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Posts posted by Carlos



    I can't play late for the next few days infact I'll be in PCB during the weekend so you guys won't see me for a while.



    Hate to burst your bubble, but no one will miss you.

    just like how u miss that charge.... straight thru 4 ppl LAWL

    Nah let's be honest: He really misses straight through a group of 6 people ;)

    • Like 1

    So how about the best older players against the best newer players. Let's do it!


    The best older players, you weren't even around when they were and they were long gone before you even came and I doubt they'd be any good coming back after so long too. I think it was those infinity people that were considered the better players back then, at least when I first joined the server and I'm pretty sure 6 is the only one that's around. I'd be down for that though I really suck these days, not the try hard I use to be lol


    You really suck these days? You're not the "try hard" you used to be? Nah chill, don't lie. You're more of a god now :P

  3. Very useful..but depends how many ppl actually learn or do it ... cuz some ppl just dont learn .... 

    like someone got pounce while he is healing in the open .... and he still stand in the same area keep healing himself and got other 3 pounces .... >___>

    how can you expect they learn  ... cuz those ppl just wanna "HAVE FUN"...

    It's a win-win situation.


    It's fun for the player that is getting those high pounces as hunter on that same survivor that keeps healing in the open.


    It's also probably fun for that survivor that has that weird obsession of healing in the open. Maybe that player likes getting high pounced by us hunters :)

  4. Finals, eh? I have noticed a lot of people mentioning that fact on various sites I visit. As for summer, it's going to get bad, really bad. As bad as last year? I certainly hope not. Talk about newb central.

    Last year? It was THAT bad? Wow :o


    At least the backs of those that were carrying them then are healed by now :)

  5. First of all, I am not good, I am great

    Second, Tainted never killed me until we put up a contest with a reward. 


    Seriously though, Tainted has done a great job with this contest.  I think he sits by his computer and waits for me to enter a game, then he joins and stalks me the entire time.  His primary focus is killing me only.  Awesome job Tainted....but it isn't over yet!

    You're right. It's not over. All I got to do is get 8 kills off you to win. There is still plenty of time left to kill you, Peanut. It's not just Tainted. Any one of us can win this thing! We can do this!

    • Like 1
  6. Back to boomer. Played for just one map of survivor and one of infected. Mostly played hunter, but when I played boomer, seemed to get a lot of common assistance points. Again, it was just a small sample, but was surprised how much I was getting. Did you bump up the points on it?

    Yes, yes he did :)

  7. Getting stomach acid after the change got me 38 points compared to the minimum of 45 before the change.  So that means I got 3 points from common assists, the problem is that mollys and fireworks are far too cheap considering you get points you spend on them back.  I think molly should be changed to 8-12 increasing by one everytime you buy it, and fireworks should be 6-10 increasing the same as mollys.  Also bile cost should maybe be changed to 10, but only a few people bother buying this so it seems fine to me. 



    Also hunters are fine considering if you have 3 players playing as hunters who are constantly missing their pounces, thats 3 infected that are essentially not even playing.  Just by not standing still 90% of hunters will miss you, some even miss pounce after charge get up, which is hilarious.

    Yea even on some cases, hunters could end up missing a survivor by a couple of inches, and then they end up accidentally killing themselves by pouncing directly into a river. I still feel pretty stupid about that after what happened recently.

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