people back when they rush, and then freeze them and explain what they are doing wrong. When people rush, and an admin is on, we normally warn them to return before taking action. If they listen and understand, they return and there is no problem (so no reason to teleport, etc). Sometimes, if they don't listen and as soon as one person is banned for it, you will see the others suddenly start listening and returning. The big problem is with the people that refuse to listen or maybe do not understand English, etc. Teleporting them back doesn't solve the problem, because they just continue rushing. They also will do it again when an admin is not on. Banning them is the only real fix for it.

    This and teleporting players back and then attempting to set them straight can be a long process. It would probably mean the admin would have to go AFK handle the situation and then rejoin the game. Having to go AFK then rejoin as an admin can also affect the game play even more than the rusher originally did. If the player is rushing its easier to kick/ban, continue with the game, and deal with the unban later on the forums. This way it has the least negative impact on the game.

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  6. The only situation where I would say this is appropriate to do is if you are the only survivor left and your team has given you permission to rush. That or you have died in the back, respawned, and are now trying to catch up with the team. It is a part of the game that was not intentionally meant to be exploited after all. Thats just the way I see it so don't do it in-game because another admin might not agree.

  7. The game may be M rated but GC is the gaming community who hosts the server. As being the host of a server the powers the be have decided to try to make there servers appropriate for all ages regardless of the games maturity rating.

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