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Posts posted by Carlos

  1. Hello! So I purchased a membership and can see myself in the memberlist now up in member Central. However, I was just curious as to how long it normally takes for slot reservation to kick in...24hours? 



    Yep. 24 hours :)


    So what happened? Don't tell me peanut got rekt, again.


    No that was dixie, she came close to dying like 16 times, and that was just at the safe room!

    Maybe Dixie didn't come close to dying until she reached the safe room in the end. After all, he didn't say which safe room ;)

    • Like 1


    Can you increase the cost of laser sights for balance? At least, making it the same price as the gun, I think.

    Or disable laser sights from buy menu. Most people rely on that. I can't play boomer or hunter if someone has really good aim. My rocket boomer can only go after chargers. And as a hunter, I have to turn my head back or buy a heal halfway while pouncing.

    Survivors can have heavy guns easily but the HP of infected is still the same. That's really hurt :(

    You don't always have to rocket boom.

    Yes, exactly! You could just boom the old-fashioned way. It's fun being sneaky :)



    I wish I was recording, but I got Pump shopping in the beginning of Death Toll - The Town, in that quickie mart next to the lined up buses. Smoked him and his team had to come racing back to save him, right after I incapped him.

    Not surprised. Pump is only slightly harder to "get" than Peanut. Unlike the other admins, Johnny is practically unkillable! Sometimes I die because I feel empathy for their lack of points, so I donate 5. :)



    I wish I was recording, but I got Pump shopping in the beginning of Death Toll - The Town, in that quickie mart next to the lined up buses. Smoked him and his team had to come racing back to save him, right after I incapped him.

    Not surprised. Pump is only slightly harder to "get" than Peanut. Unlike the other admins, Johnny is practically unkillable! Sometimes I die because I feel empathy for their lack of points, so I donate 5. :)

    You're too kind, Johnny.

  5. I was the charger that took jerky to his death :luxhello:

    Wow, nice! You must have been very disappointed when you fell an inch short off the very edge of the rooftop, but then you must have been pretty satisfied a second later when you slammed him off the edge for the kill :)


    But that also means that Jerky must have had opposite reactions for both of those moments :(

  6. Without you Maestro, we're missing that special muscle that can get rid of those dam rushers....


    But your health matters more. Get well soon. Hope you feel better mate :)

    • Like 2
  7. We must ask ourselves that very same question at times. How do we see? Do we see how we wish to see or how we wish to perceive. Our sight clouded in personal influence of need, want, ego, and judgement tears at one self to a point when our very reality is warped. Are we seeing what is truly there or are our extraordinary minds tricking us into perceiving only what we want to see when the reality is dark and unforgiving?

    Man, *sniffs* that was beautiful :')

  8. Hm....really, Johnny? I thought you "bravely, selfless, and noobishly conquered the rooftop" only because of the boomer's explosion. Otherwise, Neptune totally would've killed you with that charger. It's too bad though. It would've been nice seeing a clip of you getting death charged off the rooftop in one of your videos :(


    But you were half-right. It wasn't just you. Your whole team were the real MVPs. Congrats on the victory :)

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    -Fixed purchasing hordes

    too late jackie, i alredy unbinded that in favor of witches!

    they sometimes spawn way too close to the survivors, kinda op to be honest.

    Hopefully fixed UNTOUCHABLE not triggering properly when getting hit by CI or other means

    will we still lose untochable if we take fall damage?

    Of course you will :)

  10. I am proud of every single player in that video. You have all managed to make me smile. Congrats and don't do that again. Thanks.


    Edit: I meant every single infected player. You survivors were dreadful.

    Lol for me it was the other way around. The players in the survivor team made me laugh with their reactions XD


    You smiled, Pump? That's great! Does this mean that you're going to be nice to us from now on? :D

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