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[Mmmm]Sacrificial Lamb

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Posts posted by [Mmmm]Sacrificial Lamb

  1. I am a democrat but I am not anti-republican. This movie is one sided and very opinionated but I also believe that some facts were brought to the forefront. In politics you have to be able to separate the bs from the truth by using your intelligence. For example when it was counting how long Bush was sitting in front of a classroom full of children after he found out the WTC had been hit was irrelevant to his presidency. What was he suppose to do? Jump scream Oh God! We've been hit, we've been hit. Get under your desk kids. OH yeah did I tell you I also hate Bush. Now is it illegal to have business relations with the Bin Ladens? NO! especially since they have supposely rejected Usama or Osama. However I feel that it is very bad political policy to do so because in some form or fashion it does tie Bush to the Bin Ladens but in no way does it link him to 9/11. Let's talk about Clinton. He had sex with another woman but what about JFK. He slept with everything east of the Mississippi and half of Hollywood but his reign is referred to as Camelot. I guess if Clinton would of slept with Cameron Diaz or Jennifer Love Hewitt (Oh yeah!) or Sandra Bullock it would of been okay. We have to cut out all the fictious factiods floating around out there and base our votes and on the truth. As a democrat I wish Jon McCain was Kerry's running mate and I wish Colin Powell would of ran for president last term. In my opinion we need a military leader in power not just a guy like Kerry and Bush that were in the military. My problem with politics and this forum is most are radicals and will not even admit that there is even one thing you like about the other guy even if it is he snowboards or he owns a ranch. We have to get past that and get the man/woman who will represent America the best and I personal believe that man is sitting in the Senate right now representing a state from the Southwest.



  2. Anything easy doesn't work for dieting. Stay away from all the crazy stuff and exercise 3 to 4 times a week and eat 6 small meals a day. Each meal should have a protein, carbo, and veggie. One serving is the amount you can cup in your hand. Carbs are fruits and grains that are not processed in sugar. Drink water and not cokes. You will lose 2 to 3 pounds per month but it is gone and your healthy. You can lose up to 8 pounds of water per day. Therefore you body weight can differ up to 8 pounds per day. Guess what those diets do. They drain all the water and there is the first 8 pounds and now your hooked.

    Work for it.

  3. Two words. JUMP ROPE. Especially if you are going to play football again. 3 mins of contionous jumping rope is like running 1 mile. Not only does it get you in shape but it increases your quickness greatly. Start now and by August you will be killing quarterbacks. If you are a quarterback kill yourself anyways.



  4. Cowboy if you are wanting to bulk up you need a diet that is 30% carbs, 30% fat, and 40% protein. However during your bulking phase you will also gain fat. A good supplement to add lean mass quick and increase your strength quickly is IDS 1-AD. However read about it before you take it.

  5. LOL! Soul I agree with many of the statements you made about No Child Left Behind but that is not what it represents. The letter all the teachers in the building recieved was sent by the state by request of the federal government. Salary increases would help make education a competitive field and would bring in higher qualified teachers. Not saying that the teachers are not qualified but I don't want someone teaching my child AP Chemistry if the teacher doesn't have a degree in it. No Child Left Behind is extremely underfunded and there is no possible way that we can fund it. I will give you an example of why No Child Left Behind will fail. Kids are broken down into groups by race, sex, income, and several other catergories. In small schools like mine some of these groups have around 30 people and that is it. We have to be 100% proficient in a few years in all those groups and we have to do this by keeping kids in school. Basically by 2010 under NCLB there will be no suspensions from school. Back to the groups, one kid can do poorly on the test and it will make it look like the whole group has fail because it gives percentages per group. What happens many times is the same kid is in multiple groups and it destroys all the group scores. I believe we should reach and educate every child but this NCLB has many unrealistic expectations.

    Soul I am assuming you come from a family where if you misbehaved at school then you would have recieved more punishment at home than at school. I know that is how it was in my family. That isn't the norm, unfortunately, anymore. I had a six grade parent that was more concerned about getting her daughter on birth control than failing the sixth grade. What would most parents do if their child was having sex in the 6th grade? Oh by the way she is a very intelligent girl but is not passing a single subject. I had a student who was more worried by survival because he had literally been removed from his home because he was being starved. How am I as a teacher suppose to overcome those odd in every single case to make sure every student is proficient? Now, when the church was the center of the community and family ties were strong this problem was not as prominent. Things have changed.

