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Posts posted by markie10

  1. what transitioned is your own fault i had this long written out thing but i said screw it and make it plain and simple, I see why you were pawned off on me 2 wipes in a row. You do not listen, You used the groups GROUPS resources to make Armor for yourself due to you wanted certain skins. You used GROUPS resources to make your own stuff after being told not to. You ignore people. Yes you did help farm but not like everyone else who played 5+ hours a day so dont get ahead of yourself. Stealing gear? noone wants the gear you made bc its tier 2 armor and weapons when we were suppose to be wearing tier 3. insulted? Explain how so 

  2. In this picture, that orange X's are the examples of bases built near the captial. The 8 reps 8 squares away from the capital. the yellow is a gate and the gray are the walls. we could say only one layer of high walls and one gate allowed.


  3. I like the idea of west vs east. but i think the capital should be in the middle of everyones buildings, and that like a real Capital we need to build around it and protect it.....

  4. 3. Capital events   YES/ NO       if yes-     same as before a 2 door capital      +3 for each door destroyed  and +5 for AD smoke signal capture  same hours  9- 11  Saturday Nights.


    • side note  someone asked about being able to build around them..... it was already too hard / no one succeeded on the last go around......so why should we make it harder?
    • also there should be no outside turrets(team ice) nor should you encircle the build zone and leave a "eye of the needle" passage way for attackers to go through(team fire)



    So we cant use high walls and honeycomb nor turrets to protect it? and almost no building near it? 




    So just a building in the middle of nowhere 

  5. I liked the Ice vs Fire thing that was going on, even if i did join 3-4 days before wipe. 



    A little bit smaller of a map would be nice.


    Raiding should not have a rule as it is part of the game and as someone who has played since legacy i have been offlined, camped, betrayed it is all part of the game.


    I wasnt there for the capital event, but i did not like how the capital was just a circle with nothing around it, Why not make it that everyone must build something there that way it is an actual capital and then it will be populated.


    Have you given thought to any mods? (addons for the server)  

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