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Everything posted by mountain_dew

  1. That's probably one of the best indicators of how good you are. That means uber, kor, after, and brillow are tops as i always suspected. (with many folk coming up close after - i started listing but it got to be like 20 peeps +).
  2. I just found out Chipper doesn't like nuts. I knew I should have sent the Porsche instead...
  3. Huh. And yet, Kor is better than me, and I'm getting pancaked like crazy from Uber and Brillow. And there's no way I have less time than Penty! (me hopes) (I could keep listing all the folk who play better.) But I have to goto sleep eventually... well OK, after a few games.
  4. Yeah, it's not so strict now. Didn't I have to send Brillow a new computer, uber some power tools (cordless of course), and penty a massage chair (for those long hours playing UT)? And let's not forget the bag of mixed nuts to the chipmunk.
  5. Maaaaaan. It irks me quite a bit when I see two enemy levis in Red Planet. I always wondered what happened, but this makes sense. The bots always leave their vehicles. I see Goliaths being left to be taken a lot.
  6. w00t! Korodas is fun, and better than me in skillz. A great addition. Ladders, scrims, etc... here we come.
  7. Thanks Chipper. I'll have to try it later. heh. It took me a while to get the name. I'm not as clever as that Uber.
  8. I think once, three of us jumped on the Manta. Was it Uber and Penty? I was thinkin' - oh yeah, we're gonna get to the node and disperse quickly to the next one. Then a bot grabbed it and unceremoniously dumped all of us off. It was so bad, it was funny. Man, it was us three vs the world? Even though we were (I think?) outnumbered by 3 or 4 peeps last nite? It was fun knowing I had Uber and Nubus on my side. At least I wasn't alone, and knew there were 2 peeps I could trust. Man, I fought off like 4 or 5 RED off that 2nd node and built it once in between, then they finally got that tank in and knocked me out of there. Crossfire I think. I was on that 2nd node. I think Nubus was keeping people off the node next to the base, and Uber was kept knocking that middle node down, until they finally over ran us. Fun though.
  9. Thanks uber. Hmm, my name don't fit with the GC in it now. So I guess I'll play as "hobbes/-=GC=-/" unless something better comes to me.... Hey, how do you guys get that GC part to appear in gold?
  10. That was weird. I even have a print out of the first one. Oh well, I sent it again. Lemme know.
  11. Thanks dudes. I sent my paypal to Fatty. When am I officially in? How do I get that cool /-=GC=-/ in color? I did find this funny site while I was up last nite: http://www.kdwb.com/MorningShow/MovieWeekArchive.html Cracked me up.
  12. Hmm, I guess I found another. It was 9 vs 3 AGAIN. Kept asking to even teams here and there with "Teams please. 9 vs 3." For 3 maps. No one switched. We had a peep or two join on the third map, and crawled back. Then one of them started actually started saying "teams". Even though they still had more human players. Brillow, Uber, Fatty and other GC folk; where are ya?! I needs ya!
  13. Maybe it's because I was out, can't fall asleep, and am not thinking too clearly... but under .gc FAQ: How do I join GC? Fill out an application. If approved, paypal the amount for whatever faction(s) you're joining and you'll be set up. I can't seem to find the application mentioned there... Thanks.
  14. I've either seen or experienced the following. I find it humorous thinking about it. (I spec a bit before I join in sometimes to see if teams are even. I might wait if it is, or like to jump in if it's not horribly unbalanced to the loosing side.) Which cracks you up/ annoys you the most?: 1) On Crossfire, three of your teammates take the Hellbender to the center. A fourth takes the Scorpion to the other node further away. This is after a teammate first grabs the only Manta (doesn't wait for anyone), and instead of going and starting the only node that connects to the base, flys around looking for the redeemer. It was pretty ugly, no nodes got started and everyone was asking where the guy with the Manta went. 2) I think it was Crossfire, one guy took the Hellbender by himself to the center node while everyone yelled at him to wait at the beginning. When he got there, he got out. The enemy guys there took the Hellbender and killed him, and sat up there with now two Hellbenders. 3) Was playing some Dawn tonite. It was 9 vs 2. (Um, 9 human players vs 7 or 8 if you count 5 or 6 bots plus 2 of us.) We still managed to eeek out one point, then another. A guy started complaining about too there being too many bots. Yet no one switched. 4) Same game on Dawn, and another guy is actually yelling at our bots, saying they cheat. lol 5) A favorite moment from your own experience you'd like to share?
  15. w00t hyperActive. Hey, what's your name on the server? Do you play as hyperactive chipmunk /-=GC=-/? We should get Bubblegum Bandit to play too. Let us know your names in the server if it's different or abbreviated. (or me, i know little) I'd be up for new maps Penty. Whichever GC Admin sets a time, should let us know maps ahead too, so at least we can take a look at it if it's new. Thanks.
