Database is built.
Code is complete for:
Incrementing variables for weapon (like 20 tracking right now, everything that shoots bullets), enemy type (common/smoker/jockey/etc.), player type (human/bot), kill type (normal/headshot).
Saving player Steam ID to database.
Saving linked player names and join count with Steam ID, first connect date/time, last connect date/time.
This is set to update on player joining.
Saving the weapon stats, i.e. for each player, each weapon, each infected type, bot kill count, bot HS count, player kill count, player HS count.
The stats are set to update on round end, meaning if you leave mid-round, the stats won't save.
I could probably enhance this in the future to prevent stat loss in case of disconnect prior to round end.
What's left before we can test?
In-game menu to display your stats and rankings for these different values.
command to open menu, select overall stats vs weapon stats, select weapon, run query - display stats and ranking against other players for each stat.
Round stat reset upon player disconnect to ensure the same client ID doesn't retain someone else's stats.