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Everything posted by cutelittlerabbit

  1. yes btw i jacked the site u use mk5 changing last answer to violence from sex makes me pure evil but i still think bout sex more lol
  2. nod i doubt id be able to play soon as i get a job here anyway .. at least during week sides i suck i always just sit there waiting for good 1v1 fights lol
  3. dunno dividing my time between a mud i been on for past 8 years ut and homework and life o ya and i need a job here
  4. ive tried this one.. its cool... id play it over battlefield or that magestic thing anyday...
  5. chaos ut mmmm.. now thats cool makes me think of whats that games name...
  6. my eff 59.8% dunno how thats scored is it just kills/per death or what ? this whole score and stuff thing always boggles me.. i wish they just seperated it like this: frag(foot) frag(vehicle) Totalfrag death fragperhour shootEfficeny 99 5 104 12 104/60 shothit/shotfired and maybe time to live.. for average time between deaths... and maybe add score for things other than frags.. so you can see if a player just makes/destroys nodes all day or actually kills... i dont care if your score is 3943949349 if you cant make a kill your not my enemy ....
  7. you dont have to use red/blue color just hit f5 and uncheck the boxes. they will be normal color...dunno sph never checked it... ill dual anyone i dun care who it is..lol... line of sight hitsounds.. is diff from how it is now how ????? i guess if you randomly fired into space and started getting hitsounds ... eitherway i love brightskins.. stops camping ..
  8. and with that statment about hearing shots you cant see.. brings me to the hate/dont hate point.. but i still say leave it on
  9. since somehow im 21 now.. ill agree with you duma ......
  10. on cuffo voting for maps based on points is pretty cool .. and i love utcomp ... so its a plus on mobo.. utcomp again is good.. no voting so it makes it feel more like a tourny level game.. so im for it again the only good/bad features of comp is hitsounds.. people like it either way.. i feel it helps you improve your shot.. some would say that it makes it too easy... me i say keep everything how it is.. i love it ... also being able to see team health and stuff is cool.. makes it feel like orange smoothy for quake3 a deffinate plus...
  11. cept for wentz he keep moving when i want a ride heh j/p ya def play when you see peep from the top on.. im always down for a good fair match.. you will know its me because i stand in middle of open areas waiting for people to fight 1 v1 with... and most of the time ill switch to whatever weapon your using in the fight.. to keep it fair... hope to see ya on.. i dont play as much with school back on in full force but youll see me when you see most the other top players.
  12. its a sucky game because i dont play games to have random missing.. if i aim at you.. and shoot.. its because i wanted to shoot you.. not have the game say... well i THINK we let that shot hit.. well maybe not... lol..... not to mention the hack job cs did... utterly destroy the quake engine...... o and the fac that if you die.. you can wait up to 3 mins for some camper to die.... not that i died much anyway... just lame... i dont like battlefield for same reason.. but at least battelfield/wolf dont make you wait for everyone to die..... which leads to battlefields problem with huge maps... everyone here knows by now that i try never to be in a vehicle... so with battlefield you have to spend half your time running across a map.... kinda reason i dont play mmporgs.. tape down arrow key to walk for 2 hours to get to some spot.. (and you pay monthly fee for this waste of time lol)..... but alas we are all entitled to our opinions.. so go play the mod that removes the point of having a tourny game... you wont see me playing it...
  13. another mod to make something like stupid battlesuck 19sucky2 or battlesuck vieawhywontwemakeabettergameNam ...... but other than that.. COOL ps why mods keep trying to make good fps into sucky CS clones
  14. that is whole bit if u wanna switch only weapons 5 3 0 1.... add whatever other weapon u want follow that pattern its easy
  15. lol all women charge.. dont forget that prostitute = 1 time fee 10-1000 bucks lets say girlfriend = first few days 30-100 bucks dates afterwards 30.30,30,30,30 etc valentines day 100-200... and you get something around 10-20 bucks and sex so i guess thats cheaper than the prostitute her birthday again 100 bucks or so.. i say its cheaper because they care bout valentines day far more... christmas....... similar to birthday and im not counting times you split cost.. it is the 2004 but even if you say you going even.. that really means ill do it a few times but rest is on you lol -ps i have been trained well
  16. nods i cant get in there i had 40 bucks.. but i decided that it would be better spent on the woman.... always gotta keep da woman happy ya know
  17. MouseWheelUp=PipedSwitchWeapon 1 | PipedSwitchWeapon 3 | PipedSwitchWeapon 0 | PipedSwitchWeapon 5 etc etc
  18. you could key= pippedswitch 1|pippedswitch 2 on a key.. then it would be like mousewheel but you could bind 2 keys only to it so it would only toggle that.... i know my mousewheel i configed it so i never use biorifle or mine layer or machinegun im strickly a shock flak lightning minigun shield gun man.. and rockets sometimes.. but i ussaly lightning/flak/shield in any fight...
  19. mouse2=set Engine.PlayerInput MouseSensitivity 1 | switchweapon 9 thats the syntax mouse3=switchweapon 1 | fov 80 changes fov Aliases[45]=(Command="fov 80 | onrelease fov 110",Alias="zoom") mouse5=zoom hold does fov 80 release 110.. u can also add that into the above one...
  20. alias flaklover switchweapon # | mouse sensitivity "2.0" mouse sensitivy might not be correct syntax look above for correct form.. and remember to reset of each weapon then..
  21. im back from maui... all ur stats belong to me ... once i can play.. but i ripped the #$#$ outta my left hand fingers on some coral (sp) so i cant really type.....
  22. put her to sleep this morning.. ill be on the server tonight. since its my last time on for a week.. i leave for hawaii tommorow.
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