  16. OK, I'll try to help the ball get going. Let's take a quick poll on: 1) Let peeps know if you want to scrim or not. Yes/No/Other 2) What times work best for you? Certain weeknites or weekend nites/mornings/afternoons? This might see how big the interest is, who, and when. Also will help a GC admin pick a time and teams. I'm sure we'll only have 1/2 show up due to peeps being busy and all for a particular nite, but still could be fun. 3) Oh why not. Map favorites. 4) Optional: memorable moment (good or bad), favorite weapon/vehicle or move, or rant.
  17. Pretty clever Mr. Uber. That was my name when I played in old UT. I've been telling folk from there and from the LAN party, to come to MOBOCRACY. heh. Come and get pwned by Uber, Brillow, Penty, and all the other nice GC folk, like I get pwned. You guys and your crazy Manta pancakes! Those were some fun games - both with ya, and against ya. Yeah, those peeps kept following you. Most were even, then if one team would get behind a bit, they'd switch. Don't people know some of the best games are when you can come back? Or hold them off and win the next map for a tight 3-2 win? Oh well. I think it was that last game that was the most crazy. I switched after the first map to try to make it even, then people complained and switched mid-game to the team that was winning, so Uber would have to switch too to balance it out again. Gah.
  18. Whoa! What in the world happened to this thread? This is not like the GC I've come to know and want to play some Onslaught with... It'd be fun for all of us to play...Hyperactive, Fatty, etc. It's not possible to remember to put down all 100+ names of fun folks we've met here in the forums and on the server. In fact, part of the fun of the scrim, is I finally get to play with peeps I hardly get to play with. So let's spend less time about listing who's who (cutting and pasting the first 100 on the stats would still miss peeps I'm sure - there's over 11,000 who's played as far as I can see), and let's get revved up about playing. I recommend someone from GC pick a time. Brillow? Fatty? We need an admin to set up, plus you guys have the most experience with people, and would do a great job picking teams, then modifying. Let's ride!
  19. Hey folk. I was thinkin it was dangerous to leave a quick message like that mid-day. But it gets crazy at work, with a 100 emails to reply to, phone calls to return, people stopping at my office all the time, making sure engineers and techs are set up and running well and not waiting for direction... I didn't want to forget suggesting a scrim and decided to put it down quick. I'd be happy to play with anyone. I only mentioned folk quick who I played with recently and was fresh on my short term memory and had fun with. Any names not mentioned was due to me writing a quick memo, or haven't played with much recently. But not by skills alone, plenty of folk who play much better than me. Not sure Fatty if that emoticon meant you didn't think the idea was good, or... It'd be fun to finally play in a game with ya. Just thought since I see most of those folk a lot on the server anyway, it'd be fun to get a balanced game in. As for setting up teams, I'd leave it to a GC admin who has good eyes for skills and is fair, and has been on the server so they would have a decent idea on balancing skills. e.g. Brillow, Penty, etc. We can either setup teams and a time for the scrim to allow for good (clean) trash talkin. Or set a time and see who shows up, and then play. I have the worst timing with my old UT clan - we'd always have matches when i was playing league v-ball, had friends coming over, a lady friend for dinner, wedding, party, etc. For our LANs, drafts never worked (too much gap in skills between consecutive drafts sometimes - e.g. 3 very good people, so for the team who had 2 of them, the other team should get a bunch of the next tier folk). We just had 3 or 4 top peeps even out and make teams. Plus at LANs, it's hard to move a computer from one room to another if teams are unbalanced. It might be OK for pubs. You pick teams, and go with it. If it's uneven, it's easy to switch a few people on the next map. I'm open for anything. Just wanted some good, competitive, fair, and above all fun playing. Any thoughts Brillow? Fatty? Penty? Your server.... Either way, see you on the server. Fun time.
  20. Hey. How about a friendly scrim with the regulars and GC folk mixed? Peeps like: Korodas Brillow Uber After Mk5 Cutelittlerabbit Penty Nubus HWarrior MadMatt I know I'm forgetting a lot of folk here...
  21. Yeah, the bots never miss. I'll be swerving in a Raptor, firing on a tank, and they hit me, one shot. Same with the Hellbender back turret, base turrets... I'll be on a hill far away...I don't even see a tank with the fog, but I see a rocket streak in and kill me. Bots pwn me. heh. They'd wipe us out, except they grab the Mantas and Raptors and fly around killin instead of going to a node. I suppose it makes me play better though, and it helps a little* when people bail and it's 9 vs 3 (with 4 bots).
  22. Oh, btw Kor, nice mix. Get some hard labor in during the summer for $ and it'll also help keep you fit. Getting ready to go back to college, and college really pays off. Plus, a little UT fun during the summer. Nice.
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