  6. Wait a minute, once again your pulling a detail out of the whole scenario. I believe if you hold the highest position in the United States of Amercia you should be able to at least pronounce the name of it correctly. That isn't why I want him out of office. I want him out do to the fact he has been the worst environmental president in our history. He has wasted billions of dollars on tax cuts that were suppose to boost the economy. The economy has been destroyed. Yes it is getting stronger but how could of it of gotten any worse. Job losses are the norm and it is hardworking educated blue collar workers that are lossing their jobs. The biggest reason I believe Bush is an idiot is the No Child Left Behind Educational Reform he has tried to implement. I recieved a letter that if our school was not 100% proficient by a certain date (don't recall exactly what year) then all the teachers would be fired and replaced. First of all proficient means everyone in the school no matter what is reading and computating on grade level. Soul tell me how is he going to replace 37 teachers in my school when we had to go to Canada to find a Language Arts teacher, to Costa Rica to find a spanish teacher, and back to Canada to find a Social Studies teacher because there were no teachers in the area that want the position. By the way we are one of the top schools in the area so filling positions should be easy. The only way education is going to get stronger is by making its wages more competitive with business jobs so we can get the potential great teachers into the classroom. Yes I make a decent living but nothing compared to what 90 percent of the people with a Master's Degree make. We lose a lot of good teachers to the business world because of salaries. That is okay though Bush will fix it like he did our economy and our environment. I believe that Iraq was a mistake because it forced a wedge between us and the allies but I agree with destroying the Taliban. My fear, which is very strong, is that Korea is next. If that is the case be prepared for the next Vietnam War. I could be wrong but they have a wild hair for a leader and he is developing nuclear weapons. When that occurs we will have 3 fronts of 3 different wars going on at the same time. That will mean another draft in our history. Beside those facts I don't have problem with Bush.

  7. Here in the deep south the Passion For Christ is recieving more publicity than the lame marriage issues locally. There is a reason for that though, down here below the bible belt you don't have to worry about lame marriages because homosexuality isn't as prominent in this conservative area. Another reason is I am in the heart of the Baptist, next to the home of the Church of God, can see the Church of Christ peeping around the corner, can feel the father of the protestant religions the Lutherans watching us all, and I am pretty darn close to the foundation of the Methodist Church. I guess that explains it.



  8. I was watching the Daytona 500 and President Bush was the guest starter. Someone made the statement that Bush believed that in ever NASCAR democratic dad there was a republican trying to get out. Tell me this, would that not look silly when an elephant is trying to crawl out the rectum of a donkey. Oh yeah, my point was free publicity.

  9. Soul as for the accent comment, I have the worse accent in the world because I am from deep in the hills of Tennessee. Well educated but definitely country to the core. Going back to the norm statement, as I read the paper it stated that it was normal in many parts of Rome but not all parts.


    Soul I enjoy debating with you because your heated and you do throw up some good points from time to time. In fact, I actually agreed with you on a post in one of the other forums (but I will never admit to that in public). It isn't my place but I think your views would get alot more respect if you present your case instead of forcing it. You and White Knight are arguing because you two are saying no your wrong because of this and that. You and I are debating. To me, debating is present the facts and letting the public decide for itself. There is a big difference because you actually acknowledge some events that I presented to you even if you disagreed with them. It seems like so many people overlook your content due to the tone of your post. It seems that everything Bush does is right and the only way it could of been done, however I do not believe you agree with him in all aspects of his political ring. Hey, I could be wrong though.

  10. Your right soul it is funny that the homosexuality of the Romans is left out of history books. Maybe it is left out of the book because certain people feel that it is immoral and should be left out. However, you should do some research and see what you find. As for how did they maintain a population, easy they mated with there wifes. However Ancient Rome was based on military excellence and men live in barracks from as early as age 6 up to the age of 50. This is where most of the homosexual relationships occurred.



