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Everything posted by Soda

  1. @EliteGandalf Good to see you! Yea that's what I was thinking, I'll just dish out 14 day bans when people get caught lacking with cheat addons 😁 And as long as there's always a place people can place on a level playing field, should be good!
  2. Both servers now running identical configurations besides the difference of addon permissions.

    Server #1 doesn't allow addons, Server #2 does allow.

    Will try this for a bit!

  3. Store updated - Monthly and Yearly memberships are back available for all tiers!

    Still PayPal only at the moment. If this prevents you from purchasing a membership, please let me know!

  4. Currently turboblasting my brain on the stats plugin.

    Alpha test coming soon which intends to track all survivor kill stats, e.g. boomer headshots with AK, smoker total kills with AWP, etc.

  5. @MPG1770 Yea regarding cheat addons - I'm looking into ways to blacklist clients from joining with specific addons. Regarding the family friendliness of addons, this shouldn't be an issue, as workshop addons are generally client-side, so your game is not affected by other players' addons.
  6. @looneypumpkin yea we can definitely go above 10v10. There's some 13v13 servers out there, which if I remember correctly were the ones where chargers have the same hp as tanks basically lol I'm sure the question of performance would come up regarding this, to which I can say the main performance hits result from common infected more than players. i.e. commons spawning, attacking, and dying, seems to drop server update output consistently from what I could see., though it's hard to be 100% sure. There's also ways I've tested a small amount that automatically create a new player when joining. e.g. when it's 4v4 and someone joins, it becomes 5v4, then (I assume) another player joins, it becomes 5v5.
  7. New Poll live now!
    Submit your vote πŸ’―

  8. In the past, GC had two L4D2 servers up at a given time for quite a while. Server 1 did not allow client-side workshop addons, and Server 2 did allow them. Given that many L4D2 players enjoy having the option to customize the game visuals and feel to their preference, it's worth exploring enabling that option for GC! Let us know what you think about these questions, and elaborate on your thoughts as much as you'd like, as it's very valuable to hear! 😁 This poll is set to remain open until May 12 @ 12pm (unknown time zone stillπŸ₯΄).
  9. I updated some styling on the site recently. Please message me if you see anything that looks weird!

    Also added some new icons and banners (very cool)

  10. My rename plugin is live on the L4D2 server now. If working as expected, it should catch many players joining with inappropriate terms in their name and rename them something goofy before they load in. Let me know if anyone sees something broken or unexpected related to it, please and thanks!

  11. New quality of life plugin added to L4D2 server: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=319988

    Fixes stumble direction on repeated shoves.

