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Posts posted by Clueless

  1. I don't think that we should be involved in any of it, the only exception being if the world community comes together to intervene as a whole. it's not our job to police the world, but I'm not against contributing towards a cause that most of the entire world believes in.


    Not to mention the flawed logic in attacking Syria... they kill a few thousand people, so we get involved and provoke a world war with Russia and possibly China, so millions die....I don't get it.

  2. I would just try it and see, unless the pipes are very free flowing, or you are in an extreme altitude, you should be ok. Call the exhaust company tho, they usually have pretty good data collected about that stuff.

  3. Depends on how radical the pipes are, USUALLY you are ok, unless it's a high performance exhaust. They should have tech support that can answer that question for sure before you buy.


    It's not fuel injected is it?

  4. No personal experience, but MAC has been around for quite awhile making exhaust for metric cruisers,I wouldn't really be afraid of trying them if they have a system you like. I'm sure that you can find someone on YouTube with them installed to get a listen before you buy.


    As far as do it yourself goes, if you are even moderately mechanically inclined, you won't have any trouble, just take your time. Oh, and order new exhaust gaskets, pipes rarely come with them and it's a good idea to go with a new set to avoid leaks.

  5. Covering up the death of four people from a public prone to illogical xenophobia and downright racism isn't a big deal, at least not from a distanced perspective. There are many, many far bigger issues in our world to care about,

    If 4 dead Americans are no big deal to you, and if you are cool with things possibly being covered up to protect incompetence....then I don't know what that says about you


    That's just not how the world works.

    Please enlighten us...

  6. Everything we "know" about god is written by humans. Many stories in Christianity are just newer versions of much older stories, written about other gods, by other humans that current religious people deem wrong. Human involvement makes the entire thing imperfect, and quite frankly, corruptible. Mainstream religion has been used for thousands of years, effectively i might add, as behavioral control of large masses of people. The Bible is an interesting book, there is alot of historical knowledge in there, as well as stories that carry a good, sound moral lesson, but in no way the word of any god....in my opinion, which is very much biased towards logic and interest in human behavior...especially ancient humans, who were very superstitious and ignorant to many of the simple sciences of the world that are taught in grade school today. This paranoia and lack of scientific knowledge would have had ancient humans thinking that just about everything was controlled by powerful gods. These ancient times were when all of these wonderful stories were written, and I do appreciate just how wonderful they are, just from a different point of view. I also respect anyones right to believe what they will, most of the moral lessons that religious people live by are good ones, so what's the harm? Whatever helps people find peace in the world. It does however get scary when the ultra religious try to govern by it...we've seen that play out in history all too many times.


    I do believe in something more than we can understand, does that mean that I could believe in an all powerful being? Who knows....there are probably many things alien to us that could seem that way, but in either case, I do know that there is a basic energy that powers life, and we would be foolish to think that nothing at all happens to it, but I feel pretty confident that it will be nothing like anything written in any human religious writings.


    The beauty of it is, we will all find out someday :)

    • Like 3
  7. Big mp only makes big pictures, the quality is just fine from most camera phones for modest sized pics.... most mid to high end smart phones have pretty good sensors in them, the only hold back is the small lens.


    Next excuse? :P

  8. A small group is actually quite fun, I remember the couple of years where we inched towards 100, probably over if you count non-gamer friends that just hung out, it was awesome, no doubt, but not quite as personal as the smaller events. The last one that I attended before they went away I think we had less than 40, it was actually pretty great.


    Y'all will have fun, no worries

  9. I am pretty much 0% at this point...my younger sister is having twins this fall, so i'm going to have to use my vacation/Ohio trip to see the babies this October. I tried to figure a way to break out for a couple of days, it's just not going to happen :(

  10. The thing is though, is that he didn't intiate an investigation through legal channels. He took the shortcut and went from being a good citizen to an opportunist who will now have opportunity to make a ton on the lecture circuit.

    I understand your point, and would agree with it, IF I thought for one second that it would ever have made it that far had he spoke up through the "proper" channels. I truly believe that it would have been squashed, and who knows, maybe he would have been too.


    Sometimes when the system is clearly broken and borderline corrupt, you just need to shake things up. It was probably the safest way for him to do it actually, no one can clip him now.


    As for the lecture circuit thing, although not out of the realm of possibility, is unsubstantiated, and it doesn't take away from the fact that what he did was still for a good reason, and the American people have every right to have this knowledge.

  11. Many of the worlds problems can be attributed to people just following orders, or obeying oaths. I would say that the government first broke it's oath to us by being so intrusive to our privacy and our rights. It takes more courage to break an oath for the good of your country than it does to go along, blindly following orders doing things that you know damn well are wrong.


    I agree with shaft in the sense that he wasn't selling us out to another country, he stuck his neck out for his own people, I personally commend him. His life certainly isn't going to be any easier after doing this, so why is his sacrifice for the good of his people any less significant because he wasn't following orders on the battlefield, blowing people's brains out on foreign soil?


    By the same logic, although quite a far stretch from what we are talking about here, German soldiers in WWII that kept their mouths shut while hundreds of thousands of jews were slaughtered, were honorable and non traitorous by not doing the right thing as human beings. I know it's a big difference, but where is the line drawn? When does it become less honorable to keep an oath than to break it?

    • Like 2
  12. Match making has made the game feel like an "invitation only" type game, our server being dead just leaves you to wait and see if anyone needs a player... and in my case,a player that sucks, lol.


    I'm feeling thankful for good single player games right now.

  13. And that's perfectly fine, you're absolutely entitled to that, but maybe you should just refrain from posting in the interest of keeping things civil if you can't do it without the personal insults.


    ZD could definitely stand to proof read some of his posts for tone before hitting the go button as well....it's just getting bad down here, and moderated or not, we do claim a level of intolerance for disrespect here at GC, maybe it's time that those standards spilled into the cellar as well..

  14. I believe I did say that, but because it's true... it is the cellar for a reason, no one wants to moderate it, it's easier to make it "enter at your own risk", but I don't think that means we shouldn't moderate ourselves, it gets a bit out of line down here.


    I have also said in the past they we should just hit the delete button on the whole thing :)

  15. While I don't agree with ZD in many ways, and feel that he is stuck in his own ways and finds any other way of thinking wrong.... which is not all that uncommon these days with people, no matter what the subject matter, I do feel that the comments in here are getting too personal, I mean hell..Shaft called him a tool and not a word was spoken against it, if that isn't a personal insult, I don't know what is.


    I'm just calling it like I see it, I actually like stutters and shaft very much, so it's nothing personal, but we need to get a handle on the attitudes down here, or lock the door as far as I'm concerned.


    People are passionate about their views, and they defend them with that passion, but it can be done in a way that isn't attacking someone else. And that's what happens here, people attack the person who has the view, not the view itself. When I read ZD's posts... and sometimes shake my head in disbelief, I still get where he's coming from. And while most people seem to read a slight or an insult to anyone who doesn't agree with him, it just seems to me that he has strong beliefs and is extremely frustrated with the way the country is going, and what is this place if not a good, safe place to vent a little?


    People's political views turn into an alpha male dick measuring contest, where everyone feels the need to prove their superior intellect at the cost of someone else.


    Make your points, share your views, discuss.... move on.

  16. So the government just sits and pays big business all day? So THAT'S how they make all their money, Uncle Sam is funneling our cash into the corporations, I thought we bought their products and used their services and that's how they made money....I was misinformed.

  17. Picturing the kid with his finger a 1/2" away from his siblings nose saying "i'm not touching you...i'm not touching you"


    Technically not name calling, but still seems a bit taunting.....from a 3rd party perspective.

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