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Posts posted by strangefamous

  1. Awww you forgot me.


    I'm still post operation so I guess I can see why..



    I really did find a picture of a girl online though, that looks exactly like me... It's very scary and somehow arousing. I'll have to post it as well as a comparison of me and her. My girlfriend asked why I was dressed up in drag when i showed it to her.

  2. My table I use my mouse on gets dirty then my mouse gets dirty. Pledge is the best for slickness. But yeah, the batteries don't come out of the mx1000, it just recharges in the cradle when i'm not using it. So far they tend to last about a 6 days. I don't notice any lag.


    I know there are mice with a higher dpi and overclock the usb and probably floss for you but I'm completely happy with the 1000. It fits my hand nicely, I love all the extra buttons and it seems to be pretty accurate.

  3. Someday when you learn how to use hlsw, you can unban yourself :)


    You can't unban yourself via hlsw from the same IP that yer banned by, can you? I think it shuts you out...but I could be wrong. Enter the wrong rcon a few times until you get banned and let us know how it goes.


    Yeah you can, I've banned myself, then john banned me. I was able to unban myself both times.

  4. Well my militia is weird, I can see through walls, doors, rocks, the ground, the sky. My screenshots turned out 100% black. The mailboxes and big rocks in the middle look like rainbows, and my hud and models dissapear. lol to top it all off it runs like bung.


    I've updated my drivers, rolled back my drivers, picked some in between. Happens on no other map.. Just weird anyone else get this?



  5. Thanks Bush, we have another guy from our company out there now, he'll be out there for 3 months but he's from india, I think he'll be leaving as I'm arriving though.


    India scares me. lol

  6. I just found out I'm being sent to Bombay India for a month in March to setup some offices we're opening out there. It's something like a 34 hour trip to get there, so that'll probably not be fun. We're getting a nice chunk of cash in advance plus our wages while were there.


    Has anyone ever been to India? What should I expect or stay away from?

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