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Posts posted by Playaa

  1. Spoiler alerts!!!






    Seriously...when is Peter just going to destroy all the bad guys and take over the world? I mean, sure Sylar is a BA and all that...but his abilities don't come around automatically like Pete's do. If Peter in the future is angry enough to kill his own brother then he's angry enough not to suffer from "too-good-good-guy" syndrome and if he doesn't suffer from that...well he's the most bad-a** character on the show by far and should use it accordingly.


    Also...they never should have had time travel enter into the show. Once you do that it becomes much less fun by far.

  2. Kind of creepy people. Stop it already.


    I've always been one to give an ear to a conspiracy theory (though I rarely believe them) but I have to say...I really don't think that some of the stuff Chen talks about is all that crazy. The truth is that there are power hungry people in this world...what kind of person would want to go after the most powerful job in the world (President of the U.S.)?....power hungry ones.

    Maybe this administration isn't it...but the powers this administration has given future administrations scares the living daylights out of me.


    Who's up for building a GC commune (or several?)

    There are communes in Isreal that actually work really well. I know a guy who lived on one for a year. You are disconnected from the world (when compared to how connected most of us are) but you are taken care of by everyone because everyone is working for the common good.

  3. Someone please help me out here.

    Explain to me how banks that have billions of dollars worth of debt owed to them by Americans that can't pay...how those banks going under and that debt being erased...how is that a bad thing for Americans at large rather than a bad thing for the people who own those banks?

  4. UUUUUUUMMMMM............

    REX 84.


    Last line:

    In 2008, for the first time an active military unit has been given a dedicated assignment stateside for civil unrest containment. It is assigned to NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities.[7]


    Relevant article.


    So...starting October 1st (tomorrow) an army brigade trained in Iraq to escort convoys and police civilians will be on active duty doing the same things in the United States.




    This country is beginning to frighten me.

  5. Seriously, ChenTzen may be a bit crazy...but Presidential Directive 51 frightens me.

    Wikipedia page on it


    Basically, in the event of a national crisis (whether it be war, economical or whatever) the President can declare a state of emergency that would take power away from the Legislative and Judicial branches of government for an unspecified amount of time.






    I could care less if this administration had every intention of using that Directive in honorable ways or not...that is NOT a power that I want anyone in this country to have EVER.

  6. Killer, I seriously want to know what makes you think you are going to survive just fine if a depression hits? I mean, do you really believe that if you have an overflowing amount of wealth (paid for vehicles, gas stored up, food supplies for years) that you will be left alone by those around you that are starving and having their lives destroyed? Do you seriously think that you won't be a target and that you'll be perfectly safe and happy while the rest of us suffer?


    The wealth that you built up can be taken away as easily as the wealth that the rest of the U.S. is about to lose.

  7. This show is full of so many cliche's and plot holes...and yet it's still so entertaining.


    I hate it and love it.






    Spoiler alert!!






    Anyone see what's happening with Dr. Suresh?

    He's brilliant and now that he has powers he is becoming animalistic (strength, agility, sexual aggression) and now he's growing scales (so he'll be physically unable to blend in with the real world)...he is going to become exactly what Beast is from X-Men. Horrid writing in my opinion.

  8. IAlertU if you have a Mac laptop. When set it uses the built in motion sensors to tell if your laptop is being moved (i.e. stolen) and sounds an alarm like a car alarm. Can also take a picture of the perp and email it to any email you provide.

    I have heard that IAlertU is no longer being supported, but the source code was made open source and that there are better alternatives out there now using IAlertU's source....only I can't find any of those alternatives.

  9. I'm pretty sure that as part of bankruptcy the mortgage company would be forced to "sell" the loans owed to them. For some reason those loans are seen as a thing to be owned.


    That said...if they weren't then it's entirely possible that enough consumers could join together and just refuse to repay their loans at which point the mortgage company would go under thereby erasing those loans...so it's a mixed bag either way.

  10. I host a website that uses so little bandwidth and space each month that it's not worth dealing with sometimes.

    My current host has horrible up-time.

    I'd like to sign up with something like Dreamhost...but there's no way I'm paying $100+ up front for a site that has at most 50 users.


    Anyone know of a cheap but reliable webhost that I can have access to at least 2 MySQL databases (Wordpress and phpBB) for $5 or less a month?

    Or anyone want to donate some space?

  11. Definitely well written.

    To answer your question on why I don't believe this universe just happened...well, it all comes down to the fact that I look at this earth and this universe and I see the complexity of the systems and I see the order of the universe and I look at the insanely (read: nearly impossible) numbers associated with the chances that each and every one of those random happenstances occurred as they did to get us to this point...and I just can't believe it.


    For reference sake, I firmly believe that Evolution is true...100%.

    What I don't believe is that this universe exists without a creator. I, quite literally, could not ever believe it and I honestly can't fathom how anyone can look at the order that this universe contains and believe that it was an unplanned event.


    On a side note: in reference to what science is.

    I firmly believe that the God of the Bible and Judaism is real. I firmly believe he created this universe and everything in it. I firmly believe that every fact in this universe was created and ordered by him. Therefore, science does not exist for me outside of his existence. It is not a separate thing. It can't be a separate thing. Therefore, telling me that science and religion don't mix is just plain untrue. They are one and the same.

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