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[Mmmm]Sacrificial Lamb

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Everything posted by [Mmmm]Sacrificial Lamb

  1. Lamb/ Patrick Large and in charge.
  2. Tell me how to reformat my hard drive so that every single file is off of it. I keep getting crazy error messages and pops so fast I can't close them. Therefore I am reformatting. Please help the Lamb!
  3. Anything easy doesn't work for dieting. Stay away from all the crazy stuff and exercise 3 to 4 times a week and eat 6 small meals a day. Each meal should have a protein, carbo, and veggie. One serving is the amount you can cup in your hand. Carbs are fruits and grains that are not processed in sugar. Drink water and not cokes. You will lose 2 to 3 pounds per month but it is gone and your healthy. You can lose up to 8 pounds of water per day. Therefore you body weight can differ up to 8 pounds per day. Guess what those diets do. They drain all the water and there is the first 8 pounds and now your hooked. Work for it.
  4. Two words. JUMP ROPE. Especially if you are going to play football again. 3 mins of contionous jumping rope is like running 1 mile. Not only does it get you in shape but it increases your quickness greatly. Start now and by August you will be killing quarterbacks. If you are a quarterback kill yourself anyways. Lamb
  5. Cowboy if you are wanting to bulk up you need a diet that is 30% carbs, 30% fat, and 40% protein. However during your bulking phase you will also gain fat. A good supplement to add lean mass quick and increase your strength quickly is IDS 1-AD. However read about it before you take it.
  6. We need shields to protect us from soul throwing pro-bush comments, don't allow them to be turned off.
  7. Oh yea before the old forgive and forget comment pops up. I will forgive the state for frying him and I will forget about his rectum once he is dead. Lamb
  8. They need to just kill the guy who cause all the problems. What ticks me off is your community is going to have to provide over 30,000 dollars a year to keep that man up. He killed two and there is no question about it. Put him in the chair and fry him tomorrow. Lamb
  9. you did, you did. It is for me to run and hide when the wife gets angry and aggressive.
  10. Reply, number 9 would look cool on a black t-shirt but 5 would look great on a white tshirt
  11. Goot, I know how you feel. Last year we bought a house on sept. 27, christmas dec. 25, was married dec. 27, wifes birthday was jan. 4, valentines day feb. 14 and my birthday feb. 27. Talking about flat out broke. Do something like buy her a yellow rose instead of red and explain you gave her yellow because not only do you love her but she is your best friend. If she isn't lie and say she is anyways. Cheap and easy go to a movie or teach her how to play cs. I am from the south so the best thing you could do is buy a six pack and watch the daytona 500 with her.
  12. Lamb Cherryville, NC Est. time 7 hrs. and 43 minutes Est. mileage is 422.76 miles Should be able to do that in around 6 hours
  13. is anti-virus required because I do not an antivirus running on my computer
  14. Anytime mag, tile is easy. The hardest part was having the confidence to do it.
  15. because it uses its tell as a propeller
  16. Hey guys which cpu do you prefer AMD or Intels?
  17. Same problem here. Maximum number of players is ten. Maybe we could get two groups up and going Lamb
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