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Everything posted by Jimn

  1. This isn't an exploit. Follow this logic: 1. The Hunter was designed to be able to jump off walls (normal brushes). 2. These "invisible walls" are technically no different from any other wall. They are brushes with the nodraw or skybox texture applied to them rather than a visible texture. 3. The Hunter can jump off walls. Try using Hammer sometime and make something crazy.
  2. Thanks for giving us a chance and for lifting the ban. It means a lot. Cheers, Jimn
  3. Steam profile name: Jimn Steam ID: # 2 1 "Jimn" STEAM_1:0:33418364 00:37 33 0 active 30000 loopback Time of ban: Approx. 4:00 AM CST Game: Left 4 Dead 2 Server: GC Left 4 Dead 2 10v10 *SPEC* crasx.gc : !ban jimn 0 bot Disconnect: You have been banned by this server, check http://www.gcftw.com/ for more info. [sourceBans] crasx.gc: Permanently banned player "Jimn" (reason: bot). Hello, In short, I was banned for what an admin believed was hacking/aimbotting. In detail, I was using an SMG/Uzi with a laser sight, which is very accurate. I use a Razer DeathAdder mouse and a Razer Goliathus mouse pad, which greatly assist my aim. I have played Left 4 Dead competitively for years, and have accumulated nearly 900 hours in it and nearly 400 hours in Left 4 Dead 2. Also, I used to play competitively on the Xbox 360 before moving to the PC. When it comes to hacking, I don't think there could be a more pathetic way to play a game, and I am strongly against it. I believe in playing honorably and treating the other team with respect. I have the highest regard for this server, its rules, and its admins, and thoroughly enjoy playing on it. What has been created by GC is amazing, and I would never try to do anything that would cause the admins trouble or the members an unpleasant experience. If the ban could be lifted, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Jimn
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