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[c2d]all killer no filler

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Posts posted by [c2d]all killer no filler

  1. w00t, im down as long as its over the summer and i will be of age (if you mean 21) and im sure i could drag nofx and cane with me, i think cane is pretty close by?

  2. Actually, the term nub, n00b, and nOOb came from the world NEWBIE, which in turn came from the word:



    Means one with little or no experience. Ha! I'm smart!


    Now, I'll give a cookie to anyone who know where Neophyte came from.


    It's latin.

    from phuein, to bring forth <===== Indo-European Roots

    Late Latin ==== > neophytus

    Greek ======>neophutos


    a name given by the early Christians, and still given by the Roman Catholics, to such as have recently embraced the Christian faith, and been admitted to baptism, esp. to converts from heathenism or Judaism


    n00b :o *Begins to wait patiently for his cookie*

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