  12. Oh and also - those kills and headshots on bots and players are also split into each Special Infected class, so yea πŸ˜ƒ Not sure how that'll work for shotguns... I'll probably figure something out lmao
  13. I decided I'll build it to track stats per weapon. That means kills per weapon, headshots per weapon, and also for bots and players separately. Not gonna lie, this is going to be a LOT of stats. Lowkey might be cool tho πŸ€‘
  14. Pretty sure I saw General in the 'banned' users on the site back end.. Maybe I'm buggin, but iirc I saw that and unbanned him. I like playing with that dude
  15. Hey everyone! I'm currently developing a stats system for use in GC, and am interested to hear what kind of stats and functionality you would like to see. My current plan is: Link all stats to Steam ID. Track player names used to connect to the server(s), allowing for search-ability by player name. Could also possible track number of times a name has been used for each player, allowing for a 'most common' name per Steam ID. Track total kills of SI real players and bots individually, same for headshots. Track total common kills. Track total points earned as survivor and infected individually. Track total play time, total total time as survivor and infected. Track active round play time as survivor and infected. This would exclude time spent waiting for the round to start, or time spent in spectate. Track total incaps and kills of survivor real players and bots all individually. The stats will be viewable via in-game menu, and ideally I'd like to integrate a platform right here in the website to browse statistics. Considering tracking unique stats per SI class such as: Time spent alive, total deaths to survivors, damage dealt, number of abilities used on survivor (e.g. players charged, boomed, pounced, etc.), points earned. Considering also tracking per-weapon stats like total shots fired, shots landed, headshots landed, kills by headshot vs non-headshot. Considering also tracking records like 'highest kill count', or 'highest point count' in a single round for each player. Considering also tracking achievements earned, the time it took you to earn them (fastest time, average time). That's all I can think of right now... Let me know what you guys think might be nice to have! 😁
  16. Pistol, sniper, and magnum bonuses now require the weapon to actually kill the common. This means that you don't get these bonuses if fireworks, etc. do the killing while you have the weapon equipped. Hunter pounces now accurately report the correct damage in the top-left message (vanilla game), and also now the chat message for the pounce will tell you the damage you landed, as well as the specific survivor name. Common heads will now gib properly upon receiving damage. Jockey DPS has been increased to around 8/s. Smoker recharge delays have been adjusted and damage values have been slightly reduced.
  17. My mistake, turns out the 'miss recharge' value is normally 15 seconds, but in versus it's 3 seconds by default. I set it to 9 seconds, thinking that was a buff, but obviously a 200% nerf. Will be fixed shortly!
  18. Ah yea the hunter changes.. This is a bit confusing, so I can definitely see how it doesn't seem to make sense. According to my current understanding: Basically, the vanilla game message that says "[player] pounced survivor for X damage" doesn't actually represent the damage applied by a pounce in GC. This is because the damage is being handled by the points plugin, rather than the vanilla system. So as a result, the vanilla system will mislead you by saying you hit 25 damage, but since we changed the distances for the damage values in the points plugin, you actually might only have done 19, and really the only way to be sure is based on the points awarded for the distance. For example, in your video @ 1:27:38, the game message says "25 damage", but the points awarded was 7.8 out of a maximum 10 points for 25 damage (assuming player is not a bot and not incapped), implying the real damage was 78% of the maximum. SkyDiver requires minimum 20 damage, which is 80% of 25 damage maximum. And again, @ 1:28:27, game says 23 damage, but points awarded was 7.3, again under that 80% threshold for SkyDiver progress. I hope that helps clarify for now! I intend on looking towards a rework of this implementation, which I believe will ensure the vanilla message accurately reports the damage dealt while still allowing for changes to the distance values. I already have a good idea what to do, so hopefully won't take long to implement.
  19. Poll #2 is live in Left 4 Dead 2 forum, go submit your vote!