  11. I am not saying the printing press is the sole reasons for our departure to America. You have taken an example and taken pieces out if and painted a different picture. First of all, would we be here if it wasn't for the mass production of bibles? Maybe, but not as soon as we did because we would be less educated and lack the ability to make technological advancements such as navigation. Now if it wasn't for the development of technology in the shipping industry how would we of gotten here in the first place. In a canoe, oh wait that is technology because is a tool that was development to meet our needs. Technology equals science. You can not survive without science. The religion based on the bible is the reason we are here in America and we were able to read the bible due to sciencitific developments that allow individuals to purchase a copy of their own. By the way written language is a scientific development so the simple task of reading is create by science.

  12. I thought they were named the dark ages due to the lack of political structure and the unlawfulness during this period. Soul, science is why we are where we are today. Let's play the religion card. Religion is where it is today because we developed the printing press which allowed more people to get there hands on literature. After they were able to get access to the bible the word of God spread rapidly and so did education. Why did we come to America? We came for religious freedom because we had a scientific achievement that allowed us to develop more prints of the bible. This achievement allow use to educate ourselves and it allowed us to develop our own views of religion. By developing our own views we were able to realize we wanted religious freedom. We are where we are today physical because of science. Morally, we are where we are today in a large part because of science.

  13. Playaa where are you getting your information? First of all I am a science teacher. Is this not the definition of evolution "The state's school superintendent has proposed striking the word evolution from Georgia's science curriculum and replacing it with the phrase "biological changes over time."" So what does it matter if you use the definition or the word. In life science evolution is factual because animals develop to survive in there environment. Look at the different sizes of white tail deer in America. In the mountains the deer are larger than in areas such as Ossabaw Island off the coast of Georgia. A heavier deer in on the coast of Georgia would sink in the marshy and sandy soils. This would decrease the only advantage they have in the area, speed. That is evolution or "biological changes over time." That is what I teach. Do some research on the introduction of the House Sparrows to the United States of America. No where have I found that in a textbook it says Humans develop from primates. They have found fossils that one could piece together and say look here are the facts. However there are very few fossils to piece together the evolution of a 10,000 year period at the minimual. I do not believe we developed from primates. I do not teach that nor do I teach creationism. I don't teach it because it isn't my place to enforce a belief on a child. I don't enforce "the THEORY of evolution" yet I teach biological evolution. I do not teach creationism yet I teach the development of religion in Social Studies. Playaa my question to you is why stress the "Theory of Evolution" when I am not teaching the theory of evolution, we teach the "biological changes over time" and the strongest will survive, which is evolution.

  14. First of all, I am heterosexually married so I don't give a flying flip if Richard Simmons marries Rupaul. Why does anyone else? Who is given the right to say what someone can or can't do in there own house. For all those who are so anti-homosexual why don't you look back to some of your ancestors, the Romans. In ancient Greece and Rome homosexuality was the norm. The whole cabin boy was basically a sex toy for the men on the ship. It is a part of history. What scares me about the whole thing is Bush is now messing with the Constitution. God knows he can't pronounce America what is he going to do now, misspell it in the 20 amendments he will add if he is allowed to change it. From a social stand point I worry about the children of an homosexual relationship. I think it would be confusing when all first graders are reading a book called Mom and Dad and the boy sitting across from you is reading Dad and Dad. Of course they are saying they are loving parents the child will be fine. How the hell do they know? I have listen to politicians make all these claims about divorce and how it affects children yet most never lived threw it. I know they are wrong because I have been dealing with the divorce of my family for 23 years. I have great stepparents but it has major repercussions. If you can't naturally have children I believe their is a reason for it. If a woman is barren I could see using science to produce offspring however she is passing on the alleles that gave her the trait so there is a strong chance she is putting her child through the same thing. I am a scientist and I believe in nature. I hate fertility drugs, same sex parents, and comestic surgery (unless it is just a heck of a boob job) because they are not natural but who am I to say they are wrong.

  15. Soul you made the comment on education reform. It should be called the deformed education. No Child Left Behind is bullhockey. I know because I am an educator. Educators either republican or democratic agree that is out of control and total choas that has no productivity. So another plus for Bush! :o

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