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Everything posted by Wentz

  1. sounds like a ps3 trick to me... since they are going to get owned continuously by PC gamers they need something to fall back on.... here noob take this orb and go blow something up, and stop crying you bought that thing not us.
  2. I would definately get the collectors edition if it came with a blood transfusion bag
  3. ZOMMMG! NOSTRAPRIMUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. hope so... im on a core2 T7200 with 2gb ram and a 512 dedicatd GO 7700 if nothing else I can tweak it a bit
  5. that's a great box. kinda like BMW announcing a new car model and saying.. look here's what the tires will look like just kiddin, thx flitter... i'd say I can't wait for this game but if that were true I'd have to /suicide IRL
  6. hi my name is horse's ant nice to meet you
  7. gonna take a road trip up there with a weapon and beat the crap out of a random mediacom employee
  8. I think that hellbender sniping is annoying and I'm going to start lacing your truck with grenades before you get in it. To each his own man.. do what works and what is fun. Personally I like to do a little of everything and use what i got on me at the time. I can't stand anything below about 94 fov... makes me feel like I'm fat and slow. As for the ground combat... you gotta understand at any given time on Nep, SCK, or others you could be playing with some of the top players in the country and regardless of how good your config/hardware is... you'll still get popped a lot. Happens to everyone.... some of these guys play all day every day and it's all robotic. plus a few of our guys played more deathmatch intensive games prior to this and are used to flying through the air pulling off crazy haxlike moves. main thing is that it stays fun and entertaining... get too mixed up with being statistically perfect and you'll end up with a job, not a hobby!
  9. hey.. my gf plays nintendo DS or ps2 while i'm shootin at people's faces... life isn't too bad
  10. my dad is 51 and i tried to get him to play FPS games a few times but he gets all dizzy and stuff.... lilbush is lucky!
  11. Tek stop worrying about fans and OC your cable modem already noobsauce.
  12. oh wow that vid is awesome, im gonna get up every morning and watch it b4 work and act like a celeb all day
  13. Gl out there at camp... the only two camps I can picture are: Fat camp with that big inflatable thing on the water the camp from solute your shorts.. w/ donkeylipz (hockey reruns probably aired instead of this show up there) Hopefully it's not like that out there.. oh and don't go paintballing those kids will pwn you Hurry back we need ya for TWL like the dogtrack needs a mechanical rabbit!
  14. I had one of those for my nintendo
  15. totally depends on your age here... the difference between 18-23 is a LOT different than the difference between 45-50 +1 year is acceptable at every 2 years past 18 so at 30, you have a 6 year give or take etc don't follow that and you are a freak! just kiddin
  16. You'll never have to buy one, this game is a hoax
  17. Alright I feel the need for a too-much-info rambling post: there is a "fov" cmd in the console so like type fov 86 and it will change it accordingly in quake there's a "sensitivity" command I'm not sure if they have it in UT or not you can specify a specific sensitivity by typing it though?? instead of using the arrows to increment by .25 what I'd like to know is can you adjust the pitch and yaw individually in UT.... I like to play with a slightly higher pitch personally, especially for raptors that would rock. I think messing with your sensitivity on a regular basis however will screw you up more than it will help.. the changes should definately be at the "tweak" level rather than a drastic change. If you are a medium range fighter (flak/rocket/shock combo) a medium sensitivity works out fine. If you are like bush/dark and like to pick which eyeball to shoot out, lower sens is for you. I also think that the bigger issue is you personally adjusting to the sensitivity specified and not so much adjusting the sensitivity to your own senses. Start with a base and adapt... eventually you want to spend more time worrying about being a fundamentally sound player (node route/node selection, situational weapon usage, teamwork) than messing with sensitivity, hardware, etc. It's nothing but a distraction. If you have it in your head that your sensitivity isn't right you're going to miss a lot of shots.. brain latency! Also, a lot of people don't take into consideration that your connection to the server plays a gigantic role in how you play. My ping fluctuates by 10-20 ms during a normal week because of the distance/hops I have to travel to get to the server. So most of the time I have to lead my LG shots by 1/2 - 1 full body length, depending on the speed of the enemy. Same thing with rear turret shots, shock rifle pri, etc. Some may mistake that for a sensitivity issue.. missing behind, in front etc.. but for me it's a personal adjustment thing.. which is HARD to master. Anyway hope some of this helps, and if you really want to get used to your sensitivity faster, play a little deathmatch and get slapped around for a couple hours it helps
  18. there's another map i like but I don't know the name of it... its the one on the beach where the double damage is up on top of a mountain in the middle of the map is that tropic?
  19. seems to run better than my car
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