  20. This poll is a direct follow up to Poll #1. The i-frame changes I think are the only thing that hasn't yet been implemented from the changes post of April 12. Thus, it's time to give your feedback on the changes! Please also post a comment elaborating on your votes if you want to provide more details, thoughts, or questions! The poll will remain open until April 29th @ 12pm, but that doesn't necessarily mean nothing will change before then, depending on the results posted. Stay safe and have fun 😁
  21. Changes related to the community balance poll results: I hope you are all excited to see what is changing, have fun this weekend testing these changes and share your experiences and opinions here! Changes will be live shortly after this post, go play! Survivor Pills Results: 66% balanced, 34% too cheap. Proposed change(s): Pills cost +20% (5β†’6). Drug Pills cost -20% (10β†’8). Comments: Players who can get a lot of points know pills are abusable. Drug Pills is a great idea, but 10 points is too high to encourage players to use. 8 is more affordable, but still not insignificant to infected players. Tank Heal Cost Results: 75% balanced, 25% too cheap. Proposed change(s): Add tank visible HP bar. Will look as shown: Comments: As most players fall into the balanced category, we don't feel like a change to statistics may be necessary right now. That said, the main issue with tank heals is when it can feel like it is invincible for the survivors - which can be quite unpleasant. This plugin should help reduce that feeling, as survivors (and infected) will now know the condition of a tank, as well as how much impact they are having on it. This doesn't actually change the balance of the tank, but it does provide players with useful information that people may or may not like, so I look forward to seeing what everyone thinks after trying it. Rocket Jockey points & damage Results: 33% balanced, 67% too strong. Proposed change(s): Max Impact damage: -33% (15β†’10). Max impact distance +30% (1000β†’1300). Max damage impact point gain 4β†’3. Fix jockey ride damage per second: 12/13β†’8. 2 damage per interval, 4 intervals per second. Reduce interval start delay: 1sβ†’0.25s. Comments: Jockeys have clearly been too strong, both for dealing damage, gaining points, and being hard to punish. These changes keep rocket jockeys as a unique player in the infected kit, and keeps them hard to deal with, but brings them to a level where the infected shouldn’t be able to farm them so effectively and reliably. Smoker Effectiveness Results: 83% too weak, 8% balanced, 8% too strong. Proposed change(s): Remove smoker i-frames via plugin. I-frames prevent survivors from taking damage upon smoker grab and release. This results in infected effectively working against their teammates when it happens, and prevents proper chain attacks like hunters pouncing a choked survivor doing no damage (even though it says it does). Movement speed +10% (210β†’230). Tongue range: +7% (750β†’800). Tongue hit recharge time: -40% (20sβ†’12s). Tongue miss recharge time: -40% (15sβ†’9s). Tongue miss recharge delay: -40% (2.0sβ†’1.3s). Tongue drag damage amount: +100% (3β†’6). Choke damage interval: -33% (=0.75β†’0.5). Drag max speed: +8% (175β†’190). Drag acceleration speed: +10% (30β†’33). Comments: Smokers are clearly very weak compared to the other specials, and these changes intend to bring it to a stronger position, making it a more common pick for players who rarely play it, while also enabling players who have a lot of practice on it to have a more rewarding experience. The move speed enables the player to reposition or get to cover quicker after being spotted or having their victim cleared, hopefully without being overkill. The small buffs to many stats intend on improving many quality of life aspects of the smoker, and should give the player more opportunities and variety of how to engage survivors, while reducing easy punishment by survivors. Hunter Max High-Pounce Damage Results: 33% too low, 58% balanced, 8% too high. Proposed change(s): Bonus damage start range: +17% (300β†’350). Bonus damage max range: +20% (1000β†’1200). Air travel speed: +5% (700β†’735). Sky Diver / Parachute: Incapped pounces no longer can count towards the achievements. Max bonus points: +25% (8β†’10). Bot divide ratio: 0.00β†’2.00. Incap divide ratio: 1.75β†’2.00. Less points for pouncing bots and incaps, even less for incapped bots. More total possible points. E.g.: 25 damage on a player β†’ 10pts. 25 damage on a bot β†’ 5 pts. 25 damage on incapped player β†’ 5pts. 25 damage on incapped bot β†’ 2.5pts. Comments: Hunter has been a common pick by many players for its mechanical skill floor and ceiling, but it has not been as rewarding as other specials which have lower mechanical demands. Another consideration for hunters is that they can be killed in the air with relative ease, are deadstoppable, and are not always usable in many areas in the maps which don’t have access to rooftops, or many indoor areas. Thus, the special should be adequately rewarding those who have taken the time to train their skills and take advantage of opportunities to use the hunter. And in allowing high rewards, we also are increasing the distance required to hit maximum damage, encouraging riskier and more challenging attempts by hunter players.
  22. Balance changes to be introduced right after the poll closes so they will be tested during the weekend!

    Update notes will be posted right before go-live.

  23. @JackieChan I might be mistaken, but it almost feels like the damage is applied twice. I'd have to actually record it to be sure. It's funny though since it feels worse having a jockey land on you than a hunter, especially considering the jockey is nearly unskeetable and about 2-3x more difficult to deadstop. @swatfishy that's an interesting idea, I certainly hadn't considered something like that. I know I can hit an AWP shot on a rocket jockey somewhat consistently, but it takes either a headshot or two body shots (I think only two) to kill, otherwise the lil dude still landing on you for half your hp bar. I'll have to think about this for sure.
  24. Smokers are indeed painfully weak compared to every other special. Of course they still have use cases even being so weak, but I'd like smokers to actually be fun to play like chargers and hunters are. I'll be posting again following this poll some possible changes to the gameplay of different infected, and the community can decide what sounds good to try.
  25. I hope this thing works as I expect πŸ₯΄ I'd like to see what people think about a few different topics in the balance of the server in its current state. This poll is set to close automatically on April 12 @ 12pm (unknown time zone). Pretty sure votes are anonymous. The results of this poll will influence where we focus our attention, so your vote is very important!
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