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Posts posted by Primus

  1. My son has the preorder for 360 and I think he said the beta starts Sept. 9th. So I can at least get a peak at how the game play is working. I don't know if there is preorder beta for PC, We'll see, as far as the DS goes. Ya, TA tends to screw things up though.

  2. Just thought I would bring this up now. I know its a bit early but if BO is going to have DS then perhaps GC might create one.

    It seems to me that some of the GC players have been playing MW2 lately so I thought considering the teaser game play trailer

    that's out for BO that a server might do rather well. Just a thought. :shrug03::peace:

  3. Oh yes we do. Back in the good ol days of UT2k4. I miss those matches, good times and fun stuff.


    Nothin like a good coordinated game of UT!!!! How ya been dude. Hope is well with you.

  4. Seriously, If your going to have it at the garage again I would like to know. Going by the video, with VB, Shoes, and other activities, I'M THERE!!! I watched that video b4 I went the first time and I too went because of it. Garage Days would be the perfect name for it and WOULD BE AWESOME!!!

  5. Ok look, all I know is, there better be some pics AND video of something that went on out there. Even if its pics of VooDoo running after his car that Ebil stole from him to get to FF. :biglaugha:


    Pics, Pics, Pics !!!! Oh ya, and video. :D

  6. I know I probably don't have much to say here but I would like to say this. For you guys who say you are regulars on the server and claim to know JC. You should already understand the policies of this community. The 2 admins that are responding to this post are some of the finest the GC has. I've played with both on and off the servers for the last 6 years and I can assure you they are top notch.


    As Mookie said, we are all adults here, I think we can all play as adults. To be honest with you it would appear that some things have been loosened up on GC servers. Such as Tsunamis name for starters. A few years ago you wouldn't have been allowed on the servers with that name. Its all good though, whatever, things change. For chicken, remember this, there is always someone better so don't let your frustrations get the better of you. For the rest of you guys, how much do you guys pitch in to keep the server you so regularly visit, running smooth and helpful to others.

  7. Loaded CSS for the first time in I don't know how long. Major issues on my end. Everything is chopy and sound loops quite often. I would assume it has to do with this update? really bad, and no, I can't get into the GC server either.

  8. In my opinion, UT2k4 was by far the best fps game to play. great game play simple weapon usage and fun vehicles. UT3 was a a huge disappointment and an utter train wreck in my opinion. COD4 MW1 is still, I think, the CSS alternative. MW2 is fun but without dedicated servers it has ruined what could have been a fantastic sequel to the COD games.


    RPG's have fallen short since Journeyman Project, however, I did like Fall Out 3 but all the running around was a a bit boring after a while. Currently playing COD4 MW1 and MW2 but that's about it. Re-installed Half Life 2 but got bored with it so there it sits for now. Would play a little UT2k4 if people would like to get together in the GC server if its still running.

  9. I'm curious about the banner pic at the top. Where are you guys getting all those CRT monitors from. And will I need to purchase one if I go. :shrug03::biglaugha:


    Oh and one other thing, isn't that counter strike thing your talking about a game that came with windows 98. :blink:

  10. It is a fun game. however, I stopped playing. Biggest reason is because of no dedicated servers. I'll tell you guys this, get ready for a multitude of hacks that you can do nothing about. Aimbot that has intensity levels to it, wall hacks run rampant, airdrops in packs, and the best one of all is the aimbot gunner chopper. You'll know it when it comes, you spawn, you die, you spawn, you die, and it goes just like that until the chopper is gone.


    A word to the wise for those of you who end up in a game where the other team are all clan members, get ready to lose badly. Those are one sided matches. When you run an invite to your friends and put them all on one team it stacks that side for game play. That entire team now has match advantage. Unless that team really sucks, your team is gonna lose badly. I like the game, I like the load outs for the weapons and all that, I feel they have ruined what could have been a great game.


    Ive gone back to playing cod4 mw1. By the way, I don't feel that PC should have to pay for new maps, after what they did to this game and no dedicated servers, I think they should be free. Just my opinion ;)

  11. In my opinion, out of all those movies and I have seen most of them, UP is my choice of best picture over all.

    Good characterization good story line good ending. You laugh, you cry, you feel good when its over. "And we thank you for your